

单词 time of memory

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time of memory
time of memory n.
1. The period of time within the reach of memory (either of the person speaking or writing, or of any person living), or (more generally) of reliable record.
1540 J. Palsgrave in tr. G. Gnapheus Comedye of Acolastus Ep. Ded. sig. b Laurence Ualla..by whose fyrste exhortation and settynge on, so many excellent wryters haue rysen amongeste the Italians within the tyme of memory.
1582 in R. Hakluyt Princ. Navigations (1599) II. i. 165 In time of Memory things haue bene brought in that were not here before, as..the Turky cocks and hennes about fifty yeres past.
1695 Marquis of Halifax Some Cautions Members Parl. 23 The Publick-spirited Choler hath been thrown off within time of Memory.
c1726 R. North in J. Wilson Roger North on Music (1959) xiii. 286 In the north..the Quires in time of memory have had wind musick, to supply the want of voices.
1800 L. D. Campbell in H. Boyd Misc. Wks. II. Pref. 47 The Cingales appear..to have been, beyond time of memory, a race of Hindûs instructed in all the arts of civil life.
1857 W. Meade Old Churches Virginia II. lv. 84 Both [churches] were standing and in tolerably good keeping within time of memory.
1922 W. H. Blake In Fishing Country i. 30 Lac à Gravel takes name from the Indian who found the lake, or harboured there before time of memory.
1991 C. C. Weston in Cambr. Hist. Polit. Thought xiii. 379 The events at Runnymede were comfortably within time of memory.
2. Law. [After Anglo-Norman temps de memoire.] Time since 3 September 1189, the beginning of the reign of Richard I of England, fixed by statute of Edward I in 1275 and 1293 as the date before which documentary evidence was deemed unnecessary to prove a claim. Also time of legal memory.
1642 tr. J. Perkins Profitable Bk. ii. §120. 54 If a Deed bear date before time of memory it is not pleadable.
1766 W. Blackstone Comm. Laws Eng. II. 31 Time of memory hath been long ago ascertained by the law to commence from the reign of Richard the first.
1848 J. J. S. Wharton Law Lexicon at Memory By Statute Westminster the First, 3 Edw. I., a.d. 1276, the time of memory was limited to the reign of Richard 1st, July 6th, 1189.
1882 C. Sweet Dict. Eng. Law 525 When a person alleges in legal proceedings, that a custom or prescription has existed from time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary..this is..called time of living memory, as opposed to time of legal memory, which runs from the commencement of the reign of Richard I.
a1944 W. Holdsworth in Amer. Hist. Rev. (1952) 57 322 As a legal historian, English law from before the time of legal memory has never known his like.
1995 Estates Gaz. 22 Apr. 207/2 Where..the actual origin of the enjoyment was shown to have been of more recent date than the time of legal memory the right [misprinted fight] was held to be defeated.
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