

单词 to funk out

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to funk out
to funk out
1. transitive. To cause (a person) to leave a place, or to pass out, by filling a room with smoke or otherwise exposing him or her to a lot of smoke; to smoke out. Obsolete.
the world > physical sensation > physical sensibility > physical insensibility > dullness of sense perception > dull (the senses) [verb (transitive)] > stupefy > with smoke
to funk out1830
the world > movement > motion in a certain direction > going or coming out > letting or sending out > let or send out [verb (transitive)] > expel > by fire or smoke
to funk out1830
1830 Morning Jrnl. 27 Mar. Those idle boys attempted to ‘funk’ out the auditors with pipes and tobacco.
1864 Peter Parley's Ann. 73 Poor old Suke..was nearly suffocated, and in a senseless condition... ‘What have you been doing?’..‘Only funking out an old witch,’ said Fitz.
1914 R. A. Freeman Silent Witness xxii. 327 At the close of every successful case he proceeds..to funk us out of these chambers with the smoke of a Trinchinopoly cheroot.
a. transitive. To play in a funk style, to make (music) funky.
1978 ‘Moods’ (title of song) Funk it out!
1979 New Pittsburgh Courier 24 Mar. 19/1 Three upbeat tunes [on Breakwater's album]..are all outstandingly done with ‘Funk It Out’ worthy of single release.
1999 N.Y. Times 15 Aug. (City section) 6/3 We knew we had to be here tonight... These guys funk it out.
2006 Wired June 76/2 Sometimes you want the drums to sound really syncopated and boxy and computerized. And then you put some soul on top, funk it out that way.
b. intransitive. To dance to or play funk music enthusiastically and in an improvised, uninhibited manner; (hence also) to enjoy oneself wholeheartedly. Cf. to rock out at rock v.1 10c.
society > leisure > dancing > style or manner of dancing > [verb (intransitive)]
to cut a caper or capersa1616
to dance Barnaby1664
to dance low1667
to fike and flinga1689
to funk out1979
to strut one's funky stuff1979
1979 Tharunka (Kensington, New S. Wales) 24 Sept. 16/2 If you think Nick Lowe, Dave Edmund and the gang are excellent, you'll obviously have fun ‘funking out’ (!) to the Shy Imposters.
1983 Ukiah (Calif.) Daily Jrnl. 7 Jan. 7/1 The Tickets perform Sunday night.., with the original Chambers Brothers funking out on January 14.
1992 Crisis Jan. 5/3 She gives us a whole album of good dance music...Boomania delivers..the beat you need to funk out.
1999 St. Petersburg (Florida) Times (Nexis) 6 Aug. 19 Funk out with the immensely laid back and groovy King of the Bad Road by Le Pimp.
2012 Louisiana Weekly 12 Nov. 23 With that band and others, the Louisiana native [sc. Stanton Moore] rocks and funks out.
3. transitive. To make (something) more interesting, exciting, or vibrant; to enliven. Cf. to funk up 1 at Phrasal verbs.
the world > action or operation > manner of action > vigour or energy > carry on vigorously [verb (transitive)] > make lively
to fig up1810
to funk up1972
to funk out1995
the mind > emotion > pleasure > cheerfulness > make cheerful [verb (transitive)] > make cheerful and lively
to liven up1873
to hot up1929
to funk up1972
to funk out1995
1995 T. Hartman Fabulous You! iii. 30/1 Trendy often borrows from Ms. Traditional's wardrobe choices and does wild things to her accessories or funks them out.
2006 L. A. Banks in S. Kenyon et al. Love at First Bite 155 This is a custom-kitted Harley that the man designed and funked out himself.
2012 Gannett News Service (Nexis) 4 Apr. McCargo downplays the difficulty of putting together a fabulous Easter brunch to please the family...‘I know they love grits, so I funk out some grits.’
extracted from funkv.1
to funk out
to funk out
intransitive. To back out of something, owing to a lack of courage or spirit; to try to avoid or evade an undertaking, duty, etc.
the mind > emotion > fear > cowardice or pusillanimity > be cowardly or show signs of cowardice [verb (intransitive)] > shirk or skulk
to funk out1859
to chicken out1931
1859 J. R. Bartlett Dict. Americanisms (ed. 2) 164 To funk out, to ‘back out’ in a cowardly manner.
1871 Ballou's Monthly Mag. Dec. 586/1 If you do show a white feather..[and] funk out, I'll never have anything more to do with you, never!
1915 Independent 7 June 385/2 ‘How did it seem [sc. in the trenches]?’..‘I thought I'd funk out at first.’
1947 Field Artillery Jrnl. Jan.–Feb. 68/1 The conventional PT commander..is here and so is the coward who tries to hide his fear beneath a show of bravado but in the end funks out.
1968 R. Sherrill & H. W. Ernst Drugstore Liberal vi. 128 How does one retreat from civil liberties without appearing to be funking out?
1989 Washington Post 18 June (Book World section) 15/1 After the talk one student asked..if..[I]..would show him a few steps from Ballet Borealis days. I'm sorry to say I funked out, citing age and incapacity (in fact, afraid of looking foolish).
2003 T. Couzens Murder at Morija iii. xxix. 418 Henri, who was terrified of public speaking, had to give the oration and nearly funked out, but was forced to go by Madeleine.
extracted from funkv.3
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