

单词 to have and to hold

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to have and to hold
a. to have and to hold: to have and retain; to receive and retain; to continue in possession of. In later use esp. in Christian wedding vows (after quot. 1549). Also (Law) used in a deed of conveyance to define the extent and conditions of ownership (cf. habendum n., tenendum n.) (now chiefly historical). Chiefly in infinitive. [In Old English a specific use of an alliterative formula used more widely. With use in context of legal ownership, compare post-classical Latin habere et tenere (from 11th cent. in British sources); also Anglo-Norman aver et tenir (14th cent.) and Middle Dutch houden ende hebben to hold and have, Middle Low German hōlden hebben unde brūken to hold, have and use, early modern German haben, halten und besitzen to have, hold, and possess (14th cent.). For a similar formula (apparently attested earlier) compare post-classical Latin habere et frui to hold and take advantage of (c800 in a British source as habendum et fruendum , neuter gerundive: see habendum n.).]
the mind > possession > retaining > have and retain [phrase]
to have and to holdOE
OE Beowulf (2008) 658 Hafa nu ond geheald husa selest.]
OE tr. Bede Eccl. Hist. (Corpus Oxf.) v. xvii. 450 Wæs he on iuguþe mon willsumlicre yldo & fægernesse, & ealre his þeode leof heora rice to habbanne & to healdenne [L. ad tenenda seruandaque regni sceptra].
c1225 (?c1200) St. Margaret (Bodl.) (1934) 6 Ȝef heo his freo wummon, ich hire wule habben & halden to wiue; & ȝef heo þeowe is, ich cheose hire to cheuese.
1309 ( Royal Charter: William I to St. Martin-le-Grand, London in D. Bates Regesta Regum Anglo-Normannorum (1998) 599 Eall þar þar [read þas] þing habbe & healde [L. habeant et teneant] Sanctes Martines mynster & [þa] canonichas a on ecnesse.
c1390 (a1376) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Vernon) (1867) A. ii. l. 70 Þe Yle of vsure..To habben and to holden.
c1440 (?a1400) Sir Perceval (1930) l. 24 He gaffe hym his syster Acheflour, To haue and to holde.
1534 Act 25 Hen. VIII in R. Bolton Statutes Ireland (1621) 77 To have and to hold the same mance, glebe lands, altereges,..and all other the premisses.
1549 Bk. Common Prayer (STC 16267) Matrimonie f. xiiii* I N. take thee .N. to my wedded wife, to haue & to holde from this day forwarde.
1607 T. Middleton Phoenix sig. D4 Now I come to the Habendum, to haue and to holde, vse and [etc.].
1678 S. Butler Ladies Answer to Knight in Hudibras: Third Pt. 269 I fear they'l prove so nice and Coy To have and t'Hold, and to Injoy.
1710 C. Shadwell Fair Quaker of Deal v.54 I a false Brother Ananias, take thee a true Sister Dorcas, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish.
1766 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. II. ix. 145 An estate at will is where lands and tenements are let by one man to another, to have and to hold at the will of the lessor.
1839 J. Bouvier Law Dict. U.S.A. I. 457/2 The habendum commences in our common deeds with the words, ‘to have and to hold’.
1895 Eng. Hist. Rev. 10 38 Henry III granted him to have and to hold all his lands and fees..free and quit from..toll, pedage, stallage, cornage, and tallage.
a1910 W. G. Sumner Earth-hunger (1913) 264 This distinction between participating in a momentary enjoyment of a common stock, and ‘having and holding’ things..is of immeasurable importance.
1942 O. Nash Good Intentions 179 A summer cold Is to have and to hold.
1971 New Yorker 21 Aug. 39 And do you, Elizabeth, take this man, John, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, until the going gets hairy?
2005 J. G. Slater Minerva's Aviary ii. 64 The king had given them a charter for a university and provided an endowment for it; it was theirs to have and to hold ‘forever’.
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