

单词 thane


Brit. /θeɪn/, U.S. /θeɪn/
Forms: Old English þegn, þegen, þegin, ( þeng), Old English–Middle English þén, þeign (1500s–1600s theigne), Middle English þening, Middle English þein (1500s, 1800s thein), Middle English þeyn(e, theyn(e (1500s theyn), Middle English thain (1700s thaine), Middle English–1500s thayn(e, Middle English– thane. See also thegn n.
Etymology: Old English þegn, þegen, þén, = Old Saxon thegan, Old High German degan boy, servant, warrior, hero (Middle High German, German degen), Old Norse þegn freeman, liegeman < Old Germanic *þegnoz, originally child, boy, lad < pre-Germanic *tek-nó- (compare Greek τέκνον child), < root tek: tok to beget. The regular modern representation of Old English þegn , if the word had lived on in spoken use, would have been thain (compare fain , main , rain ), as it actually appears in some writers, chiefly northern, from 1300 to near 1600. But thain was in 15–16th cent. Scots written thane (in Latin thanus ), and this form, being used by Boece, Holinshed, and Shakespeare (in Macbeth), was adopted by Selden, Spelman, and the legal antiquaries and historians of the 17th cent. to represent the Anglo-Saxon þegn , and became the usual form in English history. Recent historians, as Stubbs, Freeman, and Green, in order to distinguish the Anglo-Saxon use from the Scots in sense 4, have revived the Old English þegn as thegn n.
1. A servant, minister, attendant; in Old English often applied to (Christ's) disciples. Obsolete.
society > authority > subjection > service > servant > personal or domestic servant > attendant or personal servant > [noun]
foot followera1382
squire of (or for) the body (or household)1450
under spur-leather1685
body servant1689
a700 Epinal Gloss (O.E.T.) 101 Adsaeculam [= assecula], thegn.
c725 Corpus Gloss 77 Adsaeclum, þegn.
c888 Ælfred tr. Boethius De Consol. Philos. vii. §2 gif þu þonne heora þegen beon wilt.
a900 tr. Bede Eccl. Hist. (1890) iv. xxv. [xxiv.] 346 Þa bæd he [a monk] his þegn..þæt he in þæm huse him stowe gegearwode..Þa wundrode se þegn.
c950 Lindisf. Gosp. Matt. xxiv. 45 Hwa woenes ðu is geleaf-full ðegn & hoga?
971 Blickl. Hom. 67 Iohannes, se deora þegn.
971 Blickl. Hom. 67 Lazarus þær was ana sittende mid Hælende & mid his þegnum.
c1000 West Saxon Gospels: Matt. (Corpus Cambr.) xx. 26 Sy he eower þen.
c1000 West Saxon Gospels: John (Corpus Cambr.) ii. 9 Þa þenas soðlice wiston þe þæt wæter hlodon.
a1175 Cott. Hom. 229 An þera twelf Christes þeiȝne se þe was iudas ȝehaten.
c1275 Death 177 in Old Eng. Misc. 179 Hwer beoþ þine þeynes Þat þe leoue were?
a1400 (a1325) Cursor Mundi (Vesp.) l. 5373 First he was here als our thain [Gött. thrall, Trin. Cambr. þral].
a1601 W. Lambarde Archion (1635) 65 By certaine messengers, which they tearmed theies [sic]; that is to say, Ministers, or Servants.
a. A military attendant, follower, or retainer; a soldier. Obsolete.
c893 tr. Orosius Hist. v. ii. §3 Ueriatuses þegn þæm oþrum to longe æfterfylgende, oþ mon his hors under him ofsceat.
c950 Lindisf. Gosp. Matt. viii. 9 Ic..hæfo under mec ðeignas [L. milites].
OE Cynewulf Elene 549 Þa cwom þegna heap to þam heremeðle.
OE Beowulf 400 Aras þa se rica, ymb hine rinc manig, þryðlic þegna heap.
c1000 West Saxon Gospels: Matt. (Corpus Cambr.) viii. 9 Ic hæbbe þegnas [c1160 Hatton þeignes] under me.
c1000 in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 119/34 Agaso, hors þen.
b. poetic. A warrior, a brave man. Cf. earl n. 1b.
society > armed hostility > warrior > soldier > [noun]
buff coata1670
red herring1789
scarlet runnerc1864
brown job1943
the mind > emotion > courage > heroism > [noun] > brave warrior
beau sabreur1834
war hero1898
c893 tr. Orosius Hist. iii. vii. §2 gif ge swelce þegnas sint, swelce ge wenað þæt ge sien, þonne sceoldon ge swa lustlice eowre agnu brocu aræfnan.
OE Beowulf 2709 Swylc sceolde secg wesan, þegn æt ðearfe!
a1272 Luue Ron 13 in Old Eng. Misc. 93 Þeos þeines þat weren bolde beoþ aglyden.
3. One who in Anglo-Saxon times held lands of the king or other superior by military service; originally in the fuller designation cyninges þegn, ‘king's thane, military servant or attendant’; in later times simply thegn, as a term of rank, including several grades below that of an ealdorman or eorl (earl n. 2) and above that of the ceorl or ordinary freeman.In this sense the name was superseded by baron and knight in the 12th cent., and continued only in historical use, in which it was written thane in the 16th cent. Recent historians have revived the Old English form as thegn n.
society > society and the community > social class > nobility > rank > thane > [noun]
805 Charter in Old Eng. Texts 442 Beforan wulfrede arcebiscope..& esne cyninges ðegne.
a900 Anglo-Saxon Chron. ann. 897 Manige þara selestena cynges þena... Eadulf cynges þegn..& Ecgulf cynges hors þegn.
971 Blickl. Hom. 211 Wæs his fæder ærest cyninges þegn, & ða..he wæs cininges þegna aldorman.
c1000 Ælfric Gram. (Z.) ix. 50 Optimas, ðegn.
c1000 in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 155/20 Primas, heafodman, uel þegn.
c1000 in T. Wright & R. P. Wülcker Anglo-Saxon & Old Eng. Vocab. (1884) I. 155/23 Satrapa, þegn.
c1029–60 Laws Ranks c. 1 in Liebermann Gesetze (1903) 456 Ælc be his mæðe, ge eorl ge ceorl, ge þegen ge þeoden.
c1050 Byrhtferth's Handboc in Anglia (1885) 8 326 Þegnas & ceorlas habbað landmearke.
1066 Writ of Eadweard in Earle Land-Charters 342 Eadward cyningc gret Hereman bisceop, and Harold eorl, and Godric, and ealle his þegenas [L. version barones].
a1100 Anglo-Saxon Chron. ann. 1086 (Laud) Ealle þa rice men ofer eall Engla land, arce biscopas, & leodbisceopas, abbodas & eorlas, þegnas & cnihtas.
a1175 Cott. Hom. 231 Mid ærlen and aldren, mid cnihten, mid þeinen.
c1300 Havelok (Laud) (1868) 2260 Siþen drenges, and siþen thaynes, And siþen knithes, and siþen sweynes.
c1325 Chron. Eng. 583 in J. Ritson Anc. Eng. Metrical Romanceës (1802) II Alle the theynes of Walschelonde He made bowe to ys honde.
1576 W. Lambarde Perambulation of Kent 367 As for twelfhindman it was geuen to the Theyn, or Gentleman, because his lyfe was valued at Twelue hundreth shillinges.
1576 W. Lambarde Perambulation of Kent 365 If a Thein did so thriue, that he serued the king, and on his message ryd in his houshold, If he then had a Thein that followed him..he became an Earle.
1577 R. Holinshed Hist. Eng. 277/2 in Chron. I Harolde..slewe thirtie Gentlemen of honoure, or Thanes (as they called them).1614 J. Selden Titles of Honor 267 The neerest name for Baron was that of Thane, anciently written also Thegn.a1640 T. Risdon Chorogr. Surv. Devon (1811) (modernized text) §284 296 The thane was descended of ancient lineage, and such a one as we call gentleman.1761 D. Hume Hist. Eng. to Henry VII I. 148 The nobles were called thanes, and were of two kinds, the King's thanes and lesser thanes.1809 W. Bawdwen tr. Domesday Bk. 18 In Loctvsv (Lofthouse) two Thanes had four carucates to be taxed.1853 J. Stevenson tr. Old Eng. Chron. ann. 1036 Leofric the earl, and almost all the thanes north of the Thames..chose Harold for chief of all England.1853 J. Stevenson tr. Florence of Worcester Chron. ann. 897 Ecgulf the kings horse-thane.1875 H. J. S. Maine Lect. Early Hist. Inst. v. 135 There are in the early English laws some traces of a process by which a Ceorl might become Thane.1888 J. Earle Hand-bk. Land-charters Introd. 71 These words..eorl, gesith, thane, knight, squire, gentleman. The last two run abreast.
a. Scottish History. A person, ranking with the son of an earl, holding lands of the king; the chief of a clan, who became one of the king's barons.
society > society and the community > social class > nobility > rank > thane > [noun] > feudal
society > society and the community > social class > nobility > rank > thane > [noun] > Scottish
1220 Stat. Alex. II c. 2, in Scot. Statutes (1844) I. 398 De terris episcoporum abbatum baronum militum et thanorum qui de Rege tenent.]
14.. transl. of prec. Of þe landis of bischopis abbotis barounis knychtis and thaynis þe quhilkis haldis of þe Kyng.
1422 in Thanes of Cawdor (Spalding Club) 10 To spouse and til haf to your wife, the douchter of the saide Donald thayne of Caldor.
c1425 Wyntoun Cron. vi. xviii. 1904 Lo, ȝonder þe thayne of Crumbaghty!
c1425 Wyntoun Cron. vi. xix. 2318 Makduf of Fif þe thayne.
1488 (c1478) Hary Actis & Deidis Schir William Wallace (Adv.) (1968–9) xii. l. 894 That Erll was cummyn off trew, haill nobill blud, Fra the ald thane quhilk in his tym was gud.
1535 W. Stewart tr. H. Boethius Bk. Cron. Scotl. (1858) II. 637 ‘The Thane of Glames, gude morne to him’, said scho.
1596 J. Dalrymple tr. J. Leslie Hist. Scotl. (1888) I. 112 (margin) The first nobils in Scotland war called Thani; thay war of the clan cheif..in ald tymes Dukes war called Thani.]
1609 J. Skene tr. Regiam Majestatem 73 b Item, the Cro of ane Earles sonne, or of ane Thane, is ane hundreth kye. Item, the Cro of the sonne of ane Than, is thriescore sax kye.
a1616 W. Shakespeare Macbeth (1623) i. iii. 69 By Sinells death, I know I am Thane of Glamis, But how, of Cawdor? the Thane of Cawdor liues. View more context for this quotation
a1616 W. Shakespeare Macbeth (1623) v. iii. 51 Doctor, the Thanes flye from me. View more context for this quotation
1759 W. Robertson Hist. Scotl. (1802) I. i. 229 The ancient Thanes were the equals and the rivals of their prince.
1810 A. Boswell Edinburgh 32 Hill after hill some cunning clerk shall gain, Then, in a Mendicant, behold a Thane!
b. transferred to modern persons, in various senses; e.g. a Scottish lord. Often in allusion to Shakespeare Macbeth v. iii. 50. (See above.)
1750 W. Shenstone Rural Elegance 7 Ye rural thanes that o'er the mossy down Some panting, timorous hare pursue.
a1764 R. Lloyd Poetry Professors in Poet. Wks. (1774) I. 39 Hail to the Thane, whose patriot skill Can break all nations to his will.
1839 Ld. Brougham Hist. Sketches Statesmen George III, Dundas I. 232 He [Pitt] held the proxies of many Scottish Peers in open opposition! Well might his colleague exclaim to the hapless Addington in such unheard-of troubles, ‘Doctor, the Thanes fly from us.’
1888 J. Bryce Amer. Commonw. II. lxiii. 455 Sometimes however he is rebuffed by the powers at Washington and then his State thanes fly from him.


thane-right n. the legal rights and privileges of a thane. thane-wer n. [Old English þegn-wer] the wergild of a thane (sense 3).
society > trade and finance > monetary value > [noun] > legal value of man
1008 Laws of Ethelred v. c. 9 Þæt he sy þegenweres & þegenrihtes wyrðe.
1845 J. Lingard Hist. & Antiq. Anglo-Saxon Church (ed. 3) II. xii. 256 ‘The worth of the priest, his thane-wer, and thane-right in life and in the grave’, means the same as his ‘worldly goods, and Christian sepulture’.


ˈthaness n. a female thane; a thane's wife.
society > society and the community > social class > nobility > rank > thane > [noun] > female
1827 W. Scott Surgeon's Daughter in Chron. Canongate 1st Ser. II. iv. 112 All the rural thanes and thanesses attended on these occasions.
1849 J. Wilson Christopher under Canvass No. 5 The Thaness [Lady Macbeth] is self-stayed.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1912; most recently modified version published online June 2022).


Etymology: Variant of fane n.1
Scottish. Obsolete.
1. = fane n.1 1.
1496 in T. Dickson Accts. Treasurer Scotl. (1877) I. 286 Item, for xiij dowbill platis to be thanis to the pailȝounis.
1716 in Thanes of Cawdor (Spalding Club) 417 Thanes for the horse heads [at a funeral], £80.
2. = fane n.1 2.
1570 in J. Cranstoun Satirical Poems Reformation (1891) I. xxii. 84 Lyke wauering thane, thy proces vane Will brew the bitter gall.
1782 in T. Orem Descr. of Chanonry in Old Aberdeen in Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica No. 3. 21 With cross thanes of iron on the top of each of them.
This entry has not yet been fully updated (first published 1912; most recently modified version published online March 2021).




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