

单词 to be no way but one

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to be no way but one
(a) there is no way but one and variants: death (or ruin) is certain. Also to be no way but one: to be facing certain death (or ruin). Obsolete.
the mind > will > necessity > fate or destiny as determining events > beyond human control [phrase] > be destined to an adverse fate
there is no way but one1542
one's number is up1804
to have a person's number on it1917
1542 N. Udall tr. Erasmus Apophthegmes ii. f. 268v Vnto his pilote beeyng now clene in despaire to escape drounyng, & thynkyng to bee no waye but one, Cæsar opened who he was.
1553 R. Burrant in tr. Preceptes Cato (new ed.) sig. N.viv A thief beyng vpon the gallowes, and perceiuyng that there is no waie but one.
1577 M. Hanmer tr. Bp. Eusebius in Aunc. Eccl. Hist. iii. vi. 39 Many seeing no way but one, went and layd them downe vpon the beeres, to welcome death.
1590 C. Marlowe Tamburlaine: 1st Pt. sig. E4v The Souldan and the Arabian king together Martch on vs with such eager violence, As if there were no way but one with vs.
1600 W. Shakespeare Henry V ii. iii. 15 When I saw him fumble with the sheetes..[etc.], I knew there was no way but one.
1608 T. Dekker Dead Tearme sig. G2v To haue drunk with these Pot-tossers hadde beene no way but one, to haue solde any drinke to them, had beene for a Tapster to haue drunke his last.
1692 J. Dryden All for Love (new ed.) Pref. sig. b3v For if he heard the malicious Trumpetter proclaiming his name before his betters, he knew there was but one way with him.
1698 S. Pomfret Serm. to Young People 18 There remains no way but one with you, even eternal Damnation.
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