

单词 to break wedlock

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to break wedlock
d.to break spousehood (Middle English), to break wedlock, to break matrimony (16th cent.): to break the marriage vow, commit adultery. to break a marriage: to dissolve or annul it, obtain a divorce.
society > morality > moral evil > licentiousness > unchastity > fornication, adultery, or incest > commit fornication, adultery, or incest [verb (intransitive)] > commit adultery
to break (one's) wedlocka1100
to break spousehoodc1175
to break (also spill) (one's) spousal1340
to overgo one's beda1382
to break matrimony1530
to break wedlock1530
to commit the seventh1874
to play away1987
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > marriage or wedlock > divorce or dissolution > divorce or separate [verb (intransitive)]
to part beds1710
to break a marriage1844
to break up1912
c1175 Lamb. Hom. 143 Þe sunfulle Men þet spushad brekeð.
1530 Bible (Tyndale) Gen. Prol. sig. Avi David, though he brake wedlocke.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Matt. xix. 18 Thou shalt not breake wedlocke.
1535 Bible (Coverdale) Luke xvi. 18 Who so euer putteth awaye his wife and marieth another breaketh matrimony.
1844 Ld. Brougham Brit. Constit. v. 71 His desire to break his first marriage from his wish to espouse Anne Boleyn.
extracted from breakv.
to break (one's) wedlock
1. The marriage vow or obligation. Chiefly in phrases, to hold, keep wedlock, to be faithful in marriage; to break (one's) wedlock, to commit adultery. Obsolete.
society > society and the community > kinship or relationship > marriage or wedlock > wedding or nuptials > marriage vows or bonds > [noun] > vow
marriage vow1602
society > morality > moral evil > licentiousness > unchastity > fornication, adultery, or incest > commit fornication, adultery, or incest [verb (intransitive)] > commit adultery
to break (one's) wedlocka1100
to break spousehoodc1175
to break (also spill) (one's) spousal1340
to overgo one's beda1382
to break matrimony1530
to break wedlock1530
to commit the seventh1874
to play away1987
a1100 Aldhelm Gloss. in Zeitschr. f. Deutsches Alterthum IX. 498/2 Pacta sponsalia refutans, wedlac wiðsacende.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 2499 & tohh wass heh & soþ weddlac Haldenn onn eȝȝþerr hallfe.
c1230 Hali Meid. 19 Ȝif ha hare wedlac laheliche halden.
c1275 XI Pains of Hell 105 in Old Eng. Misc. 150 Heo þat her wedlac brekeþ To heore muþe þe flod takeþ.
c1385 G. Chaucer Legend Good Women 295 For alle kepid they here maydynhed Or ellis wedlek.
c1426 J. Audelay Poems (1931) 3 Kepe ȝoure wedloke.
?c1510 tr. Newe Landes & People founde by Kynge of Portyngale sig. Eiiv There is..noman so hardy that dare breke his wedloke.
1523 Ld. Berners tr. J. Froissart Chron. (1812) I. xxi. 30 Howe be it she kept but euyll the sacrament of matrimony, but brake her wedloke.
1526 Bible (Tyndale) Matt. v. f. vjv And whosoever maryeth her that is divorsed, breketh wedlocke.
1530 Myroure Oure Ladye (Fawkes) (1873) ii. 207 How wedlocke betwyxte man and woman shulde be kepte after the lawe of god.
1553 T. Wilson Arte of Rhetorique Pref. sig. A iii None remembred the true obseruation of wedlocke.
1579 R. Rice Inuect. Vices E iv Christe aunswered,..Thou shalte not breake wedlocke: Thou shalte not kill.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Othello (1622) v. ii. 149 Em. That she was false to wedlocke? Oth. I, with Cassio. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Winter's Tale (1623) v. i. 123 Your Mother was most true to Wedlock . View more context for this quotation
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