

单词 to have an eye to

> as lemmas

to have an eye to (also †in)
(b) to have an eye to (also †in): to look to, pay attention to; to have as one's object, have regard for; to have reference to. with an eye to: with a view to; with a design upon.to have an eye to the main chance: see main chance n. 1(a).
the mind > attention and judgement > attention > pay attention [phrase]
to nim or take yemec1175
to bow the eyec1230
give tenta1300
to take (nim) heed13..
to have respect toa1398
to have an eye to (also in)1425
to give, pay heed (to)?1504
to make reckoning of1525
to take notice1573
to take into consideration1652
to return to our sheep1871
to sit up and take notice1886
1425 (a1400) Speculum Christiani (Lansd.) (1933) 149 (MED) But euere to gode god hath is eye.
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) iv. l. 1108 (MED) Ȝif þat we Koude han an eye in oure felicite.
1487 (a1380) J. Barbour Bruce (St. John's Cambr.) xii. 306 I pray ȝhow..That nane of ȝow for gredynes Haf E till tak of thair Riches.
1526 W. Bonde Pylgrimage of Perfection iii. sig. AAiv Some feareth synne and payne bothe, hauynge an eye and respecte to bothe, in maner indifferently.
1593 T. Nashe Strange Newes 67 Haue an eie to the maine-chaunce.
1612 F. Bacon Ess. (new ed.) 65 Men will Counsell with an eie to themselues.
1691 J. Evelyn Kalendarium Hortense (ed. 8) 86 Have still an eye to the weeding and cleansing part.
1713 R. Steele Englishman No. 11. 74 A Man will have an Eye to his first Appearance in Publick.
1756 C. Lucas Ess. Waters iii. 285 The gentlemen of the corporation..have..no small eye to gain.
1834 Indiana Jrnl. 14 June All these buildings are of brick, and the materials were collected and the workmanship was done with an eye to the future.
1861 G. W. Thornbury Life J. M. W. Turner I. 358 He collects analytical diagrams of Dutch boats, with an eye to get nearer to Vandervelde.
1888 J. A. Froude Eng. in W. Indies 40 Gold and silver plate, he observed with an eye to business was..abundant.
1903 H. James Ambassadors iii. vii. 102 He was now so interested..that he had already an eye to the fun it would be to open up to her afterwards.
1943 Flying Jan. 44/1 But the Army has an eye to the future, too, and the process of taking more and more from the airlines..has stopped.
2005 N.Y. Rev. Bks. 12 May 6/3 She frames her plea with an eye to the prejudices of those she needs to convince.
extracted from eyen.1
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