

单词 to get upon

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to get upon ——
to get upon ——
Cf. to get on at Phrasal verbs 1.
1. intransitive. To convey oneself or be conveyed on to (a place or surface); to move oneself so as to be supported by (a part of the body); = to get on —— 1b at Phrasal verbs 2.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) iv. l. 2124 (MED) Bot he..hield him faste, That he ne mihte with no sleighte Out of his hond gete upon heighte.
1581 G. Pettie tr. S. Guazzo Ciuile Conuersat. (1586) i. 12 All beastes so soone as they are delivered from their dam get upon their feete, and are able to stand a high alone.
1685 J. Dunton Hue & Cry after Conscience 78 I got upon my feet, when looking round me, I perceived a neighbouring Grove.
1720 D. Manley Power of Love i. 123 With much Difficulty he got upon his Knees.
1854 ‘C. Bede’ Further Adventures Mr. Verdant Green (ed. 2) v. 42 Gentlemen who get upon their legs to return thanks for having been ‘tea-potted’.
1887 W. Besant World Went xv. 122 A young man got upon a ladder..and sat upon the topmost rung.
1933 W. N. Kellogg & L. A. Kellogg Ape & Child vii. 148 He then gets upon his stomach and while in this position he slides himself backward by pushing with his hands.
a1976 C. Reznikoff Testimony (1979) II. 122 At this, those who had come to hear the trial Stood up, too; And some got upon the benches and others crowded forward.
2. intransitive. To mount (a horse, etc.); = to get on —— 1a at Phrasal verbs 2.
society > travel > transport > riding on horse (or other animal) > ride (a horse or other animal) [verb (transitive)] > mount (a horse or other animal)
to win upona1400
to get upon ——1561
to get on ——1572
1561 G. Gilby tr. J. Calvin Admon. against Astrol. Iudiciall sig. B.viiv Certayne phantasticall felowes..which durst not get vpon their mules without thei had afore asked leaue of the stars.
1652 Earl of Monmouth tr. G. Bentivoglio Hist. Relations Flanders 152 When the Coach-horses were tired; he and his wife got upon the pacing geldings.
1710 J. Addison Tatler No. 224. ⁋2 Thus the fable tells us, that the wren mounted as high as the eagle, by getting upon his back.
1826 W. Cobbett Rural Rides in Cobbett's Weekly Polit. Reg. 4 Nov. 361 Getting upon a good strong horse, and riding about the country has no merit in it.
2007 Western Morning News (Plymouth) (Nexis) 3 Apr. 7 Each and every citizen will be obliged to get upon their donkey..and wend their way to a site in Plymouth.
a. intransitive. To enter upon (a subject); = to get on —— 1c at Phrasal verbs 2.
the mind > language > speech > speak, say, or utter [verb (transitive)] > mention or speak of > begin or proceed to talk of
to get upon ——1704
to get on ——1705
1704 T. Baker Act at Oxf. iv. ii. 39 You are got upon a whimsical Subject.
1759 Campaign I. i. i. 2 Our good citizens having now got upon a topic that most of them were totally unacquainted with, there was not a moment's silence.
1852 H. Rogers Eclipse of Faith 38 If you find us getting upon these topics, join us.
1887 F. J. Whishaw tr. F. Dostoevsky Idiot iv. vii. 418 Yesterday, Aglaya Ivanovna forbade me to talk, and even specified the particular subjects I must not touch upon—she knows well enough that I am odd when I get upon these matters.
1919 S. Anderson Winesburg, Ohio 1 The brother had died of starvation, and whenever the carpenter got upon that subject he cried.
1938 J. Cary Castle Corner (1963) vi. 234 Cobden, languidly strolling forward with his crutched stick held before him like a processional cross, had now got upon his favourite subject, the philistinism of the English.
1973 Eng. Hist. Rev. 88 862 Despite the shyness and inhibition he felt when the conversation got upon political topics..he heard and remembered much.
b. transitive to bring (a person) to talk about a subject. Obsolete.
1805 J. Bentham Let. 16 July in Corr. (1998) VII. 307 Before this, I had got him upon the subject of his Son Molyneux.
1835 F. W. Thomas Clinton Bradshaw II. xi. 222 Nothing pleased Clinton more than to get him upon that topic, for he would show off all his own eccentricities in describing those of others.
1891 M. M. Dowie Girl in Karpathians ix. 111 We fell a-talking about one thing and another. Very soon I got him upon legends and tales of the district.
1922 C. K. Scott-Moncrieff tr. M. Proust Swann's Way I. 31 When you get him upon Maubant or Mme. Materna he will talk for hours on end.
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