

单词 to do one's busy cure

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to do one's busy pain (also care, cure, diligence)
P1. to do one's busy pain (also care, cure, diligence): to exert oneself diligently, to do what one can. with busy pain (also care, cure, diligence): with great care or effort, diligently. Obsolete.Cf. business n. 2.
the world > action or operation > manner of action > effort or exertion > exert oneself or make an effort [verb (intransitive)]
to put it forthc1390
to put one's hand(s) to (also unto)a1398
to do one's busy pain (also care, cure, diligence)?a1430
to make great force?c1450
to stir one's stumpsa1500
to bestir one's stumps1549
to make work1574
to lay out1659
to be at pains1709
to take (the) trouble1830
to pull outc1835
to buck up1890
to go somea1911
the world > action or operation > manner of action > care, carefulness, or attention > care or heed [verb (intransitive)] > bestow care and effort
to do one's (busy) curea1400
to do one's busy pain (also care, cure, diligence)?a1430
to be at pains1709
?a1430 T. Hoccleve Mother of God l. 108 in Minor Poems (1970) i. 55 Do your bysy peyne To wasshe away our cloudeful offense.
a1475 J. Russell Bk. Nurture (Harl. 4011) in Babees Bk. (2002) i. 199 My copy..whiche to drawe out [I] haue do my besy diligence.
c1503 R. Arnold Chron. f. lxxxxiv/1 This lytil yle..For to repayre do ay thy besy cure.
?1518 A. Barclay tr. D. Mancinus Myrrour Good Maners sig. B.iv Therfore dothe he study and muse with busy cure His dedes to redresse.
1554 D. Lindsay Dialog Experience & Courteour i. sig. E.i I sall do my besye cure To tak the best.
1633 P. Fletcher Purple Island x. xl. 144 A thousand Knights woo'd her with busie pain.
1673 J. Flavell Fountain of Life xxiii. 295 With busie diligence, to make himself ready for his death.
1692 J. Dryden Eleonora 19 Her fellow Saints with busie care, will look For her blest Name.
1737 H. Baker Medulla Poetarum Romanorum I. 101 And now the Warriors all with busy Care, Whet the dull Sword.
extracted from busyadj.
to do one's (busy) cure
b. to do one's (busy) cure: to give one's care or attention to some piece of work; to apply oneself diligently (to effect something). Obsolete.
the world > action or operation > manner of action > care, carefulness, or attention > care or heed [verb (intransitive)] > bestow care and effort
to do one's (busy) curea1400
to do one's busy pain (also care, cure, diligence)?a1430
to be at pains1709
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Trin. Cambr.) l. 1726 Noe..ȝaf wriȝtes her mesure And him self dude his cure.
c1420 Pallad. on Husb. iii. 654 And now cerfoil..doo thi cure To sowe in fatte and moist ydounged soil.
1430 J. Lydgate tr. Hist. Troy i. iii If I see thou do thy besy cure This hyghe empryse for to bryng aboute.
1509 A. Barclay Brant's Shyp of Folys (Pynson) Aija I doo my besy cure for to kepe them honestly frome poudre and dust.
1556 W. Lauder Compend. Tractate Dewtie of Kyngis sig. B2 Bot trewlie thay suld do thare cure.
extracted from curen.1
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