

单词 to do or pay one's devoir

> as lemmas

to do or pay one's devoir(s (to some one)
4. A dutiful act of civility or respect; usually in plural, dutiful respects, courteous attentions, addresses; chiefly in to do or pay one's devoir(s (to some one). (The current sense.)
the world > action or operation > behaviour > good behaviour > courtesy > courteous act or expression > [noun] > deferential
α., β.
14.. Epiph. in Tundale's Vis. 107 That he hym selffe [Herod] wold after goo Vnto the chyld and hys deyver doo.
1826 T. Hood Faithless Nelly Gray in Whims & Oddities 139 He went to pay her his devours, When he'd devoured his pay!
γ. a1513 H. Bradshaw Lyfe St. Werburge (1521) i. v. sig. c.ii This royall maryage, was solempnysed..Theyr frendes cosyns, redy on euery syde To do theyr deuoyre.1669 J. Dryden Wild Gallant iv. i. 46 I beseech your Ladiship instruct me where I may tender my devoyres?1673 J. Dryden Marriage a-la-Mode ii. i. 23 O my Dear, I was just going to pay my Devoirs to you.1676 T. Shadwell Virtuoso i. 6 He's come to pay his Devoir to you.1754 S. Richardson Hist. Sir Charles Grandison Let. 14 Oct. I am come down to pay my devoirs to Miss Byron. I hope for acceptance.1782 European Mag. & London Rev. Apr. 248/1 She..resisted the devoirs of the tender and pious Lord George Gordon.1815 J. Scott Visit to Paris iii. 48 In the inn-yards of our great North-road, when the passing coachmen pay their devoirs to the expectant chambermaids.1873 R. Browning Red Cotton Night-cap Country ii. 141 When he paid devoir To Louis Quatorze as he dined in state.1880 B. Disraeli Endymion II. xxviii. 294 Prince Florestan paid his grave devoirs, with a gaze which seemed always to search into Lady Roehampton's inmost heart.
extracted from devoirn.
as lemmas




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