

单词 time and tide

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time and tide
a. tide and (or) time (also time and tide: see time n., int., and conj. Phrases 1h): an alliterative reduplication, in which the two words were more or less synonyms, or = time and (or) season. Obsolete.
the world > time > [noun]
tide and (or) timea1225
a1225 St. Marher. 18 And te tide and te time þat tu iboren were, schal beon iblescet.
c1425 Cast. Persev. 2456 in Macro Plays 150 Þer is no dysese nor debate,..tyde nor tyme, erly nor late, but þat Couetyse is þe grounde.
1572 (a1500) Taill of Rauf Coilȝear (1882) 48 I leid my life in this land mith mekle vnrufe, Baith tyde and tyme, in all my trauale.
1583 T. Stocker tr. Tragicall Hist. Ciuile Warres Lowe Countries i. 26 b At al tide and tymes whensoeuer they shall be commaunded.
1604 Penniles Parl. Threed-bare Poets in Iacke of Dover Quest of Inquirie sig. F3 If Dauncers keepe not tyde and time in their measures.
extracted from tiden.
time and tide
h. In alliterative association with tide, in various senses of both words, esp. in time and tide. Frequently in or with allusion to proverbial phrases: see time and tide wait for no man at Phrases 6f.Originally apparently with the two words in distinct senses; later used almost synonymously. Cf. etymological note.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 778 He wat wel wat tim or tide þat ȝee hade eten o þis tre.
a1450 Pater Noster Richard Ermyte (Westm. Sch. 3) (1967) 40 (MED) What tyd or tyme so þat we þis breed faile to þe soule, he waxiþ seek in synne & drawiþ to þe deeþ.
1474 in L. F. Salzman Building in Eng. (1952) 64 Thei..take theyr houres of Rest and Respit betwene the tyme and tyde as it is affore accordyng to the season of the yere that thei labor in.
c1550 R. Bieston Bayte Fortune B j And founden wast thou fyrst in euyll time and tyde.
1581 J. Marbeck Bk. Notes & Common Places 804 For their penaunce, according to the number, manner, time and tide giuen them by their ghostly father.
1602 J. Marston Antonios Reuenge ii. iv. sig. Ev The diuell in his good time and tide forsake thee.
1712 W. Goldwin Poet. Descr. Bristol 8 An inland Port..Where new or shatter'd Gallies safely Sleep, Till Time and Tide remand them to the Deep.
1791 R. Burns Tam o' Shanter 67 Nae man can tether time or tide.
1874 T. Hardy Far from Madding Crowd I. viii. 95 A true narrative, like time and tide, must run its course and would wait for no man.
1980 P. Grace in L. Wevers N.Z. Short Stories (1984) 4th Ser. 110 Now this strip here,..it's where we used to get our pipis, any time or tide.
2000 K. Shamsie Salt & Saffron (2001) vi. 65 Why can't we roll with it; see where time and tide take us?
extracted from timen.int.conj.
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