

单词 to do a voyage

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to make (or do) a voyage
b. In the phrase to make (or do) a voyage. Obsolete.
society > armed hostility > military operations > [verb (intransitive)] > expedition
to make (or do) a voyagea1387
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1865) I. 89 Mithridates..helde þe kyngdom þre and fourty ȝere, in þe whiche tyme he dede many viage, and many faire victories hadde.
1488 (c1478) Hary Actis & Deidis Schir William Wallace (Adv.) (1968–9) iii. l. 118 The knycht Fenweik, conwoide the caryage, He had on Scottis maid mony schrewide wiage.
1546 Supplic. Poor Commons sig. b.iiii Achabe kyng of Israell, whan he entended to make a viage and to take by force the countrey..of Ramoth Galaade.
1597 M. Drayton Englands Heroicall Epist. Notes f. 24 v In the great voyage Edward the second made against the Scots, at the battell at Striueling [etc.].
1686 in Miscellanea Curiosa (Royal Soc.) (1707) III. 179 The Emperour of China made a Voyage into Eastern Tartary, in the beginning of this Year 1682.
extracted from voyagen.
to do (or make) a voyage
b. In the phrase to do (or make) a voyage. Obsolete.
the world > action or operation > undertaking > undertake or set oneself to do [verb (intransitive)] > a private enterprise
to do (or make) a voyagec1374
c1374 G. Chaucer Troilus & Criseyde ii. 75 He..caste and knew in goode plyte was þe moone To doon viage and take his way ful sone Vnto his neces paleys ther bysyde.
c1380 Sir Ferumbras (1879) l. 804 Y for-bed hem..fro þenne þay ne scholde go, Or ich hadde sum viage done & til hem come a-geyn.
1532 (c1385) Usk's Test. Loue in Wks. G. Chaucer i. f. cccxxxv If thou drede suche iangleres thy viage to make: vnderstande wel [etc.].
a1616 W. Shakespeare Cymbeline (1623) i. iv. 155 If you make your voyage vpon her, and giue me directly to vnderstand, you haue preuayl'd, I am no further your Enemy. View more context for this quotation
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