

单词 thorough and thorough

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thorough and thorough


P1. thorough all thing: in all respects; thoroughly; = through all thing at through prep. and adv. Phrases 1. Obsolete.Originally with thing as (unchanged) plural.
OE Vitellius Psalter: Canticles xv. 27 Ita ut per omnia sicut iam supra dictum est et unitas in trinitate et trinitas in unitate ueneranda sit : swaswa þæt þuruh ealla þing swa nu ic [read io] bufan gecweden is & anes on þrynnesse & þrynnes on annesse to arweorþinne si.
c1300 (c1250) Floris & Blauncheflur (Cambr.) (1966) l. 667 Hit is riȝt þureȝ alle þing Felons inome hond habbing, For to suffre jugement Biþute ansuere oþer acupement.
c1325 (c1300) Chron. Robert of Gloucester (Calig.) 7549 Þis noble duc willam him let crouny king At londone amidwinter day, nobliche þoru alle þing.
a1450 Seven Sages (Cambr. Dd.1.17) (1845) l. 112 (MED) Thay thanked..the emperour That grauntyd hem that honour, To have in hare kepyng That he loved thorou al thyng.
P2. thorough and thorough.
a. All the way through or repeatedly through; = through and through prep. Obsolete.In quot. c1300 the second instance of the word probably shows a form of through prep.
the world > movement > motion in a certain direction > movement over, across, through, or past > [adverb] > through > right through
through and throughc1225
thorough and thoroughc1300
the world > movement > motion in a certain direction > movement over, across, through, or past > [preposition] > through > completely
thorough and thoroughc1300
through and througha1325
c1300 in C. Brown Eng. Lyrics 13th Cent. (1932) 83 (MED) Hise wundes sore and smerte stungen þureu and þurw þi herte.
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Fairf. 14) l. 24381 A squorde sulde stike ouerthwert þorou & þorou [Gött. Toru and thoru] þine awen hert.
1490 W. Caxton tr. Foure Sonnes of Aymon (1885) i. 56 He shoued hym thorughe and thorughe his body.
a1500 (?a1475) Guy of Warwick (Cambr. Ff.2.38) l. 7394 (MED) All þat yere Gye can gone Þorow kyngys landys many oon; All he wente thorow and thorow [c1475 Caius thorrow and thorrowe] Ryght vnto Jerusalem þe borowe.
1573 tr. True Rehersall Victory againste Albanists sig. A.vi They ranne thorowe and thorowe the wood, hither and thyther.
a1634 W. Austin Devotionis Augustinianæ Flamma (1635) 281 At every change the Shittle flyes thorow and thorow it [sc. the web].
a1892 Ld. Tennyson Poems (2004) 182 A melody Manycircled, overflowing thorough and thorough the flowery level of unbuilt Ilion.
b. With repeated or complete penetration; right through; = through and through adv. 1a; (also) outright, altogether, completely. Obsolete.
c1400 (?a1300) Kyng Alisaunder (Laud) (1952) l. 3873 (MED) And ȝut he shal haue þerto Cristallyne, my douȝtter floure, And þorouȝ and þorouȝ half my tresoure.
a1470 T. Malory Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll. 13) (1990) I. 33 With hys swerde he broched the horse..thorow and thorow.
1526 Bible (Tyndale) John xix. f. cxlixv The coote was with out seme woven vppon thorowe and thorowe.
c1571 E. Campion Two Bks. Hist. Ireland (1963) i. xv. 57 He subdued the land thoro and thorow, ever as he went pyling uppe castles and fortresses.
1627 J. Smith Sea Gram. xiii. 60 Wee are shot thorow and thorow, and betweene wind and water.
a1658 J. Cleveland Rustick Rampant in Wks. (1687) 446 Richard might have been struck thorough and thorough.
1739 ‘J. Philander’ Vitulus Aureus vi. 77 I look'd at My Gentleman with an Eye that might have pierced him thorough and thorough; but he was so full of himself, it made no Impression on him.
1885 J. Ingelow Poems: Third Series 20 They..poured great store Of ordnance at our ships, though many of theirs, Shot thorow and thorow, scarce might keep afloat.
P3. to be thorough with (someone): to have reached an agreement or settlement with (someone). Cf. to be through with at through prep. and adv. Phrases 2. Obsolete.
1467 J. Paston in Paston Lett. & Papers (2004) I. 534 He is owtlawyd at Syr John Fastolfys swte..not wythstandyng he is thorow wyth Syr T. Howys for Syr J. F.
1482 R. Cely Let. 29 Mar. in Cely Lett. (1975) 134 I gawhe the Exchetter xl s. for ws bothe, and so whe be thorow wyth hym for aull matters.
P4. thorough a person's hands (also hand): so as to be handled or dealt with by the specified person; = through a person's hands (also †hand) at through prep. and adv. Phrases 3a. Obsolete.In quot. 1877 perhaps a typographical error for through.
?1496 W. Caxton in Earl Rivers tr. Cordyal (de Worde) f. lxxxviiv/2 Amonge other passyd thorugh myn honde the booke of the wyse sayenges or dyctes of phylosophers.
1547 tr. A. de Marcourt Bk. Marchauntes (new ed.) sig. d.iv Boystously they constrayne the people will they or not to passe thorough theyr cruell handes, and without respite, to bye theyr fals marchandises.
1584 J. Rainolds & J. Hart Summe of Conf. v. 205 Counterfeites are counterfeites, though they go thorough twenty hands.
1613 W. Adams Let. 12 Jan. in A. Farrington Eng. Factory in Japan (1991) I. 77 The Spaynard so well as the Hollanders must have all theer negosshes..go thorough my hand.
1660 F. Brooke tr. V. Le Blanc World Surveyed 19 The Jewes..are such cheates, they sophisticate all that comes thorough their hands [Fr. par leurs mains].
1710 H. Prideaux Orig. & Right Tithes v. 268 Lawyers, whose hands it passed thorough.
1743 Farther Vindic. Case Hanover Troops 79 Indeed our Administration, at first, pretended, that this whole Negotiation went thorough their Hands.
1877 Daily Evening Bull. (San Francisco) 24 Jan. The brokers make it a point to have all stock passing thorough their hands issued in their names.
extracted from thoroughprep.adv.
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