

单词 to beat oneself with one's own staff

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to beat oneself with one's own staff
a. In various phrases indicating that a person's troubles or misfortunes are a result of their own actions, as to make a staff for one's own head, to make a staff to strike oneself down, to beat oneself with one's own staff. Cf. to make a rod for one's own back at rod n.1 1b. Obsolete.Attested earlier with the form staue: cf. stave n.2 2.
society > authority > punishment > [verb (intransitive)] > bring about punishment for oneself
to make a rod for one's own back (also oneself)a1393
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 7322 Þat þai desire, þai sal it haue, To þair aun heued a staue.]
?c1450 tr. Bk. Knight of La Tour Landry (1906) 21 And sum saide it hadd be beter for her to holde her pees..and that she had bete her selff with her owne staffe.
?1507 W. Dunbar Tua Mariit Wemen (Rouen) in Poems (1998) I. 51 All thus enforsit he his fa..And maid a stalwart staff to strik him selfe doune.
1618 G. Mynshul Ess. Prison 12 Thou dost..get a staffe to breake thy owne head, and lay a snare which thou thy selfe shalt fall into.
1856 Elgin Courant 5 Sept. 5/1 Many a one makes a staff to break his own head.
extracted from staffn.1
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