

单词 the light of reason

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the light of reason
a. Mental illumination; enlightenment, knowledge, which may be possessed by a particular person or derived from a particular source; often in the light of reason. Also: elucidation, explanation (of a particular matter), e.g. in to need light, to want light.See also Phrases 1b, Phrases 1d(b), Phrases 1e.
the mind > mental capacity > knowledge > scholarly knowledge, erudition > enlightenment > [noun]
eOE King Ælfred tr. Gregory Pastoral Care (Hatton) (1871) lv. 429 Hi onfengon ðæt leoht ðæs ondgietes, & ðeah noldon forlætan ða ðistro ðæs won weorces.
c1350 Apocalypse St. John: A Version (Harl. 874) (1961) 9 (MED) His [sc. Christ's] face..shone as þe sonne forto ȝiue þe liȝth of gode ensaumple to oþere.
c1450 J. Capgrave Life St. Augustine (1910) 9 (MED) Þe eye of his [sc. St Augustine's] mynde was Iqwenchid with þe grete lith of sotil vndyrstanding whech is conteyned in scriptur.
1581 W. Lambarde Eirenarcha i. ix. 49 The Salutation of the Prince expresseth all the names of the Iustices, and hath nothing else in it that needeth light.
1593 R. Hooker Of Lawes Eccl. Politie iii. viii. 143 To conuict Heretiques..to vse the principall instrument of their conuiction, the light of reason.
a1616 W. Shakespeare King John (1623) iv. iii. 61 We had a kinde of light, what would ensue. View more context for this quotation
1790 E. Burke Refl. Revol. in France 150 The men of England, the men, I mean, of light and leading in England. View more context for this quotation
1823 C. Lamb Old Benchers in Elia 196 Lovel..was a quick little fellow, and would despatch it [sc. business] out of hand by the light of natural understanding.
1852 H. Rogers Eclipse of Faith 108 That is the point on which I want light.
1871 J. Morley Condorcet in Crit. Misc. (1878) 1st Ser. 87 Less read throughout Europe by men of superior light.
1975 R. P. Warren Democracy & Poetry i. 4 But Jefferson did envisage a society in which free men..would exercise their franchise in the light of reason.
2014 Canberra Times (Nexis) 11 Oct. a3 Throughout history, whenever the light of reason and progress has been threatened, brickies have beaten back the tide of darkness.
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