

单词 to go one's round

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to go (also walk, march, etc.) one's round (also rounds)
24. In singular or plural. Frequently with possessive adjective, as to go (also walk, march, etc.) one's round (also rounds).
a. A route, course, or circuit habitually used or followed by a person in the course of his or her job. Cf. beat n.1 10.In quot. 1607 poetic and figurative with reference to the sun, overlapping with sense 22a.
society > travel > aspects of travel > travel in specific course or direction > [noun] > habitual
1603 T. Powell Welch Bayte to spare Prouender sig. Dv The watchman, whom the businesse of the night had tooke vp, seemed to walke his round in some vnfrequented place, so full of sollitude was that night.
1607 J. Davies Summa Totalis sig. C4 Ere once the Sunne his Round perambulate.
1688 S. Penton Guardian's Instr. 48 I could willingly have heard him [sc. a Proctor in Oxford] longer but that he was to go his Rounds.
1709 R. Steele Tatler No. 2. ⁋2 The watchful Bellman march'd his Round.
1741 S. Richardson Pamela IV. xiii. 74 In the Account she gave us of her benevolent Round, as Lady Davers calls it.
1815 W. Scott Guy Mannering I. xviii. 288 The regularity with which the keeper makes his rounds with a loaded fowling-piece.
1878 J. Miller Songs Italy 36 If a dead man should be found By these same fishers in their round.
1894 Outing 23 356/1 I proposed to accompany the rubber-gatherer on his rounds.
1978 C. Raine Onion, Memory 79 The rent man on his round.
2009 A. Storozynski Peasant Prince i. 10 He asked the night watchman to tug on it to wake him at 3:00 a.m. during his rounds to stoke the furnaces.
b. spec.
(a) Chiefly British. A journey along a fixed route for the purpose of delivering goods; a regular route followed in this way; a delivery job involving journeys along such a route.milk, newspaper, paper round: see the first element.
1744 Verses Printer's Boy that carries Pennsylvania Jrnl. (single sheet) As I ply'd my weekly Round, By your Benevolence I found, My Purse, before the Close of Day, Grow heavy, and my Fancy gay.
1861 C. Dickens Great Expectations II. xiii. 214 A potman was going his rounds with beer.
1894 Sunday at Home 28 Apr. 414/1 Joseph, the postman, started on his rounds.
1905 Pall Mall Gaz. Dec. 700/1 A rural postman,..while returning from his rounds, tripped upon a root of furze, and falling into a deep ditch was drowned.
a1953 D. Thomas Under Milk Wood (1962) 43 Ocky Milkman on his round.
1976 R. Sabbag Snowblind ii. 25 Every day, rain or shine, he made his rounds.
2009 Derby Evening Tel. (Nexis) 3 Dec. 2 The 52-year-old..also has separate rounds delivering fruit and veg, meat, hay and manure after he has finished his round.
(b) A regular visit by a doctor or nurse in a hospital to each of the patients under his or her care.
the world > health and disease > healing > art or science of medicine > practice of healing art > [noun] > ward round
ward round1938
1883 Hand-bk. for Hospitals viii. 172 Doctor's rounds.—By this time in an orderly ward it is nearly nine o'clock.
1915 J. Lee Aunt Jane x. 52 It had become a happy part of the day's routine, as regular as the doctor's visit—or the night nurse's rounds.
1944 Mod. Hosp. Nov. 84/1 The significance and importance of the ward round lie in the fact that it constitutes at one and the same time a consultation for the benefit of the patient and an educational experience for the benefit of all those participating in it.
1954 A. Huxley Let. 9 May (1969) 706 He [sc. a physician] takes foreign pupils—mostly doctors..—young men who live near by and go the rounds with him and learn by listening, answering questions and doing.
1974 G. B. Mair Confessions of Surgeon v. 58 When added to routine clerking, ward rounds, night rounds, dealing with emergencies,..no day had enough hours.
2008 S. Jauhar Intern 246 After rounds, we went back to the conference room to finalize patient assignments and delegate tasks.
extracted from roundn.1
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