

单词 the world to come

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the world to come (also to be)
a. the world to come (also to be) and variants: the state of existence after this present world, the life after death; (also) the realm of departed spirits; = next world n. at next adj., adv., and n. Compounds 3. [Perhaps after post-classical Latin venturum saeculum (in the phrase expecto..vitam venturi saeculi , the final words of the Nicene Creed (compare quot. 1549), itself after ancient Greek προσδοκῶ..ζωὴν τοῦ μέλλοντος αἰῶνος).]
c1400 Bk. to Mother (Bodl.) 190 (MED) Impossible forsoþe it is, hem þat..haue tasted Godis word and uertues of þe world to come.
1479 Earl Rivers tr. Cordyal (Caxton) iv. iii Of this worlde to come speketh seint austyne in his book of the debate bitwix vertues & vices.
1526 W. Bonde Pylgrimage of Perfection iii. sig. FFiiii Affection and loue to this present worlde, herrour and dispection of the worlde to come.
1549 Bk. Common Prayer (STC 16267) Svpper of the Lorde f. cxxiii And I loke for..the lyfe of the worlde to come.
1581 J. Hamilton Catholik Traictise Epist. f. 2 The horribill tormentis preparit foryame in ye varld to cum.
1651 T. Hobbes Leviathan iii. xxxviii. 247 There are three worlds mentioned in Scripture, the Old World, the Present World, and the World to come.
1744 E. Young Complaint: Night the Seventh 2 The World's a Prophecy of Worlds to come.
1875 H. E. Manning Internal Mission of Holy Ghost i. 10 He predestinated them, first to grace in this world, and..to glory in the world to come.
1910 J. Hastings Encycl. Relig. III. 822/2 The punishment of the wicked, in the world to come, will not be of endless duration, since their life must finally be extinguished.
2004 P. de Rosa Fatal Flaw Christianity ii. 102 The..subterfuge..that..awaiting us, if only we repent and renounce this world, is glory unimaginable in the world to come.
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the world(s) to come
b. the world(s) to come: future ages, posterity. Obsolete.
1549 Ridley in R. Potts Liber Cantabr. (1855) 245 (note) A dangerouse example to the worlde to cum.
1574 E. Hellowes tr. A. de Guevara Familiar Epist. 28 For that in the worldes to come, it might bee knowen who was the author therof.
1609 W. Shakespeare Troilus & Cressida iii. ii. 169 True swains in loue shall in the world to come Approue their trueth by Troylus. View more context for this quotation
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