

单词 to go to prison

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to go to prison
to go to prison: to be sent to or put in prison or other place of confinement.
1483 W. Caxton tr. J. de Voragine Golden Legende f. cvjv/1 I wil that thou paye me agayn or ellis incontynent thou shalt goo to pryson.
1525 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Cronycles II. f. cviiv/1 It is clerely determynyd by the hole generall counsayle that ye must go to prison, in to ye towre of London.
1657 T. Jordan Walks Islington & Hogsdon iii. ii. sig. E2 The French Knight's arrested at the suit of Mr. Bonaventure an English Merchant for 6000. pound, is gone to prison, no bayl will be taken.
1710 O. Sansom Acct. Life 73 He..threatned me before Witness, That if I did not pay him, I must expect to go to Prison.
1777 R. Watson Hist. Reign Philip II I. viii. 204 It is the will of the king that you..go to prison.
1827 A. N. Royall Tennessean xxvi. 275 ‘Gentlemen,’ said the magistrate, ‘must this man go to prison? will none of you venture to bail him?’
1898 Daily News 21 Feb. 5/6 In this astonishing country a gentleman of repute chooses his own time for going to prison.
1927 H. Ford & H. J. O'Higgins Argyle Case iii. 85 I shall never go to prison again! If I'm caught, I'll kill myself.
1996 Big Issue 5 Aug. 10/2 Roger went to prison but he never squealed on his pal.
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