

单词 to colour strangers' goods

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to colour strangers' goods
b. transitive. to colour strangers' goods: to enter a foreign merchant's goods at the custom house under a freeman's name (see freeman n. 2), for the purpose of evading additional duties. historical and rare after 18th cent.
c1503 R. Arnold Chron. f. xxxiv/1 The cowpers of his Cite haue vsed and dayly vse to colour straungers goodis.
1552 King Edward VI Jrnl. in Lit. Remains (1857) II. 402 When they had forfeited their liberties King Edward the Fourth did restore them on this condicion, (that they) shuld couler no straungers' goodes, wich they had done.
1602 R. Wilbraham Jrnl. (1902) 51 Mr Secretarie Cecyll hath divers treaties wherby H. 7, after King E. 6, Q. Marie, disanulled the great liberties of the Hans Townes in England: for that they colored stranger's goods.
1787 T. W. Williams Compend. Digest Statute Law 144 For preventing frauds in colouring strangers goods, the merchant shall subscribe a bill of every entry.
1894 M. Christy Voy. L. Foxe & T. James II. 657 (note) To colour strangers' goods was to enter the goods of a foreign merchant under the name of a freeman, in order to avoid the payment of the extra duty.
1991 D. H. Sacks Widening Gate (1993) iii. viii. 262 Although by custom they..could trade on their own account,..they often lacked the capital and the commercial outlets at home to take full advantage of the privilege. Hence they..might be tempted to color strangers' goods.
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