

单词 to draw, take to warrant

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to †draw, take to warrant
a. One who is answerable for a fact or statement; an authoritative witness. to †draw, take to warrant: to appeal to as evidence.For to vouch to warrant, see vouch v. 1.
the mind > attention and judgement > testing > attestation, witness, evidence > bear witness, testify [verb (intransitive)] > call to witness
to call or take to (one's) witness1297
to draw, take to warrantc1330
to call (also take) to recorda1393
to call to suretya1616
to call on ——1655
the mind > attention and judgement > testing > attestation, witness, evidence > [noun] > a witness, testifier > with authority
c1330 (?a1300) Sir Tristrem (1886) l. 1539 To his waraunt he drouȝ His schippe and al his pride.
c1330 Arth. & Merl. 5229 Þe Brut þer of is mi waraunt.
?a1366 Romaunt Rose 6 This may I drawe to waraunte [Fr. trere à garant] An author, that hight Macrobes.
a1400 Guy Warw. 547 Þei ich hir loue, blame me noman; To warant ichil drawe atte frome Þat loue doþ me þider come.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 14651 He þat es fader of heuen king..Him drau i me to mi warand.
c1425 Wyntoun Cron. i. Prol. 116 For few wrytis I redye fand That I couth draw to my warrand.
a1500 R. Henryson tr. Æsop Fables: Fox, Wolf, & Cadger l. 2156 in Poems (1981) 82 Wend quhen ȝe will, I dar be warrand now That ȝe sall de na suddan deith this day.
1583 P. Stubbes Second Pt. Anat. Abuses sig. G6 A manifest deceite before the Lorde, and one daye shall be answeared for, I dare be their warrante.
1873 R. Browning Red Cotton Night-cap Country iv. 225 If insufficient faith have done thus much,..More would move mountains, you are warrant.
extracted from warrantn.1
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