

单词 to cast abroad

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to cast (also scatter, throw, etc.) abroad
b. With the fragments or parts widely scattered; in many separate places; widely asunder. Frequently in to cast (also scatter, throw, etc.) abroad. Also figurative.
the world > space > relative position > arrangement or fact of being arranged > state of being scattered or dispersed > [adverb]
c1300 St. Thomas Becket (Laud) l. 2390 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 175 (MED) Wit is hondene he todrouȝ..his flesch atþe laste, pece and oþur al abrod, a-wei fram him he caste.
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) l. 9791 (MED) Þe brain orn al abrod in þe pauiment.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Matt. xii. 30 He that gadrith nat to gidre with me, scatrith abrood.
c1425 J. Lydgate Troyyes Bk. (Augustus A.iv) ii. 2862 (MED) Þanne schulde he [sc. the plowman] neuer, in vale nor in pleyn..þrowe abrod his greyne.
?c1450 Life St. Cuthbert (1891) l. 1883 (MED) Þe wynde fast blawe, Þe thak brennand it blew o brade.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Neh. i. 8 Yf ye transgresse, then wil I scater you abrode amonge the nacions.
1577 W. Harrison Descr. Eng. (1877) ii. xiii. i. 259 They [sc. houses] stand scattered abroad, each one dwelling in the midst of his owne occupieng.
1594 W. Shakespeare Titus Andronicus iv. i. 104 The angry northen wind Will blow these sands like Sibels leaues abroad.
1633 T. Johnson Gerard's Herball (new ed.) ii. xviii. 260 The nature of this plant is such that if you touch but the cods when the seed is ripe, though you do it neuer so gently, yet will the seeds fly all abroad with violence.
1696 T. Brookhouse Temple Opened 58 The Extrusion of the Poor Reffugies was only an Act of Secretion By Him who has his Fan in his hand, who..dispersed them abroad, not for their Ruine but their Safety.
1759 A. Smith Theory Moral Sentiments ii. §ii. iii. 189 The different members..are..dissipated and scattered abroad by the violence and opposition of their discordant affections.
1778 R. Lowth Isaiah xxviii. 25 Doth not he then scatter the dill, and cast abroad the cummin?
1863 W. Barnes Gram. & Gloss. Dorset Dial. 61 On the following morning the..cocks are thrown abroad in passels.
1871 B. Taylor tr. J. W. von Goethe Faust I. x. 155 Then a chance will come, a holiday, When, piece by piece, can one the things abroad display.
1897 H. G. Wells Invisible Man vii. 64 Then came Panic, and scattered them abroad through the village as a gust scatters dead leaves.
1937 H. S. Bennett Life on Eng. Manor iv. 80 This box was called a seed-lip, or hopper, and from it the sower took seed and scattered it abroad with a rhythmic movement of the body.
1974 L. Thorpe tr. Gregory of Tours Hist. of Franks v. 261 The man's relations..cut Silvester's son to pieces and scattered the fragments abroad.
1988 J. J. Graham & J. Tait Shetland Folk Bk. VIII. 44 Daddy takes his straen kishie over his shoulder and throws abroad the clean oat seed.
extracted from abroadadv.prep.n.
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