

单词 to be little mastery

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to be little mastery
b. to be little mastery: (of an action) to be easy; to be only a minor achievement. Similarly to be great (also no, much, etc.) mastery. Obsolete.
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) 235 Þo þe clerc adde iseid his enchanterie..silui him let sle, ac þat was lute maistrie.
c1330 (?c1300) Bevis of Hampton (Auch.) 1738 Hit were no meistri me to slo For þis is þe ferþe dai agon Mete ne drinke ne bot i non.
?c1335 in W. Heuser Kildare-Gedichte (1904) 109 Þat was a gret maistri Þat þe doȝtir ber þe fader.
a1450 (c1412) T. Hoccleve De Regimine Principum (Harl. 4866) (1897) 1900 Þee prince is good lord þe to; No maistri it is for þe..To be releeued.
?1456 H. at Fenne in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) II. 137 It is no grete maistre to gader vp þat mony.
1530 Myroure Oure Ladye (Fawkes) (1873) i. 17 Yt is no more mastery to god to make of ought, & to make of nought.
1576 A. Fleming tr. J. Caius Of Eng. Dogges 17 They [sc. duckes] go so slowely and so leasurely, that to a mans thinking it were no masteryes to take them.
1601 R. Johnson tr. G. Botero Trauellers Breuiat 98 By these helpes it was no masterie to vanquish and subdue them.
1625 P. Heylyn Μικρόκοσμος (rev. ed.) 548 As Tully saith, for a man to be good in other places, is no masterie; but in Asia to lead a temperate life, is indeed praise-worthy.
a1637 B. Jonson Timber 670 in Wks. (1640) III It is a little Maistry to know them.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost ix. 29 Warrs, hitherto the onely Argument Heroic deem'd, chief maistrie to dissect With long and tedious havoc fabl'd Knights In Battels feign'd. View more context for this quotation
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