

单词 throne


Brit. /θrəʊn/, U.S. /θroʊn/

α. Middle English tron, Middle English tronne, Middle English troon, Middle English troone, Middle English troyne, Middle English–1700s trone, 1500s troane; Scottish pre-1700 tron, pre-1700 trone, pre-1700 troune, pre-1700 trown, pre-1700 trowne, pre-1700 troyn, pre-1700 trune.

β. Middle English throun, Middle English– throne, 1500s–1600s throan, 1500s–1600s throane, 1500s–1700s thron, 1600s throwne; also Scottish pre-1700 throsne.

Origin: Of multiple origins. Partly a borrowing from French. Partly a borrowing from Latin. Etymons: French throne; Latin thronus.
Etymology: < (i) Anglo-Norman tron, trune, Anglo-Norman and Old French, Middle French throne, trone, Old French troine, Old French, Middle French trosne, Middle French throsne (French trône ) seat of God, ceremonial chair for a sovereign, sovereign power or authority (all 1st half of the 12th cent.), ceremonial chair occupied by a pope (1st half of the 13th cent.), one of the orders of angels (late 13th cent. in plural), and its etymon (ii) classical Latin thronus chair of state, in post-classical Latin also reign, dominion (Vulgate), (in plural) third of the nine orders of angels (after use in the Vulgate: Colossians 1:16), seat of God (5th cent.) < ancient Greek θρόνος seat, chair, chair of state, king's estate or dignity, in Hellenistic Greek also (in plural) denoting an order of angels, in Byzantine Greek also occupant of a seat of authority, bishop's seat, already in Mycenaean Greek as to-no (*θόρνος ), with metathesis (compare to-ro-no-wo-ko (*θρονοFοργοί ) makers of thrones), perhaps < the same Indo-European base as Sanskrit dhṛ- to hold, keep, carry (see dharma n.).Parallels in Romance languages. Compare Old Occitan tron (c1200), Catalan tron (15th cent.), Spanish trono (1st half of the 13th cent.), Portuguese trono (13th cent.), Italian trono (13th cent.). Borrowings into other Germanic languages. The word was borrowed from French or Latin into several other Germanic languages: compare Middle Dutch trone (Dutch troon ), Middle High German trōn , thrōn (German Thron ). Specific senses. With sense 6 and throne room n. (b) at Compounds 2, compare similar humorous use of French trône in senses ‘commode’ (1806), ‘toilet seat’ (1866).
1. The seat of God or Christ in heaven, esp. considered as the place from which divine judgements and commands are made; (in early use also) the seat of honour assigned to the Virgin Mary in heaven. Also in non-Judaeo-Christian contexts: the seat of a god, esp. the chief god of a pantheon. the throne of grace [after post-classical Latin thronus gratiae (Vulgate), itself after Hellenistic Greek θρόνος τῆς χαρίτος] and variants: the Mercy seat (Mercy seat n. 1), conceived of as the location of God when answering prayer.See also Great White Throne n. at great adj., n., adv., and int. Compounds 1e.
the world > the supernatural > deity > heaven > [noun] > throne of God
Great White Throne1612
Mercy seat1667
c1225 (?c1200) Sawles Warde (Bodl.) (1938) 28 Ich iseh on heh ouer alle heouenliche þe eadi meiden his moder marie inempnet sitten in a trone se swiðe briht wid ȝimmes istirret.
?c1225 (?a1200) Ancrene Riwle (Cleo. C.vi) (1972) 33 Leauedi seinte marie..he..sette þe introne.
a1250 in C. Brown Eng. Lyrics 13th Cent. (1932) 3 Þu ert hore blostme bi-uoren godes trone.
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Heb. iv. 16 Therfore go we with Crist [read trist] to the trone of his grace [L. thronum gratiae].
c1400 (?a1387) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Huntington HM 137) (1873) C. ii. l. 134 Þe trone þat trinite ynne sitteþ.
?a1475 Ludus Coventriae (1922) 366 (MED) O swete soule of mary..haue mynde of thy pore brether when thou comyst to þi tron.
c1480 (a1400) St. Mary of Egypt 794 in W. M. Metcalfe Legends Saints Sc. Dial. (1896) I. 319 Þu sittis with god in til his trowne.
1508 J. Fisher Treat. Penyt. Psalmes sig. aa.vv Euery man & woman shall stonde before the trone of almyghty god.
1526 Bible (Tyndale) Rev. xiv. 5 They are with outen spott before the trone off God.
1563 T. Sackville in W. Baldwin et al. Myrrour for Magistrates (new ed.) Buckingham sig. V.iiiv The trone of mighty Jove.
β. c1300 St. Thomas Becket (Laud) 2304 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 172 Bi-fore ore louerd sone..ase he sat in is throne.a1460 Knyghthode & Bataile (Pembr. Cambr. 243) l. 2012 (MED) Omnipotens, this is his champioun; God loueth this, his throne & sapience Is sette heron, justice to dispence.1531 Bp. W. Barlow Dyaloge Lutheran Faccyons sig. d Therfore lett vs drawe nere wyth confidence to the throne of grace, yt we may gett mercy and fynde grace to helpe vs at nede.1552 Bk. Common Prayer (STC 16279) Morninge Prayer sig. .iv The throne of the heauenly grace.1603 T. Jackson Davids Pastorall Poeme vi. 178 By faith..wee haue entrance vnto God, and accesse to the throne of his grace, without which it is impossible to come neere vnto God, or to please him.1662 W. Gurnall Christian in Armour: 3rd Pt. 101 It sends them to the Throne of Grace.1710 J. Ashwood Pract. Disc. Several Subj. 78 There is no Throne of Grace, no Mercy-Seat for us to go unto, whilst we are strangers to Christ.1781 Transl. & Paraphr. Sacred Script. (Gen. Assembly Church of Scotl.) 95 With boldness therefore at the throne, Let us make all our sorrows known.1849 W. K. Tweedie Life J. MacDonald 157 It was made a frequent errand to the throne.1875 E. H. Bickersteth Songs in House of Pilgrimage v Jesus we know, and He is on the throne.1914 A. B. Benson Old Norse Elem. in Swedish Romanticism iii. 109 The supreme Odin on his throne Lidskalf looking down upon the world and seeing all that takes place.1963 Furrow 14 47 Each member of the Royal Priesthood, the people of God, has direct access to the Throne of Grace.2007 Gramophone Feb. 80/2 The shortest work..explores, almost operatically, the battle stations of St Michael and his heavenly hosts encircling God's throne.
a. A ceremonial chair for a powerful or high-ranking person; esp. a highly ornate, high-backed chair occupied by a sovereign on state occasions, typically placed on a raised platform, and sometimes covered by a canopy.
society > authority > office > symbol of office or authority > regalia > [noun] > throne
c1300 St. Katherine (Laud) 35 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 93 Þe Aumperour sat In is trone.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 9944 Wit-in þis tour..Es sett a tron [Gött. trone].
a1450 Castle Perseverance (1969) l. 457 Mundus. Now I sytte in my semly sale; I trotte and tremle in my trew trone;..Kyng, knyth, and kayser to me makyn mone.
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry VI f. clxxvij The trone royall, vnder the clothe of estate.
a1600 ( W. Stewart tr. H. Boece Bk. Cron. Scotl. (1858) I. 94 Brutell beistis set vp in ane trune [rhyme mune].
β. a1393 J. Gower Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) vii. l. 2418 Wher he was in his real Throne.?a1425 (c1400) Mandeville's Trav. (Titus C.xvi) (1919) 141 The Emperoures throne full high where he sytteth at the mete.1510 A. Chertsey tr. Floure Commaundementes of God (de Worde) i. xxi. f. xlviii/1 The kynge Salamon..set hym vpon his throne, and made his moder to sytte on his ryght syde by hym.1591 M. Drayton Harmonie of Church sig. B4v See, where Salomon is set In Royall throan.1611 Bible (King James) Matt. xix. 28 Ye also shal sit vpon twelue thrones, iudging the twelue tribes of Israel. View more context for this quotationa1684 J. Evelyn Diary anno 1660 (1955) III. 250 The Chirurgeons cause the sick to be brought or led up to the throne, who kneeling, the King strokes their faces.1732 T. Lediard tr. J. Terrasson Life Sethos II. vii. 32 A throne of red wood, rais'd by five steps.1777 R. Potter in tr. Æschylus Tragedies Pref. p. xv Æschylus represented the Epos to his mind as a majestic queen seated on her throne.1815 Ld. Byron Vision Belshazzar i, in Hebrew Melodies 33 The King was on his throne, The Satraps throng'd the hall.1896 in Westm. Gaz. 27 May 6/1 With all dignity..Alexandra Feodorovna upstood from her throne.1917 J. W. Gerard My Four Years in Germany i. i. 25 Each lady to be presented stopped beside the throne and made a low curtsey.1948 T. Wilder Ides of March xxxiv. 99 I go to the lowest step of my throne to welcome my Deedja's wife.2015 S. Wales Echo (Nexis) 28 May (caption) 15 The Queen sits on the throne in the House of Lords next to the Duke of Edinburgh during the State Opening of Parliament.
b. A ceremonial chair occupied by a pope or bishop. Hence also: the office or position of Pope or bishop (cf. sense 3a).
society > faith > artefacts > furniture > seat > [noun] > bishop's
society > faith > church government > member of the clergy > clerical superior > pope > [noun] > office of
power of the keys1536
Apostolic seat1560
Catholic Seat1570
society > faith > church government > member of the clergy > clerical superior > bishop > [noun] > office of
c1390 in Englische Studien (1877) 1 40 He..made a noþur bisschop sone, and set him deorely in trone.
a1500 (?c1378) J. Wyclif Eng. Wks. (1880) 457 (MED) Þe pope sittiþ in his troone & makiþ lordis to kisse his feet.
c1515 Ld. Berners tr. Bk. Duke Huon of Burdeux (1882–7) lxii. 216 They founde the pope set in his trone.
1611 G. Downame Def. Serm. Consecr. Bishop of Bath iv. iii. 51 The Episcopall throne or chaire, wherein Iames sate as Bishop of Ierusalem.
1673 W. Cave Primitive Christianity i. vi. 140 The Bishops Throne was raised up somewhat higher from the ground, and from hence I suppose it was that he usually delivered his Sermons to the people.
1726 J. Ayliffe Parergon Juris Canonici Anglicani 121 In those Times, the Bishops preach'd on the Steps of the Altar.., having not as yet assum'd to themselves the Pride and State of a Throne.
1774 T. Pennant Tour Scotl. 1772 2 St. Werburgh's shrine is now the bishop's throne, decorated with the figures of Mercian monarchs and saints.
1825 ‘G. Perceval’ Hist. Italy II. vi. 32 The conclave of the Urbanist cardinals raised one of their body to the papal throne by the title of Innocent VII.
1845 M. Pattison in Christian Remembrancer Jan. 75 No chair of dignified ease was a bishop's throne in the sixth century.
1910–11 Kelly's Oxford Directory 10/1 The bishop's throne..was erected as a memorial to the late Bishop Wilberforce.
1958 Life 20 Oct. 140/2 No man is so alone as he who sits upon the papal throne.
2012 Internat. Herald Tribune (Nexis) 20 Feb. 3 The pope on Saturday received the cardinals-designate from his throne under the soaring dome designed by Michelangelo.
a. The position, office, or status of sovereign or monarch; sovereign power or authority. Frequently with the.
society > authority > [noun] > supreme authority
eminent domain1850
society > authority > [noun] > royal or princely authority
a1382 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(1)) (1850) Prov. xx. 28 Mercy and treuthe kepen þe king; and his trone [L. thronus] is strengthid with noble mercy [a1425 L.V. mekenesse].
a1387 J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John's Cambr.) (1871) III. 245 Artarxerses..saued his fader trone and his broþer lyf.
c1400 (?c1380) Pearl l. 920 (MED) Þou tellez me of Jerusalem..Þer Dauid dere watz dyȝt on trone.
1474 W. Caxton tr. Game & Playe of Chesse (1883) ii. i. 20 Mysericorde and trouthe conserue and kepe the kynge in his trone.
1543 ( Chron. J. Hardyng (1812) 141 Maximian kyng of greate Brytain, By whole decre, and will of the senate, Was emperour of Roome, and ruled Almaigne..Wherfore we clayme the throne empirial.
1579 T. Twyne tr. Petrarch Phisicke against Fortune i. xcvi. 119 I am aduaunced to the Regal throne of a kyngdome.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Henry VI, Pt. 3 (1623) ii. i. 193 The next degree, is Englands Royall Throne . View more context for this quotation
1651 N. Bacon Contin. Hist. Disc. Govt. 188 The Parliament..declared the Throne void of Edward the Fourth, and Henry the Sixth King.
1689 N. Luttrell Diary in Brief Hist. Relation State Affairs (1857) I. 518 The throne of Scotland is vacant, the late King James the 7th haveing forlitt or forfeited the crown.
1751 T. Gray Elegy xvii. 8 To wade through slaughter to a throne.
1799 J. Gerahty Present State Ireland 34 The unconstitutional acts and superstitious bigotry of the House of Stuart had removed it from the throne of England.
1848 W. K. Kelly tr. L. Blanc Hist. Ten Years II. 84 Worthy..of occupying the first place in the state beneath the throne.
1849 A. Helps Friends in Council II. i. i. 11 Mighty thrones and distant empires.
1894 G. N. Curzon Probl. Far East 257 He was..elevated with the ruling title of Kuang Hsu to the..Throne.
1918 D. Haig Diary 9 Nov. in War Diaries & Lett. 1914–18 (2005) 486 The Crown Prince has renounced his claim to the Throne.
1940 Oakland (Calif.) Tribune 29 Feb. 23/7 It was there that Queen Victoria..learned of her accession to the throne.
2011 Independent 23 Mar. (Viewspaper section) 3/2 We have a sweet young heir to the throne who's trying very hard to appear like a nice middle-class bloke.
b. figurative. A position of dominance or supremacy; an exalted or superior position or status. Also: a notional seat representing a dominant or superior position (often as a metaphorical use of sense 2a).In quot. 1819: a part of a sign of the zodiac in which a planet has two or more dignities (dignity n. 5).
1548 Hall's Vnion: Henry VI f. cxlixv This Marques thus gotten vp, into fortunes trone.
1605 Hist. Tryall Cheualry sig. E4v Like the Sunne in his Meridian Throne, Too splendent for weake eyes to gaze vpon.
1654 R. Whitlock Ζωοτομία 361 The Pulpit a Throne of higher Authority..rewarding with Promises of far more elevating Hopes than any earthly one can.
1714 R. Fiddes Pract. Disc. (ed. 2) II. 220 We may reinstate reason in her throne.
1747 Museum 15 Aug. 399 Those who came thro' the Bribery Wicket,..giving Money with one Hand and receiving it with the other, till they got up to the Throne of Fortune.
1819 J. Wilson Compl. Dict. Astrol. (at cited word) Any part of a sign where a planet has two or more testimonies, i.e. essential dignities, is called its throne, chariot, or any other foolish name that comes to hand.
1831 D. Brewster Life I. Newton xii. 196 [Leibnitz] had nearly placed himself on the throne which Newton was destined to ascend.
1854 B. Taylor in Country Gentleman 20 July 52/1 The sun on his midday throne.
1892 W. E. Henley Song of Sword 45 We tracked the winds of the world to the steps of their very thrones.
1919 Outing Mar. 311/1 Regular living has done its part in maintaining the veteran on his championship throne.
1997 Condé Nast Traveler Mar. 78/2 There are plenty of SUVs with more impressive stats, but at the end of the day, the plain-vanilla Jeep will be at the top of the hill, gazing down at the pretenders to the throne.
2005 Daily Post (Liverpool) (Nexis) 8 Oct. 10 Despite the British reputation as kings and queens of pudding makers, we have forgotten many of the skills that put us on our throne.
c. With the: the occupant of a throne; the sovereign ruler or monarch. Formerly also (in quot. 1593) with possessive adjective as a form of address to a sovereign (obsolete).
society > authority > rule or government > ruler or governor > sovereign ruler or monarch > [noun]
head of state1873
the Palace1962
1593 G. Peele Famous Chron. King Edward the First sig. C4 We iointlie make appeale, To thy imperiall throne, who knowes our claimes.
1762 O. Goldsmith Citizen of World I. 177 ‘Here’, cried he, addressing himself to the throne.
1809 F. D. Astley Varnishando 12 When the hand Of Rubens, at the throne's command, Gave to the living canvass grace.
1818 Parl. Deb. 1st Ser. 37 21 A time when they had to offer their condolence to the throne.
1866 Westm. Rev. 368 The leading politicians..had held a meeting in Vienna, and come to a general decision on their resolutions and addresses to the Throne.
1956 A. Smedley Great Road: Life & Times of Chu Teh 46 It was a document appealing to the Throne not to ratify the Shimonoseki Treaty.
1993 Mod. China Oct. 438 The throne decided that Wen'ge should be reassigned to the post of governor of Shandong.
4. Christian Church. Now usually with capital initial. In medieval angelology: a member of one of the orders of angels (the third in the ninefold celestial hierarchy of Pseudo-Dionysius, ranking directly below the cherubim and above the dominations). Usually in plural. Cf. order n. 1.
the world > the supernatural > deity > angel > [noun] > order of > Thrones
c1384 Bible (Wycliffite, E.V.) (Douce 369(2)) (1850) Coloss. i. 16 For in hym alle thingis ben maad..ether trones [L. throni], ether domynaciouns, ethir principatis.
c1390 (a1325) Ipotis (Vernon) 93 in C. Horstmann Altengl. Legenden (1881) 2nd Ser. 342 Þe furste ordre is Cherubin, And þat oþer Seraphin, Þe þridde is cleped Trones.
a1450 (a1400) Medit. Life & Passion of Christ (BL Add.) (1921) l. 1105 (MED) Angeles ben redy þere ywys..þat Trouns y-cleped be, ffor in hem is Godes owne se.
1495 Trevisa's Bartholomeus De Proprietatibus Rerum (de Worde) ii. x. sig. bvi/2 The thyrde Ordre [of angels] is the ordre of Thrones. & hath the name of the yefte of dome, for god syttyth in theym. & yeuyth his domes.
1507 A. Chertsey tr. Honorius Augustodunensis Lucydarye (de Worde) sig. cE.ivv The thyrde [ordre of aungelles] is of the thrones, The fourthe of the puyssaunces.
1584 R. Scot Discouerie Witchcraft xv. ii. 379 Twentie legions of diuels, partlie of the order of vertues, & partlie of the order of thrones.
1631 tr. F. de la Croix Litle Garden B. Lady sig. **2 When the Sonne of God came to take humane Nature vpon him, then should the world haue..imbraced him with the feruent loue of the Seraphims, with the beauty of the Cherubims, with the variety of the Vertues and Thrones.
1667 J. Milton Paradise Lost v. 601 Thrones, Dominations, Princedoms, Vertues, Powers. View more context for this quotation
a1711 T. Ken Hymnotheo vii, in Wks. (1721) III. 201 Thrones, who God's Judgments hear, and then proclaim.
1796 W. Draper 20 Serm. Var. Subj. iv. 65 Seven distinct gradations now exist in the heavenly regions..; Thrones, Principalities, Powers, Seraphim, Cherubim, Archangels and Angels.
1862 J. M. Neale tr. Hymns Eastern Church 139 Thrones, Dominations, Virtues and Powers.
1892 Pop. Sci. Monthly Mar. 580 The seraphim, cherubim, and thrones, surrounding the Almighty, as real as the cardinals surrounding the Pope.
1911 Burlington Mag. Oct. 107/1 Often, in a complete series of the Orders, the Thrones..are represented standing.
1957 J. H. Wright Order of Universe in Theol. of Thomas Aquinas 151 This hierarchy includes the three choirs or angelic orders whose names indicate a relation to God: Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones.
2002 S. Chase Angelic Spirituality 211 The Cherubim are like the Seraphim, yet unlike the Thrones.
5. A chair provided by a portrait painter for a sitter, typically placed on a raised platform covered with red cloth; the platform on which such a chair is placed. Now rare.
society > leisure > the arts > visual arts > painting and drawing > equipment for painting or drawing > [noun] > other equipment
1819 W. H. Pyne Hist. Royal Resid. II. [Kensington Palace] 37 By consent, he took the painter's seat, whom he placed in the sitter's throne, and with equal despatch painted his likeness.
1839 C. Dickens Nicholas Nickleby x. 86 A very faded chair raised upon a very dusty throne in Miss La Creevy's room.
1859 T. J. Gullick & J. Timbs Painting 199 The Throne is the name portrait painters give the chair provided for their ‘sitters’, from the circumstance of its being placed on a raised daïs covered usually with red cloth.
1914 H. James Let. 30 June in Sel. Lett. (1955) 175 I doubt whether it will seem wise to invite you to take your place on the sitter's throne before the autumn.
1984 H. Baddeley & M. Burgess Unsinkable Hermione Baddeley xvi. 200 I sat on the artist's throne and found my silent thoughts going back to Spoleto.
6. colloquial. humorous (originally British and Irish English). A toilet; any similar receptacle on which a person sits in order to urinate or defecate.Cf. quot. 1816 for throne room n. at Compounds 2.
the world > physical sensation > cleanness and dirtiness > sanitation > privy or latrine > [noun] > water-closet or lavatory > W.C. appliances
lavatory basin1854
lavatory bowl1915
1922 J. Joyce Ulysses i. iii. [Proteus] 38 In a Greek watercloset he breathed his last... With beaded mitre and with crozier, stalled upon his throne.
1960 J. J. Rowlands Spindrift 52 Our plumber..revealed that the water level in the ‘throne’ works just like the old glass water barometer.
1981 S. Rushdie Midnight's Children i. 62 A wooden ‘thunderbox’—a ‘throne’—lay on one side, empty enamel pot rolling on coir matting.
2012 Scottish Star (Nexis) 31 Dec. 23 After relieving himself, the 27-year-old fell asleep on the throne and nodded off for more than two hours.


P1. in (or on) throne: enthroned; occupying a throne. Often (esp. in early use) with reference to God or Christ. Now rare (frequently poetic and archaic in later use).
society > authority > office > appointment to office > by appointment [phrase] > enthroned
in (or on) thronec1300
the world > the supernatural > supernatural being > mythical creature or object > [adverb] > in the manner of a Titan > of Titan: enthroned
in (or on) thronec1300
the world > the supernatural > deity > Christian God > the Trinity > the Son or Christ > [adverb] > enthroned
in (or on) thronec1300
c1300 Havelok (Laud) (1868) l. 1316 (MED) Þat wite þw that sittes in trone!
c1380 Sir Ferumbras (1879) l. 162 Y swere by cryst in trone.
a1425 (a1400) Prick of Conscience (Galba & Harl.) (1863) 5080 Hyde us, Fra þe face of hym þat syttes in throne.
a1500 (c1340) R. Rolle Psalter (Univ. Oxf. 64) (1884) ix. §4. 31 Thou sittis on trone that demys rightwisnes.
c1600 A. Montgomerie Poems (2000) I. 78 With shyning bright sheilds [As] Titan in trone.
1693 Leo of St. Mary Magdalen Pious Instr. 219 David Adult'ry did commit, And murder; after, he Was chose by God in Throne to sit.
a1704 T. Brown Remains (1720) 235 Nor will they be pleas'd with him, who on Throne is, If he do's not his Part, to revenge their Adonis.
1771 Free Thoughts Seduction, Adultery & Divorce 4 The conduct of the princes of the blood in England, except the prince actually on throne, is no subject of national concern whatever.
1913 Grizzly Bear Dec. 7/3 And when God on throne eternal calls the people to His sphere.
1950 C. S. Lewis Lion, Witch, & Wardrobe viii. 78 When Adam's flesh and Adam's bone Sits at Cair Paravel in throne, The evil time will be over and done.
1997 D. Lee Chaucer as Storyteller (Ph.D. diss., Rochester Univ.) 273 It appears that he wishes to sacralize his government and decision without any criticism or objection, imagining himself as a god on throne.
throne and altar n. the established political and ecclesiastical authorities of a state (cf. Church and State n. at church n.1 and adj. Phrases 6a); also attributive.
society > authority > rule or government > ruler or governor > a or the government > [noun] > the civil and ecclesiastical powers
throne and altar1681
1681 S. Crossman Two Serm. i. 3 The Church and State, Prince and Priest, Throne and Altar, they are all brought in by the Prophet as cloth'd in mourning.
1712 C. Hornby Fourth Part Caveat Against Whigs 47 These mongrel Protestants..were ready for a general Assault both upon the Throne and Altar.
1794 tr. A. Barruel Hist. Clergy during French Revol. iii. 221 The reign of impiety would not be established but on the ruins of the throne and altar.
1822 Edinb. Rev. 37 420 The poetical representation of the..Throne-and-Altar class.
1885 Pall Mall Gaz. 12 Jan. 4/2 Two currents ran through the auditory. Gentlemen of high life and throne and altar journalists were hostile. Radical journalists..were brimful of sympathy.
1908 Expositor June 558 The guardian of the nation's throne and altar.
1950 G. O. Sayles Medieval Found. of Eng. 192 The five centuries of Anglo-Saxon rule exhibited a close co-operation between State and Church, a union between throne and altar.
2011 T. S. Shah & D. Philpott in J. Snyder Relig. & Internat. Relations Theory ii. 45 The calamity of World War I served to discredit throne-and-altar alliances between religion..and the nation-state.
P3. power behind the throne: see power n.1 Phrases 13.


C1. General attributive and objective.
throne adversary n. Obsolete rare
1651 R. Douglas Serm. in Form & Order Coronation Charles II 47 Take a word of encouragment agaynst Throne Adversaries, Your enemies, are the enemies of the Lords Throne.
throne-bearer n.
1910 W. H. Ward Seal Cylinders Western Asia 43 The boat itself..is the throne-bearer of the god over the waters.
1960 Nashua (New Hampsh.) Tel. 2 May 7/2 The procession was led by the throne bearer.
2001 R. G. Hoyland Arabia & Arabs 20 The Arab throne-bearer in one of the Persian royal tomb reliefs is honoured..by a golden neck-chain.
throne power n.
1695 J. Lead Laws of Paradise ii. 45 Now thou art upon the Publick Stage, where the whole Hierarchy of Throne-Powers do thee view.
1760 R. Clarke Second Warning to World 224 In St. John, the first Babel of the Type, where the Division of Tongues, the seven Decads of the fallen Princes or Throne Powers, was at first shewn in the Confusion and Strife of Man against Man.
1869 W. P. Mackay Grace & Truth (1874) 212 It is a question now to be settled between..the power of Satan and the throne-power of the Almighty God.
1991 Vancouver Sun (Nexis) 26 Aug. When Emperor Nicholas II was at the Russo-German war front, Rasputin became the throne power, corrupting the palace with his madness.
throne rail n.
1853 ‘L. Limner’ Suggestions in Design 5 Throne-rail ornament, Nimroud.
1898 F. W. Cornish Conc. Dict. Greek & Rom. Antiq. 482/1 Panaenus..was chosen..to decorate the throne-rails and walls of the great temple of Olympian Zeus.
2003 J. Hayward Eng. & French Medieval Stained Glass 1 94/2 Unlike many of the figures at Canterbury, most of the Braine figures sit with both feet on the same level, resting on the throne rail.
throne-shattering adj. now rare
1816 J. Wilson City of Plague 51 Lurid stars Prophetic of throne-shattering wars.
1905 Search-light 8 July 1/1 Its [sc. the Romanov dynasty's] career may well end in a throne-shattering explosion.
1949 P. Lindsay For King or Parl. i. 34 All the throne-shattering things which he had agreed to do to England and the Protestant religion.
throne-sitter n.
1552 R. Huloet Abcedarium Anglico Latinum Trone sytter, or he that sytteth in maiestie, altitronus.
1842 Brit. Mag. & Monthly Reg. of Relig. & Ecclesiatical Information. 22 126 In the five lower heavens..the throne-sitter has a host on his right and one on his left.
1906 I. M. Haldeman Coming of Christ 167 The Lord Jesus comes to the great throne-sitter and takes the book out of His hand.
2011 Weekly Times (Austral.) (Nexis) 19 Jan. 24 Australia's own royal has two new little royals to add to the list of potential throne-sitters of Denmark.
throne step n.
1839 Age 24 Nov. 7/2 Your learned physician, sapient Sangro, bows to the throne-step of your Majesty.
1970 Zanesville (Ohio) Times Recorder 3 July 24/1 Standing..on a throne step, Earl Mountbatten of Burma..was clutching the Great Sword of State.
2014 Daily Mail 5 June He was standing to one side of the Throne steps.
throne-born adj. poetic Obsolete of royal birth.
society > society and the community > social class > nobility > rank > royalty > [adjective] > royally born
born to (also in) (the) purple1681
1855 P. J. Bailey Spiritual Legend in Mystic 131 Some crowned and sword-girt conqueror Throne-born.
1884 Jrnl. Royal Asiatic Soc. 16 295 A slave being tyrant worse, Above his abject fellows once upraised, Than throne-born despot.
throne-capable adj. Obsolete rare eligible to accede to a throne.
1851 F. Palgrave Hist. Normandy & Eng. I. 547 There was only one clearly-acknowledged legitimate heir, or throne-capable representative of Charlemagne.
throne chair n. an ornate, typically high-backed chair, traditionally used by a person of rank in a household; a chair used as or resembling a throne.
1557 in J. M. Bestall & D. V. Fowkes Chesterfield Wills & Inventories 1521–1603 (1977) 80 Also to son Richard..one great throne chair, one buffet chair, one sideboard.
1598 Inventory in N. Lowe Lancs. Textile Industry 16th Cent. (1972) 108 One seeled Cheare 3s. One throne Cheare 1s.
1814 R. Wilson Private Diary (1861) II. 344 Murat was seated as a Sultan—princes and dukes all standing behind his throne-chair.
1896 Daily Leader (Bloomington, Illinois) 12 Aug. 12/5 Probably the most touching incident at the coronation of the Czar was the spectacle of his mother..weeping and seated on a throne chair beside him.
1939 Winnipeg Free Press 13 Mar. 32/4 The first stop of the procession was at the chapel of the Holy Trinity where the pope left the throne-chair for a brief moment to kneel before the sacrament.
2015 Press-Republican (Plattsburgh, N.Y.) (Nexis) 24 Sept. He has carved several throne chairs for His Holiness the Dali Lama.
throne city n. a city from which a monarch rules a country, empire, etc.
1861 United Presbyterian Q. Rev. Apr. 280 The city was taken, and..became the throne city of the rival and foe of Christian civilization.
1977 News-Star (Monroe, Louisiana) 4 Jan. 9 (advt.) 'Royal London' presents the beautiful architecture, traditions and ceremonies resulting from London's long having been the throne city of the British Empire.
2003 P. Magdalino Byzantium in Year 1000 24 Ever since seizing the throne-city of Kiev c. 978 he had been trying to re-impose tribute over the peoples who had slipped out of Kiev's orbit.
throne gallery n. a balcony or gallery containing a throne, used by important, noble, or royal observers at an assembly, event, etc.; spec. the gallery in Assembly Hall, Edinburgh, from which the Lord High Commissioner of the Church of Scotland observes proceedings of the General Assembly.
1852 Caledonian Mercury 24 May In the throne-gallery we observed the Lord Provost, the Lord Advocate (Mr Inglis), Sheriff Gordon, &c., &c.
1885 Marion (Ohio) Daily Star 17 Aug. Only nine..were in the throne gallery.
1906 Westm. Gaz. 6 June 1/3 The procession then proceeds to the throne gallery.
2000 Herald (Glasgow) 22 May 9 The applause which greeted His Grace..was as loud as many can remember for an address from the throne gallery.
throne name n. a name assumed by a ruler on ascending the throne; a regnal name.Chiefly with reference to Egyptian and other non-European rulers.
the mind > language > naming > name or appellation > [noun] > other specific names or types of name
the Holy Namec1440
household name1804
class term1811
book name1815
class word1837
family name1840
class name1843
throne name1880
a name to conjure with1901
praise name1904
1880 Handy Bk. for Bible Readers (rev. ed.) 139 The people make Shallum..king, he taking the throne-name of Jehoahaz.
1917 W. M. F. Petrie Scarabs & Cylinders with Names v. 12/1 It is true that the name Sahura is treated as a throne name, by both the Sinai inscription and Manetho.
2007 Montreal Community Contact 19 July 11 Haile Selassie's throne name and title were joined to the imperial motto.
throne room n. (a) a room containing a throne, esp. one used for audiences with a monarch; (b) colloquial humorous a room containing a toilet.The precise meaning of throne room in quot. 1816 is unclear; it probably has the sense ‘a room containing a (high-backed or ornate) chair’, or a similar meaning, rather than showing an early instance of sense (b); the simple form throne meaning ‘toilet’ is first recorded considerably later (see sense 6).
the world > physical sensation > cleanness and dirtiness > sanitation > privy or latrine > [noun] > water-closet or lavatory
water closet1736
water closet1747
throne room1787
small room1858
smallest room1930
1787 H. Holland in Whitehall Evening Post 11–14 June (1791) Making some alterations in the throne-room [of Carlton House].
1816 J. Bentham Let. 27 July in Corr. (1988) VIII. 535 My head and flesh-brush—its abode is in the throne-room cupboard.
1864 T. Seaton From Cadet to Colonel xvii. 361 The interior room is the King's throne-room.
1941 W. Fortescue Trampled Lilies xxv. 247 Could I bear to walk through the kitchen to reach the only bath and throne-room?
2011 Daily Mirror 4 Feb. 11 The grand throne room was the setting for official photos when Prince Charles married Diana in 1981.
throne seat n. = throne chair n.
1552–3 in A. Feuillerat Documents Office of Revels Edward VI (1914) 109 For the makinge paintinge & garnishinge of ye lorde of misrules trone seates and propertie.
1681 J. Lead Heavenly Cloud 29 Bring them close up to the Throne of the Lamb, who all in Jasper Light and Glory doth appear, rising up from his Throne-Seat them for to meet.
1842 Old Eng. 24 Jan. The seat..will be uncovered, like the throne seat, on the occasion of her Majesty being present.
1979 Iran 17 51 The curving lion legs surmounted by cushion mouldings..support the widest horizontal section, which is the jewelled throne seat.
2012 Grimsby Tel. (Nexis) 13 June 4 The boar's head plate..will sit at the end of the table near the throne seat.
throne speech n. a statement read by a sovereign at the opening of a new session of parliament, detailing the government’s proposed legislative programme; such a statement read by the representative of the British sovereign in the legislative assembly of a Commonwealth country, now esp. in Canada; cf. Speech from the Throne at speech n.1 8d.
society > authority > rule or government > ruler or governor > deliberative, legislative, or administrative assembly > governing or legislative body of a nation or community > procedure of parliament or national assembly > [noun] > speech from throne
His Majesty's Speech1583
Speech from the Throne1751
throne speech1833
1833 Standard 11 Feb. The speech of the King of England produced a fall on 'Change in London. It is a long time since such an effect was produced by throne speeches.
1840 F. Lieber On Internat. Copyright 46 The King of the French speaks of the necessity of such laws in his last throne speech.
1896 Brandon (Manitoba) Sun 4 June 4/3 But in that throne speech there was not even a hint of a return to protective duties, but a substantial reduction of the land tax was promised.
1956 Times 21 Apr. 5/5 The Governor-General [of Ceylon] read the Throne speech in English.
1972 Farm & Country 19 Dec. 1/3 Informants..say they will be ‘very surprised’ if the Throne Speech does not contain new provisions to help farmers transfer their properties to following generations.
2015 Medicine Hat (Alberta) News 3 Dec. a7/2 The Trudeau government's first throne speech is likely to be one of the shortest in Canadian history.


ˈthrone-like adj.
1621 M. Wroth Countesse of Mountgomeries Urania 409 A [be]ing depos'd, feeles most The torment of a Throne-like-want, when lost.
1685 H. More Illustr. Daniel & Revelation 80 This is a Chariot-like Throne, as that a Throne-like Chariot.
1847 Blackwoods Edinb. Mag. 61 576/2 Rosaura..stood nearly concealed behind the swelling cushions and high gilt back of the throne-like chair.
2015 Globe & Mail (Toronto) 1 Oct. 6 The ornate old city council chamber, with its throne-like mayor's chair, is now courtroom 121.
ˈthrone-worthy adj.
1857 F. Palgrave Hist. Normandy & Eng. II. 251 All speculations grounded upon the repudiation or extinction of the ‘throne-worthy’ Carlovingian race, were..postponed indefinitely.
2012 Ukiah (Calif.) Daily Jrnl. 2 Dec. 1/2 Turnwall had a large tuft of white wool glued to his chin with spirit gum, a wooden staff and a throne-worthy chair.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2017; most recently modified version published online June 2022).


Brit. /θrəʊn/, U.S. /θroʊn/
Forms: see throne n.
Origin: Formed within English, by conversion. Etymon: throne n.
Etymology: < throne n.
1. transitive. To enthrone; to place or seat on a throne; (in extended use) (in passive or reflexive) to be seated on something likened to a throne. Also: to install as a sovereign or in a position of authority or importance; (figurative) to exalt.
society > authority > office > appointment to office > appoint a person to an office [verb (transitive)] > admit to office formally or ceremonially > enthrone
c1390 Pistel of Swete Susan (Vernon) l. 90 Turtils troned on trene.
c1400 (c1378) W. Langland Piers Plowman (Laud 581) (1869) B. i. l. 131 Þer treuthe is in Trinitee and troneth [A text c1390 Vernon Corouneþ, c1400 Trin. Cambr. R.3.14 tronen] hem alle.
?a1425 (c1400) Mandeville's Trav. (Titus C.xvi) (1919) 152 (MED) The firste feste of the ydole is whan he is first put in to hire temple & throned.
1508 W. Kennedy Flyting (Chepman & Myllar) in Poems W. Dunbar (1998) I. 213 I sall..wyth tresone trone the to the treis.
1532 (c1385) Usk's Test. Loue in Wks. G. Chaucer i. f. cccxxviiv I lefte it for no tene tyl he was troned in my blysse for his seruyce.
1549 H. Latimer 2nd Serm. before Kynges Maiestie sig. Bvi Thus was Salomon throned, by the aduise and wyl of hys father.
1601 B. Jonson Fountaine of Selfe-love Praeludium sig. A4 Why, throne your selfe in state on the Stage. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Twelfth Night (1623) ii. iv. 21 The seate Where loue is thron'd . View more context for this quotation
1624 Bp. F. White Replie to Iesuit Fishers Answere 56 He trode vpon the necke of kings, throning and dethroning, crowning and decrowning them.
1673 J. Milton True Relig. 10 The Pope..Thrones and Unthrones Kings.
1716 A. Pope tr. Homer Iliad II. viii. 551 Th' Eternal Thunderer, sate thron'd in Gold.
1792 J. Almon Anecd. Life W. Pitt (octavo ed.) III. xliii. 154 Mercy can do no harm, it will seat the King where he ought to be, throned on the hearts of his people.
1815 W. Scott Guy Mannering I. xi. 171 Mrs. Mac-Candlish, throned in a comfortable easy chair..was regaling herself..with a cup of comfortable tea.
1864 R. S. Hawker Quest Sangraal 16 Foremost sad Lancelot, throned upon his Steed.
1866 J. Conington tr. Virgil Æneid vii. 686 To throne him in the seat of power.
1884 Ld. Tennyson Becket i. iii. 70 That the King Would throne me in the great Archbishoprick.
1922 K. N. Burt Snow-Blind 171 He had throned himself in the centre of that familiar circle of firelight.
1989 Jrnl. Commerce (Nexis) 6 July 9 b Top sellers are awarded minks, crowned and throned on stage at the Dallas Convention Center and treated to a reception at Mrs. Ash's pink mansion.
2015 Advertiser (Austral.) (Nexis) 16 Sept. 5 There's an additional gravitas, though, when it's the Prime Minister and one so recently throned.
a. intransitive. To occupy a throne; to rule or exercise authority as a monarch, bishop, god, etc.; (in extended use) to sit as if on a throne. Also: to occupy an exalted or superior position.
society > authority > rule or government > sole rule > rule as monarch [verb (intransitive)]
to sit on the (also one's) throne1538
to wield the (also a, one's) sceptre1567
the mind > emotion > pride > ostentation > splendour, magnificence, or pomp > exhibit or appear in splendour or magnificence [verb (intransitive)]
to hold one's state1494
to keep (one's) state1549
a1616 W. Shakespeare Coriolanus (1623) v. iv. 24 He wants nothing of a God but Eternity, and a Heauen to Throne in. View more context for this quotation
1821 Kaleidoscope 26 June 418/1 To watch the..eagle cowering o'er her nest, When night's pale queen is throning.
1877 tr. H. M. Kottinger Youth's Liberal Guide 96 The crossing was again effected by a miracle which the ark operated, because Jehovah was throning upon it.
1904 R. J. Farrer Garden of Asia 139 The abbot of imperial blood no longer thrones among the pines of Uyeno.
1915 Cross Aug. 150 Beneath the approving eye of him who thrones Upon the chair of Peter.
1920 E. Wharton Age of Innocence i. ii. 10/11 She throned in it [sc. a house], among pre-Revolutionary furniture and souvenirs of the Tuileries of Louis Napoleon.
2003 Revue de Musicologie 89 45 The words ‘Rex in hac aula’ refer both to the celestial King throning in heaven and to King Charles the Bald present in person.
b. transitive. With it. To sit on or as if on a throne; to act or appear as the occupant of a throne; to behave in a regal or pompous manner.
1841 C. G. F. Gore Cecil II. iii. 130 The Earl and Countess of Merepark throned it majestically at ——.
1848 Blackwood's Edinb. Mag. 63 768 He throned it always like a tragedy king.
1903 R. Gower Rec. & Reminisc. 358 After seeing my Shakespeare [group statue] throning it in the centre of the Palais d' Industrie [in Paris].
1931 E. Ferber Amer. Beauty ii. 33 Anne was throning it in England, the last of the Stuarts.
1973 R. Ellmann Golden Codgers 88 Was Wilde still throning it now he was in hell?
2001 D. Gallagher How I came into my Inheritance 132 Marge is my editor. She is throning it behind a glass partition.


ˈthroning n.
society > authority > office > appointment to office > [noun] > formal or ceremonial appointment > enthroning
?a1425 (c1400) Mandeville's Trav. (Titus C.xvi) (1919) 116 The dedicacioun of the chirche & the thronynge [?a1425 Egerton tronyng] of the ydole.
1645 A. Ross Medicus Medicatus 54 The Pope..exalts himself above all that's called God in throning and dethroning of Kings.
1649 ‘E. Philodemus’ Armies Vindic. 63 If men would not be blind they might cleerly behold a senceable and visible hand of God against this throning of Kings.
1845 Christian Messenger Nov. 325 The throning of this black troop very soon caused all things in the spiritual empire to be confounded.
1891 G. Meredith One of our Conquerors II. 96 And she ardent as he for the throning of our incomparable Saxon English in the mouths of the races of mankind.
1918 E. A. Ross Russia in Upheaval xi. 219 From the throning of the first Romanof in 1613, it appeared that the peasants had no importance at all in the eyes of the Government.
1984 Lethbridge (Alberta) Herald 26 June 11/4 They paid..to see the throning of a heavyweight champion.
2012 West Briton (Nexis) 19 Jan. 14 Other ideas..included the throning of a jubilee king and queen.
This entry has been updated (OED Third Edition, March 2017; most recently modified version published online March 2022).




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