

单词 to heave, throw the log

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to heave, throw the log
6. An apparatus for ascertaining the rate of a ship's motion, consisting of a thin quadrant of wood, loaded so as to float upright in the water, and fastened to a line wound on a reel. Hence in phrases to heave, throw the log, (to sail or calculate one's way) by the log. Said also of other appliances having the same object.
society > travel > travel by water > vessel, ship, or boat > equipment of vessel > navigational aids > [noun] > device to ascertain ship's speed through water
marine surveyor1726
chip log1846
bottom gear1867
1574 W. Bourne Regim. for Sea (1577) xiv. 42 b They hale in the logge or piece of wood again, and looke how many fadome the shippe hath gone in that time.
1644 H. Mainwaring Sea-mans Dict. at Logg-line One stands by with a Minut~glasse, while another out of the gallery lets fall the logg.
1669 S. Sturmy Mariners Mag. iv. ii. 146 We throw the Log every two Hours.
1686 J. Dunton Lett. from New Eng. (1867) 28 Being about 50 Leagues off the Lizard..we began to sail by the Log.
1719 in T. D'Urfey Wit & Mirth III. 305 Heave the Logg from the Poop.
1769 W. Falconer Universal Dict. Marine at Log It is usual to heave the log once every hour in ships of war.
1805 E. Berry in Ld. Nelson Disp. & Lett. (1846) VII. 118 (note) During the chace we ran per log seventy miles.
1834 F. Marryat Peter Simple I. xii. 156 It's now within five minutes of two bells, so we'll heave the log and mark the board.
1863 S. Baring-Gould Iceland 178 Calculating their way by the log.
1876 Catal. Special Loan Coll. Sci. Apparatus S. Kensington Mus. 54 Patent Log, for measuring speed at sea; used in H.M. Navy.
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