

单词 to cast pearls before swine

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to cast pearls before swine
c. to cast pearls before swine (and variants): to offer or give a good or valuable thing to a person who is incapable of appreciating it.Originally often with allusion to Matthew 7:6.
the world > action or operation > harm or detriment > disadvantage > uselessness > uselessness, vanity, or futility > be of no avail [verb (intransitive)] > expend effort in vain > bestow on unappreciative recipients
to cast pearls before swinec1400
c1400 (a1376) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Trin. Cambr. R.3.14) (1960) A. xi. 9 (MED) Nolite mittere, Man, margerie perlis [v.r. perle] Among hogges þat hauen hawen at wille..draf were hem leuere Þanne al þe precious perrie [v.r. Peerles] þat in paradis wexiþ.
?c1430 (c1400) J. Wyclif Eng. Wks. (1880) 110 (MED) Men schullen not ȝeue holy þingis to hondis & putten precious perlis to hoggis.
1526 Bible (Tyndale) Matt. vii. f. viijv Nether cast ye youre pearles before swyne.
1533 J. Gau tr. C. Pedersen Richt Vay 104 As the suine trampis the precious peirlis onder thair feit.
1577 H. Peacham Garden of Eloquence sig. Diii Cast not Pearles before Swyne.
1622 G. Markham Herod & Antipater i. i Peace knaue, I say, these pearls must not feed Porkets.
1661 J. Glanvill Vanity of Dogmatizing xxiv. Apol. Philos. 247 The Swine may see the Pearl, which yet he values but with the ordinary muck.
1662 K. Evans & S. Chevers Short Relation Cruel Sufferings 50 Not to spread Pearls before Swine, that will defile and trample on them.
1673 J. Milton Sonnets xii, in Poems (new ed.) 56 This is got by casting Pearl to Hoggs.
1717 J. D. Breval Confederates i. 9 Each smutty phrase, and ev'ry cutting line, Was thrown away, and lost, like pearls on swine.
1792 C. Smith Desmond II. vii. 70 It is impossible but that you must at ‘That fate repine Which threw a pearl before a swine’.
1847 C. Dickens Dombey & Son (1848) xxiii. 233 Oh I do a thankless thing, and cast pearls before swine!
1898 E. von Arnim Elizabeth & her German Garden 77 The peasant hereabouts is past belief low and animal, and a sensitive, intellectual parson among them is really a pearl before swine.
1936 C. Sandburg People, Yes 63 Those in fear they may cast pearls before swine are often lacking in pearls.
1986 S. Penman Here be Dragons (1991) (U.K. ed.) i. x. 152 What a beauty she's going to be, Will! To think she almost ended up in Hugh de Lusignan's bed; talk about casting pearls before swine!
extracted from pearln.1adj.
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