

单词 to be going upon

> as lemmas

to be going upon ——
3. intransitive. To approach (a certain age, time, or point in time); = to go on —— 2a at Phrasal verbs 2. Chiefly in the progressive, as going upon ——, to be going upon ——. Obsolete.
the world > time > relative time > the future or time to come > future [verb (transitive)] > approach a time
to go upon ——1567
to go on ——1798
1567 A. Golding tr. Ovid Metamorphosis (new ed.) xii. f. 150v Two hundred yeeres already of my lyfe full passed bee, And now I go vppon the third [L. nunc tertia vivitur aetas].
1622 J. Mabbe tr. M. Alemán Rogue ii. iii. ii. 231 In all the time that I haue serued his Maiesty..which is now going vpon the three and twentieth yeare.
1645 W. Prynne Hidden Workes Darkenes 19 It imports Him and His Kingdom very much that they marry the Prince His onely Sonne presently, going upon 23. yeeres.
1702 Eng. Theophrastus 74 Now she is just going upon Sixteen.
extracted from gov.
as lemmas




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