

单词 to draw down

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to draw down
to draw down
a. transitive. To pull or drag (something) down; to cause (something) to come down.
c1300 St. Patrick's Purgatory (Laud) l. 417 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 212 Ore felawes..schullen..drawe þe doun forth with hem Into helle grounde a-non.
a1333 in C. Brown Relig. Lyrics 14th Cent. (1924) 29 Ich habbe y-trodded þe uolk in wrethe and in grome, Adreynt al wyth shennesse, y-drawe doun wyth shome.
1449 J. Paston Petition in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) I. 52 The seid lord sent to the seid mansion a riotous peple..arrayd in maner of werre with..long cromes to draw doun howsis, ladderes, pikoys with which thei myned down the walles.
1543 B. Traheron tr. J. de Vigo Most Excellent Wks. Chirurg. ii. vii. f. cxxxviv Therfore he muste drawe it downe agayne, wyth the poynt of the nedle.
1609 W. Shakespeare Pericles i. 125 You are a faire Violl, and your sense, the stringes; Who finger'd to make man his lawfull musicke, Would draw Heauen downe.
1772 W. Bailey Machines Soc. Arts I. 252 The sliding bolt, which occasionally draws down the brake on the periphery of the walking wheel.
1891 O. Schreiner Story Afr. Farm ii. xii He drew the sails down before and behind, and the wagon rolled away slowly.
1998 World of Interiors Feb. 56 The brightness becomes blinding and the moment comes to draw down the blinds.
b. transitive. figurative. To attract (a particular response or reaction); to bring (something, esp. censure) on (also upon) a person.
the world > existence and causation > causation > [verb (transitive)] > bring something upon
to draw down1595
to bring down1662
1595 W. Perkins Expos. Creed Apostles 40 This prerogatiue can none haue, but he that is the child of God: as for others when they sinne, they doe nothing else but draw downe Gods iudgements upon them, for their deeper condemnation.
a1694 J. Tillotson in Wks. (1820) I. 420 The blessings it will draw down upon us.
1788 R. Shepherd Ground & Credibility Christian Relig. iv. 100 The immediate blessings, prayer draws down on the relying votary.
1816 M. Keating Trav. (1817) I. 164 This of course draws down French vengeance.
1873 Appletons' Jrnl. 9 Aug. 191/2 The good people of Glasgow have just drawn down upon themselves a severe rebuke from the pulpit.
1972 F. Farr FDR viii. 409 Roosevelt also was determined not to draw down criticism on himself of the sort that landed on Wilson when he knifed Colonel House.
2012 Guardian (Nexis) 28 May 26 Niall Ferguson's much-publicised divorce drew down upon him the kind of fake moral disapproval usually reserved for footballers.
2. transitive. Cookery. To cook (an ingredient) until it becomes thicker, more concentrated, or reduced in volume; to stew or boil (something) down. Obsolete.
the world > food and drink > food > food manufacture and preparation > cooking > cook [verb (transitive)] > boil > boil down
to draw down1743
1743 Family Mag. (ed. 2) i. 50/1 Slice some carrots and turneps, put them in a stew-pan, with a piece of butter; draw them down till they stick to the pan.
1806 ‘Ignotus’ Culina (ed. 3) 15 Put all those into a stew pan, with some water, and draw them down to a light brown colour.
1852 Ladies' Indispensable Assistant 41 Put the meat on a dish, then make a good stock of a leg of veal, lean ham and the flesh of the inside of the turtle; draw it down to a color, then fill it up with beef stock.
1904 S. Beaty-Pownall ‘Queen’ Cookery Bks. (ed. 2) No. 7. 31 Draw down in the preserving pan sufficient good ripe raspberries to produce a pint of juice, and sweeten this juice to taste after straining it.
3. transitive. Forging. To make (a bar, ingot, etc.) flatter or narrower by hammering.
1815 S. Parkes Chem. Ess. IV. xv. 450 It is well known that it is the circumstance of drawing down the shear-steel under the tilt hammer that gives it the superiority over common steel.
1905 Amer. Blacksmith Jan. 72/1 Next take the piece to the hammer and draw it down to about twice the desired thickness and quite a bit narrower.
2008 G. W. R. Ward Grove Encycl. Materials & Techniques in Art 376/1 (caption) Swages in use on an anvil to draw down a rod of metal.
4. Banking and Finance (originally U.S.).
a. transitive. To withdraw (money or a sum of money) from an account, fund, or loan facility. Also: to take out (a loan or mortgage).
1853 Madison (Indiana) Dollar Weekly Courier 16 Nov. The country banks..have drawn down their deposits in this city. They have required every dollar of their available means, to meet their liabilities.
1893 Galveston (Texas) Daily News 18 Aug. 8/4 Timid depositors..have drawn down their savings and put them in old bureau drawers, stockings and other..hiding places.
1932 Forum & Cent. Mar. 132/1 Anybody who was out of work was entitled by statutory right to draw down weekly payments from the insurance fund.
1984 Financial Times 18 Apr. 35/2 The bank..received a $300m standby credit from its shareholders, of which $100m has been drawn down.
2017 Irish Examiner (Nexis) 13 Oct. She drew down a mortgage in 2006 from Ulster Bank to buy an apartment.
b. intransitive. With on. To withdraw money from a fund, loan, etc., esp. in stages or gradually.
1919 Postal Rec. (U.S.) Oct. 298/3 Garrity, you are all right: you can draw down on your $3,000 any time from the M. B. A.: we will fix it.
1944 Jrnl. Marketing 9 59/2 When we double the taxes.., we soon have him drawing down on his savings and cutting down his expenditures.
1979 Washington Post 29 May a10/6 The International Monetary Fund..is ready to allow the Turks to resume drawing down on $310 million credit frozen since December.
2017 Daily Express 26 Sept. 35/3 Rather than taking all the mortgage in one go, you can draw down on it when you need it.
5. transitive. colloquial (originally and chiefly U.S.). To earn or receive (a salary or wage). Cf. sense 81.
society > trade and finance > management of money > income, revenue, or profit > getting or making money > get or make money [verb (transitive)]
to push one's (also a) fortune1609
to draw down1890
to pile up the rocks1897
1890 Salt Lake Tribune 24 Aug. 8/2 The driver..will not draw down a large salary this week.
1919 Argonaut 11 Oct. 226/3 It is high time for practical action when..a longshoreman draws down a larger pay check than a professor of philosophy.
1938 N.Y. Amsterdam News 30 Apr. 14/1 He could only expect to draw down twenty five bucks for his fight.
1967 N.Y. Times 27 Aug. 14 e/5 You've got these two pitchers sitting around drawing down ten billion dollars a year, or whatever it is.
1991 Independent (Nexis) 8 Jan. 21 The brothers Saatchi continue to draw down salaries in excess of £300,000.
2003 W. Bernhardt Death Row xxvii. 333 Everyone wanted him to work for them. He was drawing down huge bucks.
a. intransitive. U.S. To direct, point, or aim a firearm at a person or animal; to train a gun on.
society > armed hostility > military equipment > operation and use of weapons > action of propelling missile > discharge of firearms > discharge firearms [verb (intransitive)] > take aim
to aim off1904
to draw down1907
1907 Crow Creek Jrnl. (Toston, Montana) 12 Sept. Drawing down on the deer as calmly as though shooting at a target she pressed the trigger.
1970 J. Dickey Deliverance (1973) 105 ‘I began to shift around to find a place I could shoot through the leaves... When the guy started getting back on his feet, I drew down on him, and waited.’ ‘How did you know when to shoot?’
1985 K. Lynn Midsummer Moon xii. 135 Picking up one of his pair of duelling pistols, he drew down on the target and fired and hit the center of the bullseye.
2008 J. Todd Sun going Down (2009) xxi. 200 He waited until the riders were under fifteen hundred yards and drew down on a jouncing rider..and squeezed the trigger.
b. intransitive. U.S. To draw and point a firearm at a person; to pull a gun on someone.
1974 V. E. Smith Jones Men xxix. 250 When they draw down on him and tell him to get the fuck out the way, he just stands there..like a Goddamn fool.
1993 G. Donaldson Ville 23 Why didn't you fire your weapon when the kid drew down on you?
2008 Philadelphia Inquirer (Nexis) 23 Mar. b1 In the middle of an August night in 1996, he drew down with a .25-caliber handgun at a home invader.
2021 S. Thompson Hell on Border v. 53 He drew down on Cully with his Colt and blew him backward with a .45 slug to the gut.
7. transitive. Military. To reduce the size of (a military force), esp. in a particular area. Also intransitive: (of a military force) to reduce its presence in an area.
1941 N.Y. Times 19 Oct. e3/6 It is more likely that Japan will move in Siberia first if Russia collapses or is forced to draw down its forces in the East.
1960 Hansard Commons (Electronic ed.) 1 Mar. 1151 We received permission to reduce our forces. Indeed, we said at that time that we would draw down our forces even more than we have done.
1969 Washington Post 14 Dec. b7/1 The Nixon plan takes the form of a timetable for drawing down American troops in Vietnam to about 50,000 men.
1994 M. A. McDevitt in M. D. Bellows Asia in 21st Cent. iii. 156 Overseas forces have drawn down in most parts of the world.
2004 Financial Times 3 Apr. 27/2 The Iraqi army and police would stay intact allowing US and allied forces to draw down in a matter or weeks or months.
2016 J. F. Copper China's Foreign Aid Diplomacy II. iii. 119 The United States and other countries drew down their forces causing security and other conditions to deteriorate.
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