

单词 to have assets

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to have assets
a. Sufficient estate or effects; esp. the amount of property necessary for executor of a deceased person to pay off debts and legacies. Frequently in to have assets. Obsolete.
society > law > transfer of property > testamentary disposition > [noun] > a bequest or legacy > estates or effects enough to fulfil legacies or debt
a1325 Statutes of Realm (2011) i. 5 We..ne sullen none mannes lond, ne rente, saisi for ani dette, þe ȝwile þat te detturs catels ȝwollen soffisen þe dette for te ȝelde, an te dettur be redi for te don þerof his asez.
c1523 J. Rastell Expos. Terminorum Legum Anglorum at Exectour Yf the executorys haue assetz euery one to whome ye testatour was in det shall haue an accion agaynst the executour.
1580 tr. C. St. German Dyaloge Doctoure & Student (rev. ed.) ii. xlv. f. cxixv If this man haue assets [earlier edd. asses] by discent from the auncestor.
a1612 J. Harington Epigrams (1618) i. No. 84 Your seruant Payne, for Legacies hath sued Seuen yeeres. I askt him how his matter passes. He tels how his Testator left not assets.
1670 T. Blount Νομο-λεξικον: Law-dict. at Assets Whoever charges another with Assets, charges him with having enough descended, or come to his hands to discharge that which is in demand.
1689 N. Bacon Hist. & Polit. Disc. Laws & Govt. Eng. lxvii. 165 The Executor had then nothing but bare Assets, and the overplus was assigned between the Wife and Children.
1729 G. Jacob New Law-dict. at Executor If an Executor sued by several Creditors..hath no Assets præter to pay one or two, he will make himself liable to all the debts.
1768 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. II. 244 This deed, obligation, or covenant, shall be binding upon the heir, so far forth only as he had any estate of inheritance vested in him by descent from that ancestor, sufficient to answer the charge..which sufficient estate is in law called assets.
1875 K. E. Digby Introd. Hist. Law Real Prop. v. 178 The heir of the tenant in tail was not bound by his ancestor's alienation..unless he had assets (lands in fee simple equivalent to those which had been granted away) by descent from his ancestor.
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