

单词 to begin with

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to begin with (formerly at, from, by)
d. Const. to begin at (formerly from): to start from a point. to begin with (formerly at, from, by): to start with an action or thing affected; to begin by doing something. to begin with, (withal obs.), adverbial phr.: At the outset, as the first thing to be considered.
c1380 J. Wyclif Three Treat. 24 Bigynne we at the freris, the whiche he brouȝte laste inne.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Luke xxiii. 5 He moueth to gidere the peple, techinge thorw al Judee, bigynnynge fro Galilee til hidur [1526 Tyndale at Galile even to this place, 1582 Rheims from Galilee euen hither, 1611 King James from Galilee to this place].
c1400 (?c1380) Pearl l. 546 Bygyn at þe laste þat standez lowe, Tyl to þe fyrste þat þou at-teny.
1531 W. Tyndale Expos. & Notes (1849) 220 And, to begin withal, they said Confiteor.
1536 R. Beerley Let. in W. B. Scoones Four Cent. Eng. Lett. (1880) 35 Sume cum to mattens, begenynge at the mydes, and sume when yt ys allmost done.
a1563 J. Bale King Johan (1969) ii. 1205 Fyrst, to begynne with we shall interdyte þe land.
1570 J. Foxe Actes & Monumentes (rev. ed.) I. 494/2 First begynnyng with that godly man..the autor of the boke.
1611 Bible (King James) Matt. xx. 8 Beginning from the last vnto the first [ Wyclif, to; Geneva, at the laste til [to] the firste] . View more context for this quotation
1631 W. Gouge Gods Three Arrowes iii. §2. 182 I will begin with the Assaulter, who is..said to be Amalek.
1697 J. Dryden Alexander's Feast ii. 2 The Song began from Jove.
1739 Ld. Chesterfield Lett. (1932) (modernized text) II. 384 The Spaniards began their conquests..by the islands of St. Domingo and Cuba.
1774 Ld. Chesterfield Lett. to Son I. 2 I am told, Sir, you are preparing to travel, and that you begin by Holland.
1819 Ld. Byron Don Juan: Canto I vii. 6 My way is to begin with the beginning.
1843 T. Carlyle Past & Present iv. i. 324 The noble Priest was always a noble Aristos to begin with.
1860 J. S. Mill Represent. Govt. 278 It is obvious, to begin with, that all business purely local..should devolve upon the local authorities.
extracted from beginv.1
to begin with
Phr. (with ellipsis of obj.) to begin with: to take what is mentioned or indicated as one's starting-point.extracted from withprep.adv.conj.
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