

单词 to go forth

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to go forth
to go forth
Now chiefly rhetorical.
1. intransitive. To move forward, onward, or away from somewhere; to set out to do something. In early use also: †(of time or a period of time) to pass, elapse (obsolete). Also in figurative contexts. Cf. forthgo v.
society > travel > aspects of travel > departure, leaving, or going away > depart, leave, or go away [verb (intransitive)] > set out
to go forthOE
to fare forthc1200
to pass forthc1325
to take (the) gatec1330
to take the wayc1330
to take one's waya1375
to set forth1530
to set forward(s)1530
to make out1558
to take forth1568
to set out1583
to go off1600
to put forth1604
to start outa1626
to take the road1720
to take one's foot in one's hand1755
to set off1774
to get off1778
to set away1817
to take out1855
to haul out1866
to hit the trail (less commonly the grit, pike, road, etc.)1873
to hit, split or take the breeze1910
OE Beowulf (2008) 612 Eode Wealhþeo forð, cwen Hroðgares cynna gemyndig, grette goldhroden guman on healle.
OE Ælfric Old Test. Summary: Kings (Julius) in W. W. Skeat Ælfric's Lives of Saints (1881) I. 386 Eode þa forð feorðe healf gear butan renscurum and reocendum deawe.
OE Old Eng. Hexateuch: Exod. (Claud.) xxxii. 27 Nimaþ eowre wæpn & gað forð mid me & wrecað Godes yrre on þam mannum þe hine forlæten habbað.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 15594 Fowwerrtiȝ winnterr ȝedenn forþ. & ȝet tær tekenn sexe.
a1375 (c1350) William of Palerne (1867) l. 1765 William & þe mayde..gon forþ þurȝth þe gardin a wel god spede.
a1425 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Galba) l. 28725 Go now furth and sin nomare.
1548 H. Latimer Notable Serm. sig. A.iiv The plowghman wente furth to sowe his seede.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Tempest (1623) i. ii. 451 O, if a Virgin, And your affection not gone forth, Ile make you The Queene of Naples. View more context for this quotation
1646 T. Edwards 3rd Pt. Gangræna 124 He was to go forth of London the next morning.
1747 J. Edwards Humble Attempt to promote Explicit Agreement 113 The Church goes forth to fight with Antichrist, not in Sackcloth and Blood, but cloathed in white Raiment.
1774 O. Goldsmith Hist. Earth III. 84 The Falcon Gentle, with which, when properly trained, they go forth on horseback.
1843 J. Martineau Endeavours Christian Life I. xxii. 337 Every act of wise benevolence goes forth, and alleviates a suffering.
1886 A. Sergeant No Saint II. xvii. 336 He wanted to go forth like the Apostles.
1900 Amer. Bee Jrnl. 23 Aug. 530/2 There may be many queen-cells in the old hive when a colony goes forth.
1978 L. Eims Lost Art Disciple Making 182 Christ called the apostles to go forth as leaders.
2013 Washington Post (Nexis) 17 Mar. (Mag.) a15 This was the age of the Romantics and the landscape tour, where wealthy Americans went forth to gaze upon the natural world.
2. intransitive. To continue, proceed. Obsolete.
the world > action or operation > continuing > continue doing or keep going in a course of action [verb (intransitive)] > continue (of an action or operation)
to go fortha1382
to go or run on wheelsc1547
to wear on1886
a1382 Prefatory Epist. St. Jerome in Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Bodl. 959) (1959) vii. 17 In prose he bygynniþ, in verse he goþ forþ [L. labitur]..in meke word he is I-endid.
a1535 T. More Hist. Richard III in Wks. (1557) 52/2 That wher he had repented the way that he had entred, yet wold he go forth in the same.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Job xxix. 1 So Iob proceaded and wente forth in his communicacion.
1566 T. Becon New Postil i. f. 215v Their offices is nothyng els, then..to retaine holde, and bynd their synnes, that are impenitent, and stubborne, and go forth to sinne without repentaunce.
3. intransitive. Of a decree, order, etc.: to be issued.
society > law > legislation > make (a) law(s [verb (intransitive)] > be issued (of decree)
to go forthc1523
c1523 J. Rastell Expos. Terminorum Legum Anglorum sig. E.3v/2 A wryt of scire facias shall go forth agaynst hym and yt is callyd a garnyshment.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Hab. i. A For the lawe is torne in peces, and there can no right iudgment go forth.
1611 Bible (King James) Isa. ii. 3 For out of Zion shall goe forth the lawe. View more context for this quotation
1651 J. March Amicus Reipublicæ 57 You may see the necessity of this Court, it is Officina Justitiæ, out of which all Original Writs & all Commissions, which pass under the great Seal go forth.
1779 Crit. Rev. July 57 A general cry went forth, that an opportunity was lost.
1794 R. Snowden Amer. Revol. II. i. 2 The decree went forth from White-hall..and it was sealed with the king's signet.
1853 Harper's New Monthly Mag. Apr. 608/1 A command went forth to plant the new Jerusalem.
1888 B. W. Richardson Son of Star II. iii. 30 The order goes forth that all the encampment is to pass before Caesar.
1901 F. Presbrey & J. H. Moffatt Athletics at Princeton 598 Then from out that Princeton gang goes forth a mighty cheer.
1924 E. Smith in B. C. Williams O. Henry Prize Stories of 1924 (1925) 176 Then the ultimatum went forth: he could submit or take the consequences—political oblivion.
2010 T. J. Stiles First Tycoon xiii. 356 New orders went forth from the War Department.
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