

单词 to get an opinion of counsel

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to get an opinion of counsel
4. A formal statement by a judge or other competent authority of what he or she judges or advises on a matter; professional advice; as a legal (also medical) opinion, to get an opinion of counsel, etc. In a second (also another) opinion: the opinion of a second (esp. medical) expert or adviser. Also in transferred and extended uses.
the mind > mental capacity > belief > expressed belief, opinion > [noun] > a view, notion, opinion > on a particular point
the world > health and disease > healing > diagnosis or prognosis > [noun] > second opinion
a second (also another) opinion1885
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) ii. 3214 (MED) Therto thei [sc. doctors] acorden alle As for final conclusioun, And tolden here opinioun To themperour.
c1485 ( G. Hay Bk. Gouernaunce of Princis (1993) xxxv. 113 Quhen thou askis at thy counsailouris thair opyniouns.
1488 (c1478) Hary Actis & Deidis Schir William Wallace (Adv.) (1968–9) iii. l. 332 ‘I gif consell, or this gud knycht be slayne, Tak pes a quhill, suppos it do ws payne.’ So said Adam the ayr of Rycardtoune, And Kneland als grantyt to thar opynyoun.
c1515 Ld. Berners tr. Bk. Duke Huon of Burdeux (1882–7) lxxxii. 254 I desyre you all..to shew me your opynyons.
1563 N. Winȝet Certain Tractates (1888) I. 66 To ansuer till ws in writt ȝour opinioun and auctoritie thairfor concerning the articlis subsequent.
1598 Let. to Stowe (Ashm.) Your oppinioun in wrytinge or otherwise is expected.
1627 Rep. Parishes Scotl. (1835) 43 Oure judgement and oppinioun concerneing the articles proponit wnto ws.
1696 E. Phillips New World of Words (new ed.) Opinion, the Thought of him who gives his Advice upon any thing that is debated or consulted upon.
1742 H. Fielding Joseph Andrews I. i. xiii. 87 He would be obliged to him, if he would let him know his opinion of his Patient's Case above stairs. View more context for this quotation
1779 T. Jefferson Let. 27 Mar. in Papers (1950) II. 239 Perhaps the magnitude of this question..may render it worth while to await the opinion of the national council.
1817 J. Mill Hist. Brit. India II. v. v. 496 The Supreme Council..came to an opinion..that [etc.].
1861 H. S. Maine Anc. Law ii. 33 Collections of opinions interpretative of the Twelve Tables.
1885 C. M. Yonge Nuttie's Father II. xvii. 201 Dr. Brownlow..said it was a surgical case, and he should like to have another opinion.
1888 Chambers's Encycl. at Barrister Barristers in England advise on the law by giving an opinion on a case stated.
1899 Westm. Gaz. 9 Nov. 1/2 The three clergymen..who have refused obedience to the Archbishops' ‘Opinion’ on the legality of incense and processional lights.
1924 J. Buchan Three Hostages xvi. 237 There's no cause to worry about Peter John... But if you want another opinion, why not get it?
1954 M. Sharp Gipsy in Parlour xxiv. 228 So my father and Miss Jones agreed... I didn't think my father would be quite so pleased to know of this second opinion, so to speak.
1970 P. Lovesey Wobble to Death v. 52 Perhaps—another opinion. Your colleague..may see the possibility of a faster recovery.
1976 A. Clare Psychiatry in Dissent viii. 329 Two medical opinions..are required and the order is valid for twenty-eight days.
2000 Internat. Jrnl. Advertising 19 68 The editor may call for a ‘second opinion’ before accepting or rejecting [an article].
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