

单词 to draw through the water with a cat

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to draw through the water with a cat
14. to draw through the water with a cat, also to whip the cat: to practise a practical joke, thus described by Grose:‘A trick often practised on ignorant country fellows, by laying a wager with them that they may be pulled through a pond by a cat; the bet being made, a rope is fastened round the waist of the person to be catted, and the end thrown across the pond, to which the cat is also fastened by a pack-thread, and three or four sturdy fellows are appointed to lead and whip the cat; these on a signal given, seize the end of the cord, and pretending to whip the cat, haul the astonished booby through the water.’
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > conformity with what is known, truth > deceit, deception, trickery > cheating, fraud > trickery, playing jokes > play tricks [phrase]
to do or make a blenk or blencha1250
to play (a person) a pageant1530
to give one the geck1568
to play a paw1568
to draw through the water with a cat1631
to run one's rig upon1793
to come (the) paddy over1809
to work a traverse1840
to go on, have, take a lark1884
to pull a fast one1912
to take for a ride1925
to pull a person's pissera1935
to pull a person's chain1975
1631 B. Jonson Bartholmew Fayre i. iv. 9 in Wks. II I'll be drawne with a good Gib-cat, through the great pond at home.
1682 in London Gaz. No. 1725/3 We hope, sir, that this Nation will be too Wise, to be drawn twice through the same Water by the very same Cat.
1699 B. E. New Dict. Canting Crew Catting, drawing a Fellow through a Pond with a Cat.
1785 F. Grose Classical Dict. Vulgar Tongue at Cat-whipping
1847 J. O. Halliwell Dict. Archaic & Provinc. Words I Whip-the-Cat.
1876 Times 13 Aug. Drawing a cat through the Lea [Trial for manslaughter at Central Criminal Court 10 Aug. 1876].
1888 Notes & Queries 7th Ser. 5 310.
extracted from catn.1
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