

单词 to answer nay

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to answer nay
2. to say nay (also to answer nay). Cf. nay-saying n.
a. To express dissent or contradiction; to disagree; to deny (a fact, statement, etc.). Now archaic.
the mind > language > statement > dissent or disagreement > dissent or disagree [verb (intransitive)] > express dissent
to say naya1300
a1300 (?c1250) Owl & Nightingale (Jesus Oxf.) (1935) 266 Þu seyst þat ich me hude a day, Þar to ne segge ich nyk no nay.
c1330 (c1250) Floris & Blauncheflur (Auch.) (1966) 598 Ȝhe ne answerede nai ne ȝo.
c1390 in C. Brown Relig. Lyrics 14th Cent. (1924) 148 (MED) Sum men seiþ þat deþ is a þef..And I sey nay.
c1395 G. Chaucer Canon's Yeoman's Tale 1339 Myghte no man seye nay But that they weren as hem oghte be.
a1450 (?c1421) J. Lydgate Siege Thebes (Arun.) (1911) 777 (MED) Of Thebes Edippus shal be kyng By ful assent, was non þat seid nay.
1480 W. Caxton Chron. Eng. ccxliv. 305 He was examyned of certayne poyntes that were put vpon hym and he sayd not nay.
a1500 tr. Lanfranc Sci. Cirurgie (Wellcome) f. 19v But I say nay; thay [sc. sinews, veins, arteries] bene nought sowed' sotillyche whan her' keruyng' is gret.
1569 R. Grafton Chron. II. 772 I say not nay, but that it were very conuenient.
1606 W. Herbert Englands Sorrowe sig. C2 I say There is a God, though all the world say nay.
1642 T. Fuller Holy State v. xii. 406 When Jesuites unto us answer Nay, They do not English speak, 't is Greek they say.
1734 Fidler's Fling at Roguery ii. 110 Truths bright and plain as the Noon-Day, That Saints nor Atheists dare say nay.
1796 J. Cottle Poems 63 With England's king a peace to make I do not answer nay.
1814 G. Hanger Sporting (fly-leaf) A Sportsman entire—who says nay, tells a banger.
1851 H. Melville Moby-Dick cxxvi. 579 They declared that now they knew the reason of those wild shrieks they had heard the night before. But again the old Manxman said nay.
1990 C. R. Johnson Middle Passage (1991) vi. 132 The others tossed Cringle's life back and forth among them, some grumbling aye..to his execution,..some like Ngonyama saying la, or nay.
b. To refuse, prohibit, voice opposition.
(a) With of. Obsolete.
the mind > language > statement > negation > negate [verb (intransitive)]
to say nay?a1300
the mind > language > statement > refusal > [verb (intransitive)]
to say nay?a1300
society > authority > subjection > prohibition > prohibit [verb (intransitive)]
to say nay?a1300
?a1300 Dame Sirith 179 in G. H. McKnight Middle Eng. Humorous Tales (1913) 9 Of hir loue hoe seiz me nai.
c1395 G. Chaucer Wife of Bath's Tale 1019 Lat se which is the proudeste of hem alle..That dar seye nay of that I shal thee teche.
a1425 in C. Brown Relig. Lyrics 14th Cent. (1924) 121 Of myn askynge say not nay, But helpe me, lord.
a1425 Rule St. Benet (Lansd.) (1902) 24 (MED) Yef ani man askis hir ohte þat es a-gain resun, sho sal..saie naie of þaire ful asking.
a1500 Gospel of Nicodemus (Harl. 149) (1974) 122 (MED) Yf the aungel..sey nay of thyn entre, sey to hym þat Jhesu Cryst hath sente the hyder.
1604 E. Hake Humble Petitions 1 Yet must Subiects Caesars duties pay: No faithfull Subiect will thereof say nay.
(b) Without prepositional phrase. Now rare.
c1330 (?a1300) Sir Tristrem (1886) l. 624 (MED) A ring he rauȝt him tite; Þe porter seyd nouȝt nay.
c1450 ( G. Chaucer Bk. Duchess 1243 This was the grete Of hir answere: she sayde ‘nay’ Al outerly.
1500 in I. S. Leadam Select Cases Star Chamber (1903) I. 110 They wold reteyne theym wo so euer wold sey nay.
a1685 Earl of Argyll To Lady Sophia Lindsay in R. Law Memorialls (1818) 213 (note) Our admirall, though tide and wind say nay, He'll row, and work, and sulk it all the way.
1693 J. Bancroft Henry II ii. ii. 15 He that sits down contented with a Lady's answering Nay, twice or thrice, will be Curst by the Woman.
1771 A. Lindsay Auld Robin Gray My heart it said nay.
1851 H. Melville Moby-Dick xxix. 139 If Captain Ahab was pleased to walk the planks, then, no one could say nay.
1990 P. Wiat Child Bride (BNC) 49 I asked if you also were to be told but mama said nay.
(c) With to (a person or thing). Now rare.
the mind > language > statement > refusal > [verb (transitive)] > refuse a person something
to say nay?c1450
?c1450 Life St. Cuthbert (1891) 4230 (MED) Some bad þe bolnyng cutt away, Some þai saide þarto nay.
a1542 T. Wyatt Coll. Poems (1969) 48 Fortune semed at the last That to her promes she saide nay.
1631 B. Jonson Bartholmew Fayre iv. iv. 59 in Wks. II Was. Why, I say nay to 't. Qvar. O there he is! Kno. To what doe you say nay, Sir? Was. To any thing, whatsoeuer it is, so long as I do not like it.
1779 J. Lovell in J. Adams Wks. (1854) IX. 481 Could I say nay to Deane..?
1813 J. Austen Pride & Prejudice I. vii. 63 If a smart young colonel, with five or six thousand a year, should want one of my girls, I shall not say nay to him. View more context for this quotation
1899 R. Hovey Last Songs from Vagabondia (1908) 15 Who shall say nay to our navies?
1912 J. Conrad Secret Sharer i, in 'Twixt Land & Sea 125 Of course, theoretically, I could do what I liked, with no one to say nay to me within the whole circle of the horizon.
a1930 S. Image Poems (1932) 3 My darling,..who can say nay to you?
(a) To refuse or prohibit (a person).
the mind > language > statement > refusal > [verb (transitive)]
to say naya1393
society > authority > subjection > prohibition > prohibit [verb (transitive)] > prohibit a person from doing something
to say naya1393
a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) iii. 55 (MED) Bot for sche wol noght gladly swere, Sche seith me nay withouten oth.
a1500 (a1460) Towneley Plays (1897–1973) 323 (MED) Tell me the sothe, say me not nay, where that he lyys.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) 1 Kings xx. 7 He sent vnto me..for sylver & golde, & I haue not sayde him naye.
1560 J. Daus tr. J. Sleidane Commentaries f. xciiijv The Ambassadours of the Cities,..requyryng a Copye, were sayde naye.
1648 R. Crashaw Delights Muses (ed. 2) 68 What dangers can there be dare say me nay?
1692 R. L'Estrange Fables xxxi The Fox made Several Excuses,..but the Stork..would not be said Nay.
1709 R. Steele Tatler No. 105. ⁋3 He would not say her nay in any Thing.
1819 W. Scott Ivanhoe III. x. 245 There came three merry men..To win the Widow of Wycombe forth, And where was the widow might say them nay?
1842 Ld. Tennyson Will Waterproof's Monologue in Poems (new ed.) II. 186 Long and largely we carouse As who shall say me nay.
1878 R. B. Smith Carthage 299 On he went through Latium.., no one daring to say him nay, till he pitched his camp upon the Arno.
1946 ‘A. Gilbert’ Spinster's Secret xvi. 155 Mrs. Barnes can pin any name she likes to either of the others, and who am I to say her nay?
1963 S. Bedford Favourite of Gods i. i. 30 Anna, though not quite of age, had no-one to say her nay.
1988 Jerusalem Post 7 Oct. 21 The business strategy he implemented kept the bank's profits ringing up at a furious pace... With this kind of success, no one could say him nay.
(b) In passive. To be refused or forbidden to someone. Obsolete. rare.
a1450 Castle Perseverance (1969) l. 3141 God grauntyd þat remission..To no man schuld be seyd nay.
1490 W. Caxton tr. Foure Sonnes of Aymon (1885) xix. 433 Noo thing shall be sayd nay to you.
extracted from nayadv.1n.
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