

单词 to find in one's heart

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to find in one's heart
c. to find in one's heart: (a) to feel inclined or willing (to do something); to desire (obsolete); (b) to bring oneself (to do something); to be generous or (esp. in negative contexts) hard-hearted enough. In later use esp. as to find it in one's heart (to do something). Cf. also Phrases 3e(a).
the mind > will > wish or inclination > wish or be disposed or inclined [verb]
to be of (also in) (a) minda1325
to will well that1340
to find in one's hearta1393
to have a minda1400
to have a mind1530
to feel like1808
the mind > will > motivation > persuasion > persuade [verb (intransitive)] > persuade oneself
to find in one's hearta1393
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) v. l. 5181 (MED) That he at eny time scholde..in his herte finde To falsen and to ben unkinde.
c1400 Brut (Rawl. B. 171) 216 How might Robert Holonde fynde in his hert me to bitraye siþens þat y haue Louede him so miche?
c1485 ( G. Hay Bk. Law of Armys (2005) 64 Sum faderis..coud nocht fynd jn thair hertis to..chasty thair barnis.
a1500 (?a1450) Gesta Romanorum (Harl. 7333) (1879) 324 (MED) He slepte..so savourly, þat þe preste ne non othir myȝt fynde in hire herte to wake him.
1530 J. Palsgrave Lesclarcissement 687/1 Thoughe you can nat fynde in your herte to honour hym for his owne sake.
1607 R. Parker Scholasticall Disc. against Antichrist iii. 140 How can we find it in our hearts to make it a teacher to our selues, which cannot be done without giving shewe of iustification to this..teaching?
1631 R. Bolton Instr. Right Comf. Affl. Consciences 381 They..can well find in their hearts, to passe-by failings, where there is heart and good will.
1638 F. Junius Painting of Ancients 316 Yet can these men finde in their hearts to boast.
1665 R. Boyle Occas. Refl. iv. viii. sig. Dd4 [One] that can find in his Heart to destroy Armies, and ruine Provinces.
1749 J. Cleland Mem. Woman of Pleasure II. 35 He could not find in his heart to leave me, and make off.
1770 H. Brooke Fool of Quality (Dublin ed.) V. 99 Could you find in your Heart, says he, to love such an ugly old Thing as I am?
1824 T. F. Dibdin Libr. Compan. 382 Let me ask the ingenious and intrepid Defender of King James I..how the Scoto-English Monarch could find it in his heart..to order the execution of such a man as Raleigh?
1883 E. Blackwell Booth iv. 45 They could hardly find in their heart to disturb its peaceful surface.
1896 S. R. Crockett Grey Man xxviii I could not find it in my heart to tell him of the happening.
1929 Sat. Evening Post 23 Mar. 165/1 You found it in your heart for to join the Plain People, didn't you, Carlie?
1973 B. Rubens Go tell Lemming iv. 56 If you can find it in your heart to laugh, it'll help keep the Assizes open.
1999 N.Y. Times (Nexis) 1 Apr. a19/1 If you can find it in your heart, look not at Dr. Lyons in the last three or four years, but look at the good he brings.
2005 T. Umrigar Space between Us (2007) xvii. 226 Find it in your heart to forgive me. I am a stupid, ignorant woman.
2010 Independent on Sunday (Nexis) 19 Sept. 64 It [sc. the album] practically pleads for forgiveness and those who loved the band in the 1990s may find that in their hearts.
extracted from heartn.int.adv.
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