

单词 to bring to earth

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to bring (a person) to (the) earth
4. The ground considered as a place for burying the dead. In early use frequently in to bring (a person) to (the) earth: to bury (a person); now archaic. Cf. above earth at above adv., prep., n., and adj. Phrases 1.
the world > life > death > disposal of corpse > burial > [noun] > earth or ground as place of burial
eOE tr. Orosius Hist. (BL Add.) (1980) ii. vi. 49 Æt nihstan ða þe þær to lafe beon moston wæron to ðæm meðie þæt hie ne mehton þa gefarenan to eorþan bringan.
OE Regularis Concordia (Tiber.) (1993) lxvi. 139 Donec..corpus terre commendetur : þæt..þæt lic eorþan beo betæht.
c1175 Ormulum (Burchfield transcript) l. 6131 He shall shrifenn þe..& brinngenn þe till eorþe.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 2137 To-gadere come his eorles & brohten hine to eorðe [c1300 Otho erþe].
c1300 St. Edmund Rich (Harl.) l. 598 in C. D'Evelyn & A. J. Mill S. Eng. Legendary (1956) 511 Ded he com iwis & þer he was ibroȝt an vrþe.
1387 in F. J. Furnivall Fifty Earliest Eng. Wills (1882) 2 Y be-quethe iii.li to bringe me on erthe.
?1457 J. Hardyng Chron. (Lansd.:Hammond) 235 Kynge Rycharde..at langley leyde in erthe.
1541 in S. Tymms Wills & Inventories Bury St. Edmunds (1850) 261 [William Clovyer, of Chelsworth, charged his wife] to brynge me vnto the herthe honestly accordynge to my value.
1541 in S. Tymms Wills & Inventories Bury St. Edmunds (1850) 141 I commytt my body to be buryed in the churche erthe.
a1593 C. Marlowe Edward II (1594) sig. I4v Euery earth is fit for buriall.
1636 in B. Cusack Everyday Eng. 1500–1700 (1998) 341 First I giue and bequeath my Body to ye yearth & my soule vnto god yt gaue it.
1682 Will of Ann Tooker (P.R.O.: PROB. 11/370) f. 294v My body to the earth without any other ceremony than Rosemary and wine.
1705 T. Greenhill Νεκροκηδεια 5 Nature admonishes us that the spiritless Body should be restored to the Earth.
1785 Life Miss Davis 5 He..was convicted and hanged..and her hemp-sick husband laid in the earth.
1825 C. M. Westmacott Eng. Spy I. 260 A speedy-man by nimbler foe Lies buried in the earth below.
1855 J. E. Cooke Ellie iii. xxi. 562 The body of Lucia was committed to the earth from which it sprung.
1904 J. E. Carpenter First Three Gospels (ed. 3) viii. 350 We shall not expect him to..draw forth from the earth the reanimate forms of the uncounted dead.
1973 J. Gardner tr. Allit. Morte Arthure 113 Go on to Glastonbury with grieving hearts, To bury that boldest of kings and bring him to earth.
2002 I. Knight Don't you want Me? vii. 85 She is buried in the earth, and once again at one with Mother Nature.
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