

单词 to fall upon ears

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to fall upon (receptive, understanding, etc.) ears
j. to fall upon the ear and variants: (of a word, sound, utterance, etc.) to be heard; (with modifying adverb) to sound (sweetly, etc.). Also to fall upon (receptive, understanding, etc.) ears and variants, indicating the attentiveness, etc., of the listener. Earliest in to fall on deaf ears at deaf adj. Additions.
1650 Briefe Relation Some Affaires & Transact. No. 37. 535 Certainly these loud cryes for Justice falling upon a deaf ear, will draw down Vengeance from Him that will hear the cryes of the oppressed.
1653 W. Sclater Grand Assises 42 I have it in my wishes, that my remaining words may fall like Manna upon every ear, and heart.
1660 J. Trapp Comm. Holy Script. (Prov. xxv. 12) 167 A seasonable word falling upon a tractable ear, hath a redoubled grace with it.
1766 T. Joel Poems & Lett. in Prose 98 Her well-tim'd Counsels fell upon his Ear.
1787 R. Bage Fair Syrian II. 145 What signify a few soft sayings—they will fall upon your ears as gentle as the feathered snow upon the marble rock, and injure you as little.
1837 J. H. Pinder Serm. ii. 43 How softly does the virgin's gentle hymn fall on the ear!
1858 G. MacDonald Phantastes 204 The sound of a closing door..fell on my ear.
1887 Christian Union 25 Aug. 183/2 In some instances the divine voice fell on understanding ears.
1902 R. Bagot Donna Diana xiii. 141 The rattle of wheels and the discordant clanging of the gongs of electric trams fall hideously on the ear.
1979 Globe & Mail (Toronto) 17 Jan. 7/1 The gist of what she was saying to that powdered and blued audience would fall on receptive ears.
2000 Independent 9 Feb. ii. 4/1 No six words fall more sweetly upon the ears of someone who has spent an afternoon slaving over a hot stove than, ‘Mmmm, delicious; is there any more?’
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