

单词 to do one's diligence

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to do one's diligence
e. Phrases. to put diligence, to do one's diligence, to do one's utmost endeavour, to exert oneself. to report one's diligence, to report what one has done, to report progress. Obsolete or archaic.
c1386 G. Chaucer Melibeus ⁋27 Whan thou hast for-goon thy freend, do diligence to gete another freend.
c1386 G. Chaucer Manciple's Tale 37 And nyght and day did euere his diligence Hir for to plese.
1389 in J. T. Smith & L. T. Smith Eng. Gilds (1870) 4 Þe same maistres & breþeren shul do her diligence trewly to redresse it.
1477 Earl Rivers tr. Dictes or Sayengis Philosophhres (Caxton) (1877) lf. 64v I shal put my peyn and dyligence to distroye the.
1481 W. Caxton tr. Myrrour of Worlde i. vi. 30 They [kynges] doo their diligence to lerne such clergye & science.
1509 A. Barclay Brant's Shyp of Folys (Pynson) f. xviiiv Neuer wyse man loued..to haue great riches put ouer great diligence.
1539 Bible (Great) 1 Tim. iv. 9 Do thy diligence, that thou mayest come shortly vnto me.
1650 J. Row & J. Row Hist. Kirk Scotl. (1842) 208 That they be carefull to correct what they can, and report their diligence to the nixt Assemblie.
1690 W. Walker Idiomatologia Anglo-Lat. 143 I will doe my diligence.
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