

单词 to goderheal

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to goderheal
More fully to goderheal. With good fortune, fortunately, profitably.
a1225 MS Lamb. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1868) 1st Ser. 65 (MED) Gif we þos bode þus bileggeð, ful goderhele we hit seggeð.
c1225 (?c1200) Hali Meiðhad (Bodl.) (1940) 410 Ant tah þu wone hefdest,..to goder heale him þe [a1250 Titus to goderheale þin He] hit þoleð, to fondi þe hweðer þu beo treowe.
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) 7570 He adde an doȝter..þe gode quene mold..Þat goderhele [a1400 Trin. Cambr. þat to goderhele, c1400 BL Add. þat gouderhele to, ?a1425 Digby þat to goderhele to, a1450 London Univ. for to good hele to] al engelond was heo euere ybore.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 23527 ‘Ful godderhail’, coth þou, ‘mai fall, If þai als i wald, sua wald all’.
extracted from goder-healadv.n.int.
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