

单词 to bring to the stretch

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to bring to the stretch
g. The condition of being stretched; state of tension. Phrases, on, upon the stretch; to bring to the stretch.
the world > space > extension in space > measurable spatial extent > longitudinal extent > [noun] > making long or longer > drawing out to greater length > forcibly or tightly > condition of being
1674 R. Boyle New Exper. Efficacy Air's Moisture 11, in Tracts Observ. Saltness of Sea I suppos'd, that after a time this unusual stretch of the Rope would cease.
1679 J. Dryden Troilus & Cressida Pref. sig. bv What melody can be made on that Instrument all whose strings are screw'd up at first to their utmost stretch, and to the same sound?
1740 H. Bracken Farriery Improv'd (ed. 2) II. vi. 153 The Blood-Vessels in the Legs are more upon the Stretch.
1748 B. Robins & R. Walter Voy. round World by Anson i. vi. 66 They..strain the two thongs in contrary directions.., keeping the thongs still upon the stretch.
1753 J. Bartlet Gentleman's Farriery App. 333 E a strap fixed to the pad,..to keep the tail on the stretch at pleasure.
1781 W. Cowper Truth 384 An instrument, whose cords, upon the stretch,..Yield only discord in his Maker's ear.
1786 J. Pearson in Med. Communications 2 97 The ligament was on the stretch.
1793 J. Smeaton Narr. Edystone Lighthouse (ed. 2) §274 The chains being introduced and brought to a stretch.
1816 G. Crabb Eng. Synonymes 177 at Breeze The mariner has favourable gales which keep the sails on the stretch.
1827 D. Johnson Sketches Indian Field Sports (ed. 2) 73 The string..is kept at its stretch by means of a stiff piece of stick.
c1860 H. Stuart Novices or Young Seaman's Catech. (rev. ed.) 27 The rigging must be got on a stretch.
figurative.1702 J. Vanbrugh False Friend iv. i Sure Villainy and Impudence were never on the Stretch before: This Traytor has wreckt 'em till they Crack.
extracted from stretchn.
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