

单词 thousand-leaved clover

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thousand-leaved clover
2. Applied in different localities, with qualifying word prefixed, to many plants of the same order, or with similar characters; as bird's-foot clover, cat's clover, Lotus corniculatus; Calvary clover, Medicago Echinus; heart clover, spotted clover, Medicago maculata; yellow clover, Medicago lupulina; horned clover, snail clover, species of Medicago; Bokhara clover, Melilotus vulgaris; garden clover, Melilotus cærulea; hart's clover, king's clover, plaister clover, Melilotus officinalis; marsh clover, Menyanthes trifoliata; cuckoo's clover, gowk's clover, lady's clover, sour clover, Oxalis acetosella; thousand-leaved clover, Achillea Millefolium; Soola clover or Maltese clover, Hedysarum coronarium. Also in U.S.: bush clover, Lespedeza; prairie clover, Petalostemon; sweet clover, Melilotus.
the world > plants > particular plants > cultivated or valued plants > particular medicinal plants or parts > [noun] > melilot
king's crown1526
hart's clover1548
king's clover1548
wild lotus1548
the world > plants > particular plants > plants and herbs > according to family > Compositae (composite plants) > [noun] > medicks
snail clover1548
heart trefoil1597
melilot trefoil1677
Barbary buttons1712
black medick1778
heart liver1792
snail-shell medick1796
spotted medick1825
Calvary clover1882
1548 W. Turner Names of Herbes sig. E.iij It hath leaues like a clauer and horned cods... Therfore it maye be called in englishe horned Clauer or snail Trifoly.
1548 W. Turner Names of Herbes sig. E.ij Lotus vrbana..may be named in english gardine Clauer or gardine Trifoly.
1578 H. Lyte tr. R. Dodoens Niewe Herball iv. xxxvii. 496 Turner calleth Lotus vrbana in English, Garden or Sallet Clauer: we may call it sweete Trefoyl, or three leaued grasse.
1600 R. Surflet tr. C. Estienne & J. Liébault Maison Rustique v. xviii. 699 The good husbandman must be carefull to gather and reserue seede of this snaile clauer.
1626 F. Bacon Sylua Syluarum §493 They make it a Peece of the wonder, that Garden Clauer will hide the Stalke, when the Sunne sheweth bright.
1640 J. Parkinson Theatrum Botanicum 720 (Britten & H.) In some places they call it Hart's Claver, because if it grow where stagges and deere resort, they will greedily feede thereon..In English wee call it generally King's Claver as the chiefest of all other three-leaved grasses.
1785 T. Martyn tr. J.-J. Rousseau Lett. Elements Bot. xxv. 371 We have one variety [of Medicago] very common wild, called Heart-Clover from the form of the leaves, which are also generally spotted.
extracted from clovern.
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