

单词 to carry something to one's pillow

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to carry something to one's pillow
P1. to carry something to one's pillow, to take (also ask) counsel of one's pillow, to consult (with) one's pillow: to take a night to consider or decide upon something. Cf. sleep v. 1c. Now rare.
the mind > mental capacity > thought > continued thinking, reflection, contemplation > thinking about, consideration, deliberation > think about, consider [verb (intransitive)] > at night
to consult (with) one's pillow1573
1573 G. Harvey Let.-bk. (1884) 21 You counsel me to take counsel of mi pillow.
1592 R. Greene Vision sig. Cv Take time when you will giue me an answer: aske counsaile of your pillowe.
1633 Battle of Lutzen in Harl. Misc. (Malh.) IV. 197 [The Polonians] took counsel of the pillow, and..concluded to come to a treaty.
1655 T. Fuller Church-hist. Brit. ii. 98 A Dunce-Monk..left the Verse thus gaping, Hic sunt in fossa Bedæ—ossa, till he had consulted with his Pillow, to fill up the Hiatus.
1709 R. Steele Tatler No. 60. ⁋1 [He] frequently consulted his Pillow to know how to behave himself on such important Occasions.
1770 C. Jenner Placid Man II. 198 She determined to consult her pillow upon it.
1801 Asiatic Ann. Reg. 1800 Proc. E. India House 68/2 They contained surmises and circumstances of such a nature, that he should carry it with him to his pillow.
1857 J. Frost Pict. Hist. Amer. II. 445 This plan..was probably too daring for the genius of the Prophet, who, when he came to take counsel of his pillow, might have reflected that his own person would be exposed in its execution.
1933 Classical Philol. 28 109 Our own expressions, ‘Sleep on it’ and ‘Take counsel of one's pillow.’
1969 G. Snyder Earth House Hold 51 The Jikijitsu pads once around, says, ‘Take counsel of your pillow,’ and walks out.
extracted from pillown.
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