

单词 the yet

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the yet


P1. tho yet (in Middle English also the yet). [With the yet compare the conj. 3b and see discussion at that entry.]
a. Still, as yet; (also) while still, when as yet. Obsolete.
OE West Saxon Gospels: Luke (Corpus Cambr.) xv. 20 He..com to his fæder, & þa gyt þa he wæs feorr his fæder he hyne geseah.
lOE Anglo-Saxon Chron. (Laud) anno 1106 Wiðuton Rotbert de Bælesme..& feawa oðre of þam heafodmannan þe mid þam eorle of Normandige þe gyt heoldan.
a1225 ( Ælfric's Homily In Die Sancto Pentecosten (Lamb. 487) in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1868) 1st Ser. 99 Þa ȝet wuniende on þissere weorlde, þe helende ableu his gast on his apostlas.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1963) l. 3529 Þe ȝeht þe [c1300 Otho þe ȝet þat] Lud king ahte þis lond hehte Lundene Trinouant.
c1300 St. Dunstan (Laud) l. 2 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 19 Miracle ore louerd dude for him þe ȝuyt he was un-bore.
b. With negative: still not, not until now (or not until then), not yet. Cf. sense A. 8. Obsolete.
the world > time > relative time > the present (time) > [adverb] > as formerly, still, or to this day
tho yeteOE
as yet1484
eOE tr. Bede Eccl. Hist. (Tanner) iii. vi. 172 Forðon in þa tid þa get ne wæron monig mynster getimbred in Ongolþeode.
OE Genesis A (1931) 103 Ne wæs her þa giet nymþe heolstersceado wiht geworden.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 10264 Ah he heo [sc. Lincolne] þa ȝæte [c1300 Otho ȝet] nefde noht biwunnen.
c1300 St. Thomas Becket (Laud) l. 1433 in C. Horstmann Early S.-Eng. Legendary (1887) 147 Ake he ne scholde nouȝt þe ȝeot to engelonde wend[e].
c1380 Sir Ferumbras (1879) l. 750 Of herte was he hol & sound & pleynede him þe ȝute no þyng.
c. In addition; further, furthermore, moreover. Obsolete.
OE Beowulf (2008) 47 Þa gyt hie him asetton segen gy[l]denne.
OE Wærferð tr. Gregory Dialogues (Corpus Cambr.) (1900) i. ix. 62 Þa get he togeecte þas word [L. subiunxit tamen] & cwæð þus: ‘gangað ge nu!’
a1225 (?OE) MS Lamb. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1868) 1st Ser. 31 (MED) Þe preost him wile haten þet he nime þa ilke ehte..and dele hit wrecche monne.., and þaȝet nime bote to criste.
c1275 (?a1200) Laȝamon Brut (Calig.) (1978) l. 13098 Þa cleopede he eorles tweie, aðele men and wise... Þe ȝet þe king cleopede Walwæin.
d. Nevertheless. Obsolete.
OE tr. Bede Eccl. Hist. (Corpus Cambr.) v. x. 412 Þa þæt þa se Godes wer Ecgbriht geseah þæt he ne wæs forlæten þeodum godcunde lare to bodigenne,..ne þætte Wihtbryht owiht fremede.., þa ongann he þa gyta [eOE Tanner þa gena, OE Cambr. Univ. ða gyt; L. adhuc] in þæt weorc godcundre lare sendan halige weras & geornfulle twelfe.
a1225 (?OE) MS Lamb. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1868) 1st Ser. 31 Þes preost wile..ne don me nan oðer bote buten a ic scal festen, and þa ȝet hit were wel god moste ic alunges festen, swa þet ic mine oðre goð [read god] al ne fors-spende.
a1225 (?OE) MS Lamb. in R. Morris Old Eng. Homilies (1868) 1st Ser. 35 Ic walde fein pinian and sitten on forste and on snawe up et mine chinne, and þa ȝet hit walð me þunchen þet softeste beð and þet wunsemeste þet ic efre ibad.
P2. as yet.
a. Referring to the period preceding the present time (or some other stated time), with the implication that subsequent change is expected or a recognized possibility: up to this (or that) time, until now (or until then); hitherto; so far. Cf. senses A. 7a, A. 8.
the world > time > relative time > the past > antecedence or being earlier > [adverb] > yet, still, or hitherto
as yetc1405
as yet1484
until the (also this) present1600
up to the present1826
c1405 (c1395) G. Chaucer Franklin's Tale (Hengwrt) (2003) l. 861 I fayled neuere of my trouthe as yit For sikerly my dette shal be quyt.
c1450 (c1380) G. Chaucer House of Fame (Fairf. 16) (1878) l. 599 Thow demest of thy selfe amys For Ioues ys not ther aboute..To make of the as yet a sterre.
1484 W. Cely Let. 14 Apr. in Cely Lett. (1975) 211 Here ys noo goode wyne to gett for noo mony as yett, but I vnderstond ther schall come from Brugys som.
1528 S. Gardiner in N. Pocock Rec. Reformation I. li. 133 As yet the pope's holiness hath not required the king's pollicitation.
1592 Queen Elizabeth I in Archaeologia 19 12 If your long expected and never had as yet answer had not lingard.
1665 R. Boyle Occas. Refl. iv. i. sig. Aa1 The Sun had as yet but approach'd the East, and my Body as yet lay moveless in the Bed.
1682 J. Bunyan Holy War 68 Thou hast heard what the Captains have said, but as yet thou shuttest thy Gates. View more context for this quotation
1708 J. Addison Present State War 19 That War continued Nine Years, and this hath as yet lasted but Six.
1777 T. Swift Gamblers 22 The caster..rappeth the cornet or box with vehemence on the table, the dice not as yet appearing from under the box.
1823 W. Scott Quentin Durward III. vi. 155 ‘No,’ answered the Astrologer, ‘the End is not as yet.’
1848 W. M. Thackeray Vanity Fair lxiii. 568 She had never..met a professional lady's man as yet.
1849 T. B. Macaulay Hist. Eng. I. ii. 171 As yet the Duke professed himself a member of the Anglican Church.
1874 J. P. Mahaffy Social Life Greece vii. 226 But there were..extensions of this practice as yet but little noticed.
1928 J. K. Folsom Culture & Social Progress xvii. 480 A fourth great issue in the distribution of power, as yet dimly recognized, is that of producer control versus consumer control.
1954 R. Wailes Eng. Windmill 189 There are probably many others of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries as yet not collated.
1973 Guardian 26 Feb. 10/2 The grass is poor, as yet, so some of the fell-sheep go foraging in and out of the woods.
1992 W. Steger & J. Bowermaster Crossing Antarctica i. 21 The clear skies and physical workouts will ease an as yet undiagnosed problem with my eyes.
2004 H. Kennedy Just Law (2005) xiii. 269 There is the risk of the leaching of information to other interested parties for uses that we ourselves do not as yet understand.
b. Implying continuance from a previous time up to and including the present time (or some other stated time), without the implication that subsequent change is expected: as formerly, still. Cf. sense A. 5. Obsolete.
the world > time > relative time > the present (time) > [adverb] > as formerly, still, or to this day
tho yeteOE
as yet1484
the world > time > relative time > the past > antecedence or being earlier > [adverb] > yet, still, or hitherto
as yetc1405
as yet1484
until the (also this) present1600
up to the present1826
1484 W. Caxton tr. G. de la Tour-Landry Bk. Knight of Tower (1971) lxiiii. 94 As yet [Fr. encore] they kepe and hold that custome.
1577 M. Hanmer tr. Bp. Eusebius in Aunc. Eccl. Hist. iii. vi. 38 The meate as yet rawe, was snatched from the coales.
1585 T. Washington tr. N. de Nicolay Nauigations Turkie ii. iii. 33 The foundations..are there as yet apparant.
1611 Bible (King James) Exod. ix. 17 As yet exaltest thou thy selfe against my people, that thou wilt not let them goe? View more context for this quotation
1632 W. Lithgow Totall Disc. Trav. vii. 321 Ægypt was made a Prouince of the Turkish Empire, and so continueth as yet.
a1639 H. Wotton View Life & Death Duke of Buckingham in Reliquiæ Wottonianæ (1651) 77 Who was then as yet in possession of the king's heart.
extracted from yetadv.adj.2
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