

单词 to lose the thread

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to lose the thread
8. That which connects the successive points in anything, esp. a narrative, train of thought, or the like; the sequence of events or ideas continuing through the whole course of anything; train. Esp. in to pick (also take) up the thread(s) (of), to continue (with) after an interruption or separation; spec. to resume an interrupted friendship; to lose the thread, to cease to follow the sense of what is being said.
the world > relative properties > order > order, sequence, or succession > continuity or uninterruptedness > [noun] > continuous succession > a continuous series or course
the world > action or operation > continuing > continue doing or keep going in a course of action [verb (intransitive)] > after an interruption or separation
to pick (also take) up the thread(s) (of)1881
the mind > emotion > love > friendliness > make friends with [verb (transitive)] > resume a friendship
to pick (also take) up the thread(s) (of)1907
the mind > mental capacity > intelligibility > misinterpretation > misunderstand [phrase]
to take amissa1425
to walk wide in words1529
to have (also take, catch) the wrong pig by the ear (also tail)1536
to be out of the story1649
to be at cross-purposes1688
I beg your pardon1806
to lose track of1894
to get (someone) wrong1927
to speak past ——1952
to lose the thread1956
1642 J. Howell Instr. Forreine Travell iii. 40 If one read skippingly and by snatches, and not take the threed of the story along, it must needs puzzle and distract the memory.
1687 J. Dryden Hind & Panther iii. 89 The Matron..then, Resum'd the thrid of her discourse agen.
1738 J. Swift Compl. Coll. Genteel Conversat. p. lxiv After a Pause, the grave Companion resumes his Thread;..Well, but to go on with my Story.
1782 F. Burney Diary Dec. (1842) II. 215 We laughed so violently..that he could not recover the thread of his harangue.
1844 C. Thirlwall Hist. Greece VIII. lxii. 201 We resume the thread of Grecian history.
1881 R. L. Stevenson Virginibus Puerisque 137 We shall..take up again the thread of our enjoyment in the same spirit as we let it fall.
1907 G. B. Shaw John Bull's Other Island iv. 95 Eighteen years is a devilish long time, Nora. Now if it had been eighteen minutes, or even eighteen months, we should be able to pick up the interrupted thread, and chatter like two magpies.
1924 A. Christie Poirot Investigates v. 125 Philip Ridgeway narrated the circumstances leading to the disappearance of the bonds... When he had finished, Poirot took up the thread with a question.
1929 H. J. Laski in Holmes-Laski Lett. (1953) II. 1169 I don't, I suppose, see him more than once in two years; but I always find that we can take up the threads and plunge in medias res without any difficulty.
1944 E. S. Gardner D.A. calls Turn (1947) xi. 101 If it were true, he'd make some sort of a financial adjustment, but could hardly be expected to pick up the thread of a life where it had been broken ten years ago.
1956 A. Wilson Anglo-Saxon Attitudes ii. i. 215 He stopped and, for a moment, he appeared to have lost the thread of his remarks.
1980 D. Lodge How Far can you Go? vi. 226 Dennis and Angela picked up the threads of their lives together,..a little chastened, but both hugely relieved.
1981 A. Schlee Rhine Journey xi. 143 He chose..to appear to have lost the thread of the discussion and looked from one to another with a kind of cautious bewilderment.
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