

单词 to forget oneself

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to forget oneself
5. to forget oneself.
a. To omit care for oneself.
the world > action or operation > manner of action > carelessness > omit to care for oneself [verb (reflexive)]
to forget oneselfa1200
to let go1960
a1200 Moral Ode 25 Þe þe him selfe forȝeit for wiue oðer for childe He sal cumen on euel stede.
a1225 Leg. Kath. 1377 Feire is us ifallen: ah ȝet we forȝeoteð us.
b. To lose remembrance of one's own station, position, or character; to lose sight of the requirements of dignity, propriety, or decorum; to behave unbecomingly.
the mind > attention and judgement > contempt > disrepute > damage to reputation > degrading or debasement > become degraded or debased [verb (intransitive)] > stoop to something unworthy
to forget oneself1597
1597 W. Shakespeare Richard II iii. ii. 79 Aum. Comfort my liege remember who you are. King. I had forgot my selfe, am I not King? View more context for this quotation
a1627 T. Middleton & W. Rowley Changeling (1653) iii. sig. F Push, you forget youreself, a woman dipt in blood, and talk of modesty.
1698 J. Collier Short View Immorality Eng. Stage i. 4 Jacinta, Elvira, Dalinda..forget themselves extreamly: And almost all the Characters..are foul and nauseous.
1794 Ld. Nelson Let. 29 July in Dispatches & Lett. (1844) I. 462 These Agents forget themselves very much.
1856 C. Reade It is never too Late I. xi. 189 How is he to answer my question if he holds his tongue? you forget yourself.
1891 19th Cent. Dec. 856 When any speaker so far forgot himself as [etc.].
c. To lose one's way.
society > travel > aspects of travel > travel in specific course or direction > direct one's course [verb (reflexive)] > be or get lost
to forget oneself1582
1582 N. Lichefield tr. F. L. de Castanheda 1st Bk. Hist. Discouerie E. Indias xl. 93 b The Captaine Generall..founde..missing one of his greate Shippes, in the which went Sancho..vnto whome it did well appeare, by reason it was night, that he had forgotten himselfe.
d. To lose consciousness.
the world > physical sensation > physical sensibility > physical insensibility > unconsciousness > lose consciousness [verb (intransitive)]
to forget oneself1390
1390 J. Gower Confessio Amantis II. 21 I myself foryete, That I wot never, what I am, Ne whider I shall, ne whenne I cam.
c1430 Syr. Gener. (Roxb.) 7561 Hir self she forgute, With~out spech stil she sute.
1717 A. Pope Eloisa to Abelard in Wks. 418 Tho' cold like you, unmov'd, and silent grown, I have not yet forgot myself to stone.
1897 N.E.D. at Forget Mod. I was nearly asleep, I had just forgotten myself.
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