

单词 to grin with the teeth

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to grin with the teeth
a. generally, or as an indication of pain or †anger; † also to grin with the teeth. Const. at, †on, †upon. Said also of the jaws or teeth.
the world > health and disease > ill health > pain > be painful [verb (intransitive)] > express pain
the mind > emotion > anger > manifestation of anger > show anger [verb (intransitive)] > look angry > draw back lips in anger
to grin the teethc1430
OE Cynewulf Juliana 596 Þa se dema wearð hreoh ond hygegrim, ongan his hrægl teran, swylce he grennade ond gristbitade, wedde on gewitte swa wilde deor.
a1050 Liber Scintill. (1889) lv. 172 Nelle þu grenniendum [L. dissolutis] welerum hleahter forðbringan.
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 158 Ha schulen ham seolf grennen & niuelen..inþe pine of helle.
c1290 S. Eng. Leg. I. 84/36 He grennede and femde touward hire.
?a1366 Romaunt Rose 156 Y-frounced foule was hir visage, And grenning for dispitous rage.
a1400 Coer de L. 3406 Lay every hed on a plater..Upward hys vys, the teeth grennand.
1413 Pilgr. Sowle (1859) ii. li. 53 This cruel Sathanas, that so fowle grenneth vppon me.
c1475 (?c1400) Apol. Lollard Doctr. (1842) 58 Þe hound of wrechfulnes grenniþ wiþ his teþ.
a1500 (?c1450) Merlin xxxiii. 667 The catte..grenned with his teth, and coveited the throte of the kynge.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 574/2 I grenne, I make an yvell countenaunce, je grongne.
1539 Bible (Great) Psalms lix. 6 They grenne lyke a dogg.
1551 J. Bale Actes Eng. Votaryes: 2nd Pt. f. lxxxiijv Grennyng vpon her lyke termagauntes in a playe.
1596 E. Spenser Second Pt. Faerie Queene vi. xii. sig. Kk2v And some of Tygres, that did seeme to gren, And snar at all, that euer passed by. View more context for this quotation
β. 1340 R. Rolle Pricke of Conscience 7411 Ilk ane salle other hate dedly, And ilk ane gryn on other and cry.a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Gött.) l. 11878 He liftid up his lathli chin, And felunli gan on þaim grin.c1400 Rowland & O. 1322 Whi grynnes thou nowe so one mee As thofe thou wolde mee byte?c1450 Mirour Saluacioun 2630 Yt the Jewes..shuld..grynne on hym like beestes.1593 W. Shakespeare Venus & Adonis sig. Dv As the wolfe doth grin before he barketh. View more context for this quotation1596 E. Spenser Second Pt. Faerie Queene v. iv. sig. P5v Which when as Radigund there comming heard, Her heart for rage did grate, and teeth did grin . View more context for this quotation1602 2nd Pt. Returne fr. Parnassus v. iv. 2231 Nought can great Furor do, but barke and howle, And snarle and grin.1629 J. Gaule Distractions 210 Grinnes like a Dogge.1697 J. Dryden tr. Virgil Æneis vii, in tr. Virgil Wks. 427 The Teeth, and gaping Jaws severely grin.1713 J. Addison Cato iv. i. 52 I saw the hoary Traytor Grin in the Pangs of Death, and bite the Ground.1767 W. Harte Amaranth 97 A skeleton..Whose loose teeth in their naked sockets shook, And grinn'd terrific.1803 H. K. White Gondoline in Clifton Grove 60 The mouth it ghastly grinn'd.1810 W. Scott Lady of Lake i. 33 Here grins the wolf as when he died.1834 E. Bulwer-Lytton Pilgrims of Rhine xii. 148 The Fox grinned with pain, and said nothing.figurative and in extended use.1447 O. Bokenham Lyvys Seyntys (Horstm.) 23 My penne also gynnyth make obstacle..For I so ofte haue maad to grenne Hys snowte vp-on my thombys ende.a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1994) I. vii. 70 Then shall hell gape and gryn.1663 J. Berkenhead Assembly-man 16 His Sermon and Prayer grin at each other, the one is Presbyterian, the other Independent.1698 J. Fryer New Acct. E.-India & Persia 37 From this Point..a Dozen Guns more that grin upon Maderas.
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