

单词 bristly ox-tongue

> as lemmas

bristly ox-tongue
b. Any of several plants of the genus Picris (family Asteraceae ( Compositae)), allied to the hawkweeds, which are covered with hooked bristles and have yellow flowers; esp. (more fully bristly ox-tongue) P. echioides, which is native to the Mediterranean and widely naturalized elsewhere.
the world > plants > particular plants > plants and herbs > according to family > Compositae (composite plants) > [noun] > other composite plants
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?a1425 (?1373) Lelamour Herbal (1938) f. 40 (MED) Lingua Bouis. Longedebeffe oþer oxetonge..ys hote and moiste.
?a1450 Agnus Castus (Stockh.) (1950) 169 Lingua bouis is an herbe þat men clepe langedebef or oxtungge..haȝt scharp lewys..a ȝelwȝ flour..and it haȝt a long stalke.
1597 J. Gerard Herball ii. 235 Sharpe Haukeweede hath leaues like to those of Languedebeefe or Oxetoong.
1728 R. Bradley Dict. Botanicum Ox-Tongue, or Langdebuefe, see Hieracium.
1760 J. Lee Introd. Bot. App. 321 Ox-tongue, Picris.
1796 W. Withering Arrangem. Brit. Plants (ed. 3) III. 673 Picris echioides... Common Ox-tongue. Lang de boeuf. Borders of cornfields.
1858 Penny Cycl. 2nd Suppl. 301/1 There is but one species [of the genus] inhabiting Great Britain, H[elminthia] echioides, the Ox-Tongue... The branches, stem, leaves, and involucre are covered with strong prickles springing from white tubercles, and with 3 minute hooks at the apex.
1885 Pall Mall Gaz. 28 Oct. 4/2 In the long, dry grass at the foot of the hedge stands out the yellow ‘bristly oxtongue’—stem and leaves all frosted with white glands.
1920 J. Vaughan Music of Wild Flowers x. 89 A relative of the sea-cabbage, known as black-mustard,..is the characteristic plant on the sloping cliffs of Durlston Bay, where, with teazle and burdock, with ox-tongue and hound's-tongue..it makes a fine show.
1991 Times 19 Aug. 15/1 Bristly ox-tongue..is like a gnarled, grey-leaved dandelion.
extracted from ox-tonguen.
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