

单词 the only good indian is a dead indian

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the only good Indian is a dead Indian
(a) the only good Indian is a dead Indian. Used as an expression of bitter conflict or absolute hostility or lack of trust, esp. with strong overtones of racial prejudice.The origin of the phrase has frequently been attributed to the American general, Philip Sheridan (1831–88), although there is no evidence to support the attribution.
1868 J. M. Cavanaugh in Congress. Globe 28 May 2638/3 I have never in my life seen a good Indian (and I have seen thousands) except when I have seen a dead Indian.
1892 23rd Ann. Rep. Board Indian Commissioners (U.S.) 1891 110 I contradict the statement that the only good Indian is a dead Indian. The only good Indian is an educated Indian.
1915 J. Buchan Salute to Adventurers v. 79 Never trust an Indian. The only good kind is the dead kind.
1970 P. Berton National Dream i. v. 36 They carried six-shooters on their hips and they believed that the only good Indian was a dead one.
2011 E. Colorado & H. Colorado Chicomoztoc–Mimixcoa–Cloud Serpents in E. C. Ramírez & C. Casiano La Voz Latina vi. 159 E: The only good Indian shops at Walmart's and eats at McDonald's. H: The only good Indian is a dead Indian.
extracted from goodadj.n.adv.int.
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