

单词 to be busting

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to be busting


Most of the phrases below are originally and chiefly U.S.
P1. —— or bust: indicating a supreme effort to achieve the stated goal or specified destination, with utter failure as the only alternative.
1839 Southern Literary Messenger May 328/2 A large and respectable number of us resolved..to go it or bust; in three words, we played truant.
1861 Knickerbocker Aug. 117 The canvas wagon-cover is labeled: ‘Pike's Peak or Bust’. Three months hence it may bear in addition the words: ‘Busted, by Thunder’.
1918 J. B. Egan Beaten Path xvii. 100 ‘It's thirty million feet or bust!’ laughed Strong. The camp caught up the cry and it became the slogan that spurred the men to further action.
1961 Flying July 52/2 After a two-day visit, I pointed the sleek nose eastward, with Connecticut or bust on my mind.
2011 M. F. Ochoa Nueva Vida v. 48 His fear of failure had become insurmountable,..which prevented him from understanding there were other alternatives to the lifestyle he had long envisioned for himself. It was politics or bust!
P2. to bust loose.
a. To break loose, to get free.
1844 Spirit of Times 20 Apr. 91/2 So I busted loose and set my paddles to goin' mightily.
1906 J. C. Lincoln Mr. Pratt iv. 52 He..hung onto the thwart with both hands, like he was afraid 'twould bust loose and leave him adrift.
1954 Boston Sunday Globe 7 Nov. (Fiction Mag.) 6/2 Remember me mentionin' a narrow balcony on the second floor of a shack in El Pintado?.. Well, it busted loose, dumped me about 15 feet, and I landed on the back of my neck.
2009 G. Evanoff Operation Barbeque x. 184 I tried to drive through it but the flat tire and the weight of the van overpowered me. I felt the trailer bust loose.
b. To break (a person or thing) loose; to set free.
1845 Spirit of Times 15 Mar. 27/2 I thought I was busted open from one eend to 'tother! Sure enough tho', I warn't, but only busted loose from the line.
1912 D. Marquis Danny's Own Story iii. 39 An open-handed smack plumb on the mouth that jarred my head back and like to of busted it loose.
1960 Pop. Sci. June 240 Finally Hockett urged the crew on the crane to bust him loose by tugging harder.
2008 M. Shoulders Competition xl. 269 The gate was still frozen with rust at the hinges. ‘If we can get it to swing out on its hinges, without busting them loose, we'll put a new padlock on the hasp.’
c. To act freely or without constraint; to behave exuberantly, celebrate unrestrainedly. Also: (of events, etc.) to become uncontrolled or chaotic.
1874 Jones County Liberal (Monticello, Iowa) 19 Feb. An organ busted loose up-stairs—the musick hit was gay, Hit tickled them as couldn't sing, an' them wot had to pay.
1918 Z. Grey U.P. Trail xvi. 179 What 'n hell busted loose round heah?
1920 F. Crane Business of Living 145 As a Western friend of mine expressed it, ‘Everybody just naturally wants to bust loose once in a while.’
1959 Baseball Digest Dec. 65/2 They gave him every break this past season in the belief that he would finally bust loose.
2011 C. F. David Return to Hell xx. 187 Things are starting to bust loose, you need to get your men back inside the wire.
P3. to be busting.
a. To be desperate or eager to do something or for something. Cf. to be bursting at burst v. 3b.
1862 Mrs. H. Wood Life's Secret ix. 69/2 I have primed 'em, and some of 'em's a busting to go off.
1882 Moonshine 15 July 24/2 The plaintiff is, of course, ‘busting’ to ex-sculp-ate himself from the charges made against him.
1975 Boys' Life Aug. 34/2 He was busting to tell someone, but his father was at work and his mother—she always asked too many questions.
1998 S. Waters Tipping Velvet ii. 52 ‘I am sure your mother would disapprove, but I'm just about busting for a smoke.’ She lit the cigarette, and drew upon it heavily.
2008 P. Myers What I did in Cuba 8 We hastily unpacked and went for the first time into the town that I'd been busting to see for too long.
b. spec. To be desperate for the toilet. Chiefly with for or to. Also to be ready to bust.
1951 E. Lambert Twenty Thousand Thieves xviii. 354 Dooley swung a leg over the tailboard and mumbled: ‘Good! I'm busting for a leak.’
1982 M. Seide Common Wilderness (1983) v. 124 I've been holding it in so long, I'm ready to bust.
1990 Independent (Nexis) 24 Dec. 25 I woke up at 6am busting to go to the loo. I looked out of the window and there was this UFO suspended in the air.
1994 Mixmag June 68 Rob was busting for a widdle the whole time, but when they eventually let him visit the can he was surrounded by a brace of coppers watching him.
2007 C. Seeber Lullaby xviii.279 Can I just use your loo quickly? I'm busting.
P4. to bust a cap: to fire a bullet from a gun.
1838 Southern Patriot (Charleston, S. Carolina) 22 Jan. Chamberlayne's pistol fired, and immediately Lafayette bursted a cap at him.]
1872 Condition of Affairs in Late Insurrectionary States (U.S. House of Representatives, 42nd Congr., 2nd Sess.) III. 1864 Somebody busted a cap, but his gun never went off.
1907 McClure's Mag. June 203/2 ‘You damned recruities!’ he stormed, ‘did any one of you ever bust a cap?’
1969 R. L. Keiser Vice Lords i. 9 The Cobras may be my ‘brothers’, but if one of them mother fuckers jump on me I'll bust a cap in his ass.
1991 J. T. Ward Dear Mom i. 39 Bust caps, we did, well past chow. By the end of that first day we were exhausted and our shoulders sore as hell.
2009 L. D. Estleman Branch & Scaffold xi. 111 Within two years,..Pat Garrett would bust a cap on Billy the Kid.
P5. to bust one's ass (also back, hump): to exert oneself; to work extremely hard. Cf. to bust one's balls at ball n.1 Phrases 5d.
1908 C. E. Mulford Orphan xiii. 230 I busted my back a-hoisting his freight cars aboard, and we started out again.
1957 H. Swados On Line 6 I'm willing to bust my hump for some walking-around money.
1985 N. Pileggi Wiseguy 188 We're all up here busting our humps.
1991 S. E. Phillips Hot Shot 183 We've busted our asses finding you, and the least you can do is hear us out.
2004 Stoned, Naked, & looking in Neighbour's Window 31 I am jealous of the people who have everything fall into their lap, while I bust my ass with nothing to show for it.
P6. Chiefly in African-American usage. to bust suds: to wash dishes, esp. as an occupation.
1911 Chicago Defender 8 JulyBusting suds’..is an expression that borders on slang and is generally used to humiliate, or in the language of the street, to get back at somebody.
1959 Washington Post 27 Dec. a1/3 Jim spent his nights at the Gospel Mission on 5th st. by ‘busting suds’ (washing dishes) all day and going to the Mission chapel in the evening.
1991 Callaloo 14 815 I just got a bunch of jobs together, all different kinds of work. Some of them I see he wouldn't have done. He wouldn't have ‘busted suds’, for instance.
2009 M. L. Wilcoxon Happily Ever After vi. 13 Do you see those dirty dishes? Someone is going to have to load the dishwasher or bust some suds.
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P7. to bust a nut: see nut n.1 14b.
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P8. to bust (a person's) balls: see ball n.1 Phrases 5c. to bust one's balls: see ball n.1 Phrases 5d.
P9. Originally in the language of rap and hip-hop.
a. to bust a move: to perform a dance move, to dance; (also more generally) to make any movement, to take action.
1984 ‘Fat Boys’ Fat Boys (Disco 3) (song) in Fat Boys (record sleeve notes) 1/1 Our bodies start shaking To the funky rhythm of the beat called fats. So bust the fresh move.
1989 ‘Young MC’ Bust Move (song) in Hip-hop & Rap (2003) 26 Says she wanna dance 'cause she likes the groove. So come on, fatso, and just bust a move!
1993 B. Cross It's not about Salary 16 These ‘break’ (B-)dancers battled on the floor to see who could bust the most outrageous moves.
2000 N. Jans Tracks of Unseen 41 The idea of running fast and far seems highly attractive. Before I can bust a move, though, the bears put on the brakes.
2008 M. McKayhan Pact xviii. 185 I tried to imagine my father seriously busting a move, and I couldn't. The times I'd seen him dance were rare, and only after too many beers.
b. to bust a rhyme: to rap; to perform as a rapper.
1985 ‘M.C. Chill’ (title of song) Bust this rhyme.
1989 Spin Aug. 12/1 L.L. [Cool J] busts rhymes with unrelenting grace and invention.
1992 Vibe Fall (Preview Issue) 30/3 The dopest, most hardcore white boy who ever grabbed a mike and attempted to bust a rhyme.
2006 Guardian 30 Sept. (Guide Suppl.) 9/2 Half an hour in and our crack squad of future rap stars is ready to start ‘busting rhymes’.
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