

单词 tineman


Inflections: Plural tinemen.
Forms: 1500s tyneman, 1500s– tineman, 1600s–1800s tienman.
Origin: A variant or alteration of another lexical item. Etymon: town man n.
Etymology: Originally an editorial misreading by W. Harrison (see quot. 1577 and the variant reading in quot. ?c1300) for Old English tūnman town man n. (compare town man n. 1), apparently arising by minim confusion, but subsequently understood by legal historians to show a specific term (ending in man n.1) denoting the lowest rank of forester during the reign of Cnut. (Although purporting to show Old English use during the reign of Cnut, De Foresta was in fact composed in the late 12th cent.).Spelman equates the (supposed) word with post-classical Latin homo minutus person of lower rank or status (12th cent. in British sources; compare minute adj.), referring to the use of the Latin phrase in De Foresta and perhaps intending to suggest that the first element was tine adj. (which is not attested until later in the Middle English period):1664 H. Spelman Glossarium 540/1 Tineman, In Forestis olim dictus est, qui nocturnam curam ueneris & uiridis, tum servilia opera subibat, ut habetur in Canuti Regis Constitutionibus de Foresta... Significare autem videtur hominem minutum; sic enim exponitur idem. However, that does not appear to be how the first element was commonly understood, and it usually remains unexplained. Compare also the early currency of the variant tienman , perhaps by association with forms of ten adj. (perhaps compare tithingman n.1).
a spurious word, arising from a misreading of town man n. (see etymology).
the world > food and drink > farming > animal husbandry > gamekeeping > [noun] > gamekeeper
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?c1300 (?c1185) Pseudo-Cnut De Foresta iv in F. Liebermann Gesetze der Angelsachsen (1903) I. 621 Sub horum [ealdermen] iterum quolibet sint duo minutorum hominum, quos tunman [so Stowe (c1575); c1570 Cambr. Univ. Libr. tunman or timman; 1577 Harrison Tineman] Angli dicunt, hii nocturnam curam et ueneris et uiridis tum seruilia opera subibunt.]
1577 W. Harrison Hist. Descr. Islande Brit. ii. xv. f. 89v/2 in R. Holinshed Chron. I Sub horum iterum quolibet sint duo minutorum hominum, quos Tineman Angli dicunt [in right margin Tineman], hi nocturnam curam & veneris & viridis tum seruilia opera subibunt.
?1592 J. Manwood Brefe Coll. Lawes Forest 2 (margin) Tineman. These are they that now are called Forresters or keepers.
?1592 J. Manwood Brefe Coll. Lawes Forest 9 Againe, vnder euery one of these meane men, let there bee two of the least men of account of the Forest, (which Englishmen do call Tyne-men,) these persons shall vndertake the seruile labour, and also the night charge of Vert and Venison.
1670 T. Blount Νομο-λεξικον: Law-dict. Tineman or Tienman, was of old a Petty Officer in the Forest, who had the Nocturnal care of Vert and Venison, and other servile employments.
1906 A. Conan Doyle Sir Nigel x The tineman and verderers have not forgotten me yet.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1912; most recently modified version published online March 2021).




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