

单词 to go to meat

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to go to meat
3. A meal, a feast. Sometimes: spec. the principal meal of a day, dinner. Also in various prepositional phrases (mostly somewhat archaic). at (†the) meat, †at meat and meal: at table, at or during a meal or meals. Similarly after meat, before meat, †to go to meat, etc. Now archaic and regional.grace before (also after) meat: see grace n. 11.
the world > food and drink > food > meal > [adverb] > at meals
at (the) meateOE
at mealc1400
at tablec1400
at meat and meal1599
eOE Bald's Leechbk. (Royal) (1865) i. xvi. 60 Þry dagas ælce dæg ær mete þrie cucler fulle geþicge.
OE Old Eng. Martyrol. (Corpus Cambr. 41) 25 Dec. 2 Þonne hi hira hlaf bræcon æt mete, þonne fleow þæt blod of þam hlafe.
a1200 MS Trin. Cambr. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1873) 2nd Ser. 67 Drinke o tiȝe atte mete and noht þer after.
?a1200 (?OE) Peri Didaxeon (1896) 41 Þe spæudrenc ys god ær mete and be[t]ra æfter mete.
a1225 (?OE) MS Vesp. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1868) 1st Ser. 237 (MED) Me sceolde ȝief him his morȝe mete þat he þe bet mihte abide þane more mete.
a1225 (?OE) MS Vesp. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1868) 1st Ser. 231 Æer þanne we..toðe mete go.
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) 1217 After mete as riȝt was þe menestraus eode aboute.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Luke xiv. 12 Whanne thou makist a mete ether souper, nyle thou clepe thi frendis [etc.].
c1387–95 G. Chaucer Canterbury Tales Prol. A. 348 After the sondry sesons of the yeer, So chaunged he his mete and his soper.
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) ii. 1363 He sente Unto the Senatour to come..to sitte with him at þe mete.
c1395 G. Chaucer Squire's Tale 173 This knyght..is vnarmed and to mete yset.
a1400 (c1303) R. Mannyng Handlyng Synne (Harl.) 6632 Þou shuldest nat forgete Þe pore man at þy mete.
1425 Ordinances Whittington's Alms-house (modernized text) in J. Entick New Hist. London (1766) IV. 354 Every day, both at meet and soupier, they eat..within the said almes-house.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll. 13) (1990) II. 756 Whyle we ar at oure mete.
?a1475 (?a1425) tr. R. Higden Polychron. (Harl. 2261) (1869) II. 167 (MED) Whiche vse mony diversities of meites at a meite.
a1483 Liber Niger in Coll. Ordinances Royal Househ. (1790) 32 At the furst or latter mete.
1581 R. Mulcaster Positions xxxiv. 121 Ear they entred into their exercise, and..ear they went to meat.
1596 Bp. W. Barlow tr. L. Lavater Three Christian Serm. iii. 117 At sitting downe and rising from meat, they give him thankes.
1599 T. Nashe Lenten Stuffe 47 And then they might be at meate and meale for seuen weekes togither.
1611 Bible (King James) Luke xxii. 27 For whether is greater, hee that sitteth at meat, or hee that serueth? View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Coriolanus (1623) iv. vii. 3 Your Soldiers vse him as the Grace 'fore meate, Their talke at Table, and their Thankes at end. View more context for this quotation
a1625 J. Fletcher Pilgrim ii. ii, in F. Beaumont & J. Fletcher Comedies & Trag. (1647) sig. Ggggg2v/1 He's within at meat, sir, The knave is hungry.
1637 J. Rhodes Countrie Mans Comfort sig. F4 (heading) Grace after meat for the rich and wealthie of the world.
1703 M. Martin Descr. W. Islands Scotl. 83 If he is spoke to when at Meat, he answers again, which is contrary to the Custom of his Order.
1764 F. C. Sheridan Dupe Epil. An Epilogue's the cordial after meat.
1856 N. Hawthorne Jrnl. 5 Sept. in Eng. Notebks. (1997) II. v. 128 Those who sit at meat.
1868 W. Morris Earthly Paradise Argt. 138 And presently, the meat being done, He bade them bring him to his throne.
1890 R. Kipling in Fortn. Rev. 47 171 A son of some grain-bag sat with me at meat.
1932 ‘L. G. Gibbon’ Sunset Song iv. 245 He could hardly stand up and walk or make his own meat.
1976 R. Bulter Shaela 53 Dat night efter faider cam in, Dan we aa set wis in ta wir maet.
1981 D. Dunn Deserter in St. Kilda's Parl. 73 We have dined with this stranger, talked at meat With him after the funerals of our fathers.
1993 H. Smart Shoah 55 As he sat at meat He listened for scratching claws On roof-tile or window-board.
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